
The Son Of The Demon King

Long ago during the Saint war between the Celestial clan against the Demon clan,it was all probable that the the Human clan will also take part in the since it happened in their planet. Since the humans had thesame objectif with the Demon clan,they allied with the Celestial clan to fight the Demons clan. After a long time of war,the Demons finally burried the axe of war and left for some time. After the war ended,the human and the goddess clan went on alert as they never were sure that the Demons will just accept their defeat and will attack at any moment. A lwa was written the if a member of either the Human or the Demon clan were to be seen cooperating or having something to do,they will be killed immediately. The Demon King which was the ruler of the Demon clan fell in love with the daughter of the Queen of the goddess clan and had a son. It was forbidden and she knew that if her mother was to hear about that,she will be killed immediately without any hesitation. The Queen later on discovered that and sent her Elites to get her daughter and the son. Having no choice,she ran to the Human clan and let her child at the door of the Zolritch mansion and left a word by his side in a basket. She also left a box which he was to be given on his 16th anniversary. The Elites of her mother soon got her after she faught for a while against them and was brought to her mum back to her clan. They were never able to find her child and just let it be. As her son grew older,he discorvered that he wasn,t the child of those he took as his parents and started looking for his parent. But a much more shocking event awaits him during his adventur................

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The were located in a town known as Xyverxill in the country Fraurode. Standing infront of the scordanas were men in armor. They were all dressed in one similar armor and had all similar swords. Charging forward after drawing their sword,all the men in armor ran at full speed towards the scordanas with only one thing in head, protect the town and the towndwellers. That was their role and there will endervour to do that and never flinge to tye slightest.

The Scordanas also charge foward after the largest of them roered with a peircing ear sound. After that, sound of clanking swords was heard all over the place. Their fighting ground wasn't far away from the town and if this defense line flinge just a little, the town of Xyverxill will be destroyed by the scordanas.


Sounds of a man's sword was heard clanking with the pincer of the largest Scordana. The man had blonde short hairs with a sword which was covered in purple flames.

Clad in sleek, black armor that seemed to meld seamlessly with his form. He emanated and aura of both elegance and power. The surface of his armor shimmered with an ionic sheen,infused with advanced nanotechnology that granted it an other worldly luminescence

Golden linings traced intricate patterns along the edges of his armor,accentuating its contours and adding a touch of ethereal beauty and strength. These delicate lines seemed to pulse with an inner energy,hinting at the advanced circuirty hidden within. It carried a faint glow,casting an enigmatic shadow around his figure which was that a build up man. His chest was broad and his butts where that which was very flat and well lined.

At strategic points, vitrant red accents adorned the borders of the armor,creating a striking contrast against the dominant black. The dark purple highlights spoke of danger and strength, lending an unmistakable aura of authority to his presence. Each touch of purple seemed to pulsate with life,as if infused with the essence of power itself.

Embedded seamlessly to the armor were advanced technologies, visible only upon closer inspections. Microscopic sensors and fiber-optic filaments ran discretly through the materials, enabling enhaced reflexes and hightened situational awareness. Tiny luminescent displays flickered along the surface, relaying vital informations and granting him unparalleled control over his surroundings.

The armor hugged his form snugly, allowing for effortless movement and unhindered agility. Its flexible yet durable composition suggested a blend of light weight alloys and intelligent pollymers carefully engineered to provide both protection and freedom of motion. The futuristic design ensured that the armor complemented his every action,empowering him with grace and lethal precision.

Brandishing his sword elegance and gallant, he added some strength to his strike and his sword cut through the scordana's pincer so swiftly with ease due to his flamme coveres sword. The scordana went over ti strike him with the other pincer, but it was too sloww for with. Just taking a step by the side and swifly dodging the sordana's attack,the man went forward for another swift cut but he was hitted at mid air by the scordana's tail.

After hitting the man, the tail retreated and went back behind the scordana. It was able to remove its tail and retreat it back when it wanted which the man didn't predict that possibility.

Sent flying in the air, the man hitted himself on a large rock pedestral by the side.

Not leaving the man any room to stand, the scordana charged foward with only on intention, kill the man who cut his powerful pincer. But to the scordana's surprise, flammes started forming at the very place where the man fell.

Standing up so abruptly, he charged foward towards the scordana at light speed and cut off it's other pincer. Then next, the man sheathed his sword and stood there with his two fists clenched. Then a reddish aura was seen emanting from him. Seeing this,the scordana roared to express that it wasn't impressed by him at all. But this was a mistake because what the man was preparing was a great attack to kill it now with only one strike

"Ohhh....showing that you aren't impressed but you will regret your action. I didn't want to us this attack on an insignificant beast like you,but you give me no choice. I have to finish with you now and go help my fellow mates"

Squatting as if sitting on the air,the men stump his feet on the ground leaving a large crater on the ground beneath his feet. His fiery red aura intensified around him and then he said these "Fire manipulation 5th technique of attack: flame blades"

Then red flames covered his arms and formed fireblades.

