
The start

Katsuki's prov

I had supposedly just died and i know what your thinking you seem pretty calm for someone who just died that is mostly because i don't remember how i even died all i remember is a white light and I'm dead other then my name i can't remember shit and that name was katsuki noriaki only thing i remember i need to figure out why and how i died because this shit annoyed me now before i can continue thinking about this someone suddenly appears who from what i can say is that they looked interested in me and i didn't like that glint in there eyes it just screamed danger and to run and i would if not for the fact i don't have a body and just some soul that is stuck here after that i blinked then i was in the gods hands and if i had i body by now i would've pissed myself

Gods prov

Hmm this human is very interesting most people would just give up and die yet here he is still alive and kicking i already find his death drastically amusing and pathetic sense it made kazuma satou's death looked less pathetic like holy shit it makes his death look godly i don't plan on telling the human this sense they don't know shit like they were a giant fan of multiple anime like they had a lot of useless knowledge about the fate series so i plan to send him to the dxd world for the hell of it i need something interesting to watch i have already reincarnated his future parents in this world though i didn't think they would get there servant counterparts skills but i guess they were engraved into there very state of being so i won't complain but i told the human i need entertainment and he was about to question it i opened a portal and threw him through it at super sonic speeds all i heard was screaming in fear then after that the portal closed after that i decided to get ready sense i wanna fuck with him and plan on killing his parents so he will join a faction that isn't devils because they were responsible for there deaths though the ones that did it the most i am making it the gremory family that was the main ones to kill them though he will also get his memories of when he is 4 and that is going to be 5 minutes after his parents deaths i also decided to increase this parents noble phantasms making it so that he doesn't have the chant to use them at all so this is gonna be fun

Katsuki's prov

After the god threw me into a portal i have been traveling for about 5 melania's and i have been screaming the whole time to be honest after the portal ended i remember everything going black before i wake up and see that i am on what looks to be an outsiders prospective watching this family take care and train there son the name of there son is apparently Izuku kotagiri pendragon well i guess that is my name but from what i can tell he is 4 years of age i just need to wait and see what happens because i notice the mothers muscles tense and ask her son to go upstairs and hide until she or his father say something i decided to stay downstairs to see what is going on

Mordred prov

I was pampering my son and also teaching him about his ancestry about what we are and our powers as dragons are my little boy is growing up so fast and has gotten stronger then almost all dragons at his age though why wouldn't he i am the one training him in physical powers she thinks extremely prideful i mean any other dragon that isn't my husband is very much so inferior to our family she thinks extremely haughty but thinking this i don't want my son to be like this because unlike my sons dad he may find someone who doesn't tolerate this sort of behavior and my husband and my son are the only ones that keep me calm overall i smell something in the air that made my muscles tense devils though i am interested in my instincts are telling me to run and hide i never had that feeling before but my son takes first priority i told him in as much of a calm voice i can and this requires me to get serious i told my son to not come out until either me or my husband tell him to after that without him knowing suspect i am going to die so i bind my sword and armor to him so that when i die they are immediately bound to his soul making it so like me he can summon and unsummon them i quickly tell my husband what is happening and that i want him to stay here while i fight to guard our son he didn't want to though i asked him to call azazel it is time to cash in on those favors from him to make sure our son doesn't fall into the devils hands after i said that sieg reluctantly agrees and hugs me and says you better come back alive i hug him back and i say yes i will after that i done my armor and bring out my sword clarent and wait for the army of devils i notice how all of them have an egotistical face on them and i decided to immediately use my noble phantasm and in a fraction of a second over more then half the army died i then notice a person i hate a man with blood red hair a gremory i growl with hate and malice he has been attempting to kill me and my husband for years now and now he is here with an army and to kill my son at that sense i noticed after my son was born sirzechs increased his army to look for and kill us i notice the rest of the army took me seriously and everyone brought out dragon slayer swords i knew from those swords sure they would hurt me but wouldn't kill me until i looked at the swords close and it made me sweat they were all covered in samael's posion after that i knew i was going to die but i wouldn't go down easy after that i charged at them with determination to kill them all i took multiple stab and cut wounds i could feel the drastic amount of pain though that didn't stop me from killing a lot of them using a combination of boost pernitrate mana burst and magic resistance i was able to tank things like the gremory families destruction magic with ease an not a scratch on me i was going to win the fight until someone did a sneak attack on me stabbed me threw my chest with the fake version of my husbands sword i died right then and there with a smile on my face remembering all the good times before having some tears going down her cheeks with sadness from not seeing her son one last time i quickly sent a mental communication about my death and defeat to my husband and to get ready for the fight after that i lost all of the light in my eyes the devils celebrated killing her being going to her house to kill her son and husband they thought that it would be some weak dragon they could kill easy until he came walking out of the house with what looks like a calm face but with eyes filled with pure anger and hatred after they saw him they were not expecting him there he was the only dragon that could beat mordred not even the dragon gods could win and the only reason they beat mordred was because of 2 reasons one mordreds pride wouldn't allow her to fight dirty and wanted to show this people she considered pathetic there place so a sneak attack with samael's posion was devastating and they were already extremely weak from there last fight they lost pretty much there holy army and used all the 10 tons of samael's posion they had to kill mordred sieg turned into siegfried and had the skills of blasted tree going on though do to his magical power it is actually stronger then frankensteins from fate all of the devils were shaking in there boots at this

