
The Son Of Ragnar

One must see through the deceit of one's very own truth. Do you believe in the Old Gods? This story follows the life of a young African boy, who was ripped from the life he had known and thrown into an unforgiving one where a single mistake could cost him everything. Being branded a "thrall", he was to be sold but an unforeseen event swept him ashore in the heart of the Norsemen, the Vikings. What fate has the Gods chosen for this child? is it one of salvation or one of destruction? COVER IS OWNED BY ME!

Kelvin_A · History
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497 Chs

Tyr Vs Wolf

Tyr found himself in a dire situation but he also knew he could not show fear despite these seasoned Vikings smelling it off him.

"What is the matter, Tyr? You could back out if you do not want to fight." Erik said in a belittling manner, one which Tyr did not appreciate as it drew mocking laughs from the warriors around them.

No one will blame a runt like you for running from the great wolf!" The Viking he picked boasted, with his arm spread to show he did not view Tyr as a worthy opponent, to begin with.

This much was expected because Tyr was just a slave from an unknown land that became a son of Ragnar, he was yet to prove himself outside of the privileges that came with being a son of Ragnar.

Tyr thought about it for a minute but he knew for certain that turning tail was no option because now he had to defend the proud name that came with Ragnar.