He then charged foward and so did the Scordana. Running at light speed,he then slight down aiming and the scordana's abdominal part which was clear that it was its vulnerable part. Sliding down it,the man throbbed his blades in the scordana's abdomen and cut through it into two halves. He just dealt with the Scordana and without wasting time,he ran to his fellowmates and helped them. In a fraction of a second,all the remaining scordanas fell down into pieces.

The man ran at full light speed and cut the scordanas remaining with any effort. Him and his mates then extracted the beasts cubes and went to their town and there the video ended

Giving back the Anabelle's phone, Chandler and Layla were both surprised about what they just saw. It was the first time that the beasts attacked humans after so long and this was really something to not neglate. But what could they do,they were just simple students.

"This is really intrigating Anabelle. If my memory doesn't fail me,i think this is the first ever beast attack since the end of the Saint War and signing of the Peace Treaties" inquired Chandler after fetching for some infos in his memory

"You're right Chandler. This is the first beast attack since then and we haven't yet figured out what was the reason of this first attack. In a continent which is not even close to Purgatory. This is really intrigating" explained Anabelle with a confused look on her face

"Put aside the matter of the continent not being close to Purgatory. They might be just simple beasts like the others which were juat attracted to something in the town of Xyverxill" Layla tried explaining her point of view. But this was really irrational. What will really attract those beasts to a town and in that,scordanas are adapted to live in hot desertic zones.

"I don't think you are right Layla. Haven't you seen that dark purple aura surrounding each and everyone of the beasts? Only demonic beasts have that particularity. The scordana the man was facing had even a more intensity of the aura which means that it was a higher level one. But i can't explained how demonic beasts found their way to this continent. There are security measures to stop any of the demons invasions. But if they found a way to bypass all these,we are going to be bad. When i say that bad i don't mean just a little....nonono i mean that it might be the starting of a new Saint War" explained Chandler who was fearing for the worst to happen in this world. Layla and Anabelle who were all listening to him looked at each other in unition,understanding the implication s of all this.

"So are you saying that another Saint War might likely start again" asked Layla with a scary face " Yes Layla,but not likely. It's already written and destined that we shall have another Saint War. As long as we do not eradicate the Demon Clan,we shall have multiple and thousands of Saint Wars. At this age we are all krylocks and in not long,we shall all be taken to the Avan Academy to perfectionate and learn more about our skills manipulation,our mana and aura too" explained Chandler

"What do you mean the Avan Academy where they train Kryslocks on the art of understanding their magical affinity and all the rest" inquired Anabelle with excitement

"Yes Anaballe,he meant that. So what,are you sure that you got a strong enough power to survive there" said Layla while pathetically looking at her

"Ohh i would like to see your expression after i show you a lesson. Miss feels she is more powerful than me" asked Anabelle with and angry look on her face

"Nonon....don't get me bad ok. I know I am more powerful than you" said Layla with alot of confidence in her words

Hearing this made Anabelle really crazy. She clenched her fist and stumped it on the table "Do you want us to have a little fight miss powerful" "I wont say no for that,Anabelle" said Layla who also stumped her fist on the table.

They looked at each other with anger. Chandler on the other hand just watched all this and continued eating. He didn't like intefering in peoples matters and will only do that when the worst come to the worst

Suddendly,the area of the table under Anabelle's fist started freezing as ice started forming beneath and Chandler saw that. Meanwhile beneath that of Layla was becoming redder and hotter as some particles of flammes lit on her fistt. Seeing this too,Chandler decided that he has step in at this moment

"Will you guys stop acting childish. Aren't you seeing that we are in the canteen and we are all friends. You don't have to fight with a friend or even inflige him any pain nor hurt him in any way" said Chandler who was already sick of their behaviour

"Sorry Chandler,it won't happen again" said both girls at thesame time "You shouldn't be saying you sorry to me but to each other. So,go on and ask for excuse" The two girls just looked at each other and snorted which angered him more "If you don't wanna do that then don't come closer to me anymore,ok" said Chandler with an angry face,showing that he was meaning what he was saying.

Saying so,the both gilrs looked at each other. Layla extended her hand for a handshake and did same by Anabelle but with a snort "Am sorry Anabelle" "Am sorry Layla" said the two girls at thesame instant but inmediately separated their hands

Chandler on the other end just watch all this knowing well that these two girls will never understand each other and will always act as enemies. But the video he just watched kept on flashing in his head. He could help but think about the possible outcome of all this and what might possibly haooen in the near future. It will be much more difficult for him since he do not have what others have.