
Intrigues of General Gao Hu

The Golden Triangle or now mostly known as the Territory of the Gen'ei Ryodan Organization was a long line of people who were chatting cheerfully

Everyone spoke different topics but expressions full of expectations were very common in their faces, it was because they were anxious to be their opportunity to try to buy different treasures for a mere amount of gold coins

It didn't matter if it was a Young Sect Master recognized to a member of a low category Clan, everyone had enormous opportunities to obtain very amazing treasures


It was because the prices of these Articles were extremely non-existent, an example was a Flying Sword which had an average value of one thousand Gold coins ... But in this place, it was sold as only for 300 ~ 500 gold

Even a fool was aware that buying in this place was extremely invaluable and even many Empires sent their descendants as the Prince or Elders of high Status to try to put in their hands some Invaluable Treasures

After all, it was well known that a Grade 3 ~ 4 Weapon would be a good contribution within the Outer Continent Empires

While everyone was muttering one each other watching the different great figures that were around, a young man was scanning his surroundings until his gaze fixed on a group of people causing his eyes to shine

"Aren't they all members of the Ryodan Clan?"

At the moment when the young man spoke those words, people immediately paid attention to the direction pointed by the young man

Instead, one Treasure shopper who had the appearance of a Seventy-year-old Elder gently rubbed his own beard while his gaze was on a young woman who was walking protectively around the other members of the Ryodan Clan

"Hmm ... A while ago I heard something very interesting about the members of the Ryodan Clan"

"Oh? What could you have heard that is so interesting?"

"Yes, yes. What interesting thing could you have heard of the Ryodan Clan? Let's loose your tongue."

As if the Elder's words could ignite some kind of suspense around, many young people were instantly interested in the words of the older man

And although many of them spoke in arrogant tones the Elder could only smile bitterly because he was very aware that the people around him were not cultivators with normal backgrounds

"Well, if you insist so much on knowing it, I have some acquaintances in the City where the Ryodan Clan made its act of presence for the first time before the world ... Because of that contact, I could hear myself learn that in reality, the Young Miss of the Clan is not really a person who carries the same lineage as them ... "

"... What do you mean by that?"

"Does she have any other background? Well, possibly it is the Ryodan Leader could have seen some kind of Genius in her and took her as a member of her Clan?"

Instantly many young men and women tried to deduce for themselves the background of Mei Ryodan, although the Elder laughed a little before saying his next words that froze everyone

"She is a Plebeya without Cultivation ... Don't you think it's amazing?"

All around were stunned without even knowing how to pronounce any word, in this world, it was not abnormal for some Clans to take commoner women or men without crops as their servants but ... Take them as their Main members? Besides making them the Young Miss of said Prestigious Clan? That was absurd!

"You ... You must be lying"

In the end, one of the young men who was looking towards Mei Ryodan with a sparkle in his eyes could not help letting go of those words, although his words were soon followed by many other people

"Yes, Old man you must close your lips or possibly look for a meaningless death while trying to defame the Young Miss of the Ryodan Clan"

"Yes, if I say that"

Among more of them they released those words, the expression on the face of the Elder did not change at all and simply showed a smile without caring much

But even so, discovering in the minds of many around those words were flying inside his mind, it was extremely ridiculous for a Plebeya without cultivation to become the Young Miss of a Prestigious Clan

Even those Elders of different Great Sects were stunned a little before chuckling, they were the wisest even if that woman had no cultivation it was unlikely that sometime in this life she would suffer

As Young Miss even at this time she was being surrounded by different members of the Ryodan Clan that showed that possibly this woman was highly valued by the Leader of Gen'ei Ryodan

But while many of the people around were thinking about those words, it was really very different for Wang Xian because she was walking inside the Ryodan Clan Group

But why was she exactly in this place and precisely with the members of the Ryodan Clan?

Everything is because a month ago she received a letter sent by her Beloved Father, at first she simply imagined that it was one of the letters that her father always usually sends her every month to congratulate her for having been accepted within a Sect

But when Wang Xian saw the contents of the letter she could not help but be immediately stunned to learn that the City was literally destroyed by being reformed by a Clan whose name had words that made her marvel ... Ryodan

It was only one sentence but with the constant events and news of an Organization called Gen'ei Ryodan she immediately ran off to her old City to try to find the man who managed to save her life a while ago: (Reference: Chapter Two)

Unfortunately, she failed to meet that man but unexpectedly formed a friendship with Ryodan Mei who actually turned out to be very friendly even having a Social Status far superior to her

Due to this friendship between both women, both Clans formed a slight friendship which was destined to grant benefits to each other, from that moment she was very interested in knowing more and more about this Clan to the point where she unknowingly ended up forming a friendship unbreakable with Ryodan Mei

And today she was quite shocked at the same time full of much happiness because of the special thing that was about to happen in her life

"Xiao Mei ... Are we really going to leave the Outer Continent?" Without even being able to resist Wang Xian let go of those words trying to know the answer of the person who was next to him walking

But if someone else would listen to the words 'Xiao Mei', they might be greatly surprised that this person really had the courage to call the young lady of the Ryodan Clan in a very discourteous way.