Sieg's prov

I had just received the communication message i decided to use the same thing mordred did give my son my sword and abilities after that i waited with my sword drawn letting all my negative emotions grow stronger though i decided to think of a plan i decided to use my dead count shapeshifter to turn into siegfried and use the technique used my frankenstein blasted tree and the armor of fafnir i was not aware if they have any more of samael's posion so i will save disengage sense it forcibly releases some of the bad status ailments that were inflicted upon me i know it works with samael's posion sense my father fafnir himself said he would not be alive today without it i also used siegfrieds dragon slayer skills though i was wondering how to get faster then i was already i wasn't able to use mana burst until i remembered a boy i met 1000 years ago named shirou emiya with his reinforcement magic didn't live past 16 years old do to devils thinking he is to much of a threat killing him on the spot so i reinforced my body to the maximum it can go and waited for them i knew they were gonna get reinforcements and most likely more of samael's posion sense from what i heard some of the devil families have a lot stock piled up so they can make the entire dragon race disappear but before i can get fully ready azazel appeared and asked what was wrong i told him the situation and wanted him to take my son with him in fear that i could die and then that meant my son would die as well azazel agreed to protect him{in this he is the same age as issei hyoudou and vali so both of them are 4 years old at this point}after that he talked to his son about going with azazel and that he was trust worthy the son hearing how much his father trusted this man he agreed to it after his son was teleported away with azazel he smiled that he knew his son would live he then sensed the devils nearby after that he walked out threw the door in his siegfried tranformation with the thunder of blasted tree circling around him his body reinforced to the max and he was using the armor of fafnir he saw the devils shaking in there boots seeing who mordreds husband was but before they could even make a comment he used his noble phantasm balmung at them killing half of the reinforcements they had and with farnirs armor active none of there attacks did any damage to him sense they were all e rank and he can only be hurt by attacks b rank or higher and he could see they were using each and every bit of samael's posion they had saved through out the years and because he was disengage the effects of samael was removed before it even had a chance to do lasting damage though after he killed the army and was about to decapacitate sirzechs a sword stabbed threw him that looked like a more altered version of his own sword before he looked at who stabbed him the altered version of his wife before she vanished into smoke back into the portal from which it came killing him on the spot after that he also just like mordred smiled in the end protecting his son with tears rolling down his cheeks of the happy memories of his son before all the light went out of his eyes the devils lost a lot of there overall population{think the cannon population in dxd is how much they killed all together}

Katsuki's prov

I witnessed all the death and destruction these people did and how they fought for there son to the bitter end i hated devils because of this and the fact i know it was the god that sent me heres fault that izukus dads died because the portal that was opened was the same one used to send me here after that i was teleported to the kid who was crying a lot finding out his parents are dead he had a tail and wings out that looked like a mix of colors from his mom and dad in fact i never got a good look at the kid he has a mix of white hair with blonde at the tips and a tuft of blonde hair at the front his looks are mostly from his dad but you can clearly see his moms in there as well his left eye color seems to be his fathers with a hint of his mothers eye color in there right eye color is his mothers with a hint of his fathers eye color in there he also noticed he has the same tattoo as his father on his left hand after hearing this boy cry his eyes out he then went to bed and i woke up in the kids body i got that kids memories and do to the fact i don't have any myself i couldn't help but cry of sadness from losing my parents after that i went to talk to azazel about training me when he asked me why i told him i want to make my parents proud and master there abilities to become even stronger then them azazel smirk at this and helped him reach that stage and told him about what his parents gave him and he couldn't help but be happy at what they did after that i heard a voice in my head say system installing

{Welcome Izuku kotagiri pendragon i am the fate system were you can get new abilities powers weapons and even fully master your parents weapons powers abilities and noble phantasms and we have some talking to do}

I was absolutely shocked i didn't know what to do when i heard that but from what i could tell i could trust it so i swore to myself i would use it to get stronger then my parents and make my family proud of me and defend anyone of my friends and family