
The son of heaven

In a lonely world, among the stars in the great darkness of the galaxy, a child was born. Fruit of the love between a goddess and a divine being alien to this world, the child, immediately after being born, finds himself abandoned for a tragic reason. In the middle of a quiet forest, the child cries and despairs at having been left alone to himself... but luckily for him, his cries of desperation attract the presence of humans with a kind nature. Novel R-18 For the moment there are 5 chapters published per week, no chapters are released on Saturday and Sunday. Guys, English is not my mother tongue, there will definitely be many errors, but you have to live with them, since I have seen and read, many novels that have these errors, but there are still many people who read them, so I hope that also mine be considered :).

Sanguinius_6036 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Too strong

The anomalous streaks also stick to the chest of the magicians who are performing the ritual.

"W-what?! Why is he taking our souls too, Marquis?!" The wizards do not understand this act of betrayal of their master.

"The master will have his reasons... sacrifice yourselves to become fuel for me." Walter doesn't seem at all worried about what is happening to his magicians, on the contrary, he rejoices in knowing that this way he will have more power.

The souls of all those present around the crystal end up being absorbed, including the five souls of those crossbowmen who survived Zaria's spell.

{Increase your power, with the souls of these sacrifices, and earn my favor, so you can ascend to my demon prince.} The ethereal voice whispers in Walter's mind, as the crystal begins to shake, due to the souls it has absorbed.

"T-something is happening to that crystal... I feel chaotic mana fluctuations..." Zaria, although exhausted by her mental effort, warns her companions that something is happening to that crystal, affecting the entire room .

The crystal seems to calm down for half a second, but after this short period of time, an explosion spreads from the crystal, hitting