But instead, those words only made Ryodan Mei let out a small laugh before nodding to his friend.

"In ... Like you I am very surprised that we have to leave the Outer Continent but we don't have much to worry about, this was an order sent by Lord-Ichigo and if he wants us to go then that means he has the power besides the skill to protect us "

It was very really very obvious that Ryodan Mei's tone was containing immense respect as well as a certain touch of warmth as if she were very happy to meet that person again.

But it was quite acceptable because she considered Ichigo as her greatest benefactor in this life, she was saved by him when she most needed someone's help and above all, that man allowed her a life full of much happiness besides her little sister.

She no longer had to be worried about the happiness and safety of her younger sister, it was simply living a carefree life that made her finally be able to drop a large load that lay on her delicate shoulders.

And now knowing that her Benefactor was willing to take both sisters to the Central Continent that made her undoubtedly very happy because she realized that he had not forgotten them

While 'Xiao Mei' was having those thoughts, Wang Xian continued her words by noticing how her friend showed a thoughtful expression

"You know? I'm surprised that you decided to give me the opportunity to go with you to the Central Continent ..."

"Do you really have to be surprised? Our Clans are benefiting each other, so bringing you with me to the Central Continent can be considered an opportunity to improve your cultivation."

"Is that so? ... I thought you were taking me with you because we were friends!"

"Hehe ~ You're thinking too much about it!"

Both women looked at each other before laughing at each other because she was making fun of each other from the beginning, that way they continued their journey being surrounded by the other members of the Ryodan Clan


Inside the Main Building of the Army of the Xuanwu Empire, the Prestigious General Gao Hu was sitting in his office reading some reports in his hands with a frown hitting his lips as if trying to meditate with the investigation that was in his hands

But the more they were reading the more serious their expression was, as well as a little hope was shining in their eyes as if they were thinking of a small possibility

"It's interesting ... Who are these people? No ... The important question is how they were aware that the Devil Clan was hiding on the south side of our empire."

Yes, he was holding in his hands some reports from his Subordinates who had immediately noticed that in the Devil's Clan Territory something extremely irregular was happening, then with this information in his hands he was a little hesitant to really do

"Should I really report this to the Emperor? No ... Actually this may be a good thing for our Empire since Emperor Xuanwu has fallen so low as to allow Demons and Devils to freely settle in our Territories many people have suffered ... Maybe, just maybe these people are willing to go against the current Emperor Xuanwu "

Although Gao Hu was actually the General of the Xuanwu Empire he was not very happy to see the suffering of his own citizens, in his view, the title of Emperor was about a person who should use his immense power to protect his citizens not to kill them and abuse them as they please

That is why for many years he has been looking for some hidden way to cause the fall of Emperor Xuanwu, remembering all the atrocities that this 'Emperor' has caused a bitter sigh escaped from his throat

Knock! Knock!

At that moment, the soft sound of the steps caused Gao Hu to look up to realize the figure of a beautiful woman holding a small Parchment in her hands.

"Little Bai? It's very strange that you appear so suddenly, have you come back to ask for an increase in your salary?" Obviously he was very familiar with this person standing in front of the door who was his personal secretary

"G-Gao Hu! ..."

But hearing the tone of his Secretary caused Gao Hu to immediately become serious ...

Since when has Little Bai called him by his full name directly? Only when there were very unexpected problems would she leave the formalities aside!

"What's wrong Little Bai?! ... Why are you so pale? Did you discover something dangerous !? Come take a seat"

It was very visible that the General actually showed a lot of concern for this woman and immediately he held her in his arms while he took her to take a seat so she could recover some of her stability.

But the more Gao Hu looked at her, the more paranoid he was because he was very aware of the true strength of this woman ... What happened to make her look so pitiful at this moment?

When a few seconds passed and Little Bai was able to calm down properly, he lifted the Scroll in his hands that showed a rather striking emblem on a blood-red spider.

"They ... They discovered me ..."

Simple words caused the Office to remain silent, if those words were spoken by someone else, Gao Hu was probably not as surprised as he was now.

But if it was Little Bai then things were extremely different ... She was a Cultivator of the Stage Ancient God of Second Level!

Not many people within the Xuanwu Empire were aware that in reality, this woman who was occupying the position of a simple office secretary was actually one of the five most powerful great people within the Empire

Even Emperor Xuanwu himself who was in the Seventh Level Ancient God Stage granted him the necessary respect to keep her faithful to the Empire as one of his Major Guardians

But ... She who specialized in concealment was detected by those people who were illegally occupying the territory of the now-extinct Devil Clan?

"Bai'er ... Can you help me understand what is happening?"

Forgetting his Status as a General right now he revealed it without doubting his immense concern and unconsciously became what they have always been hiding ... They were a couple for many years ago!

At this time he was only interested in knowing all the details to get a clear idea of ​​how those people could discover the presence of Bai'er

If it were on some other occasion immediately Little Bai would be very excited to notice how her man showed so much concern for her but now her expression turned serious before trying to open her delicate lips to report her findings but a voice came from the office door startling both!

"Would it be possible for us to have a talk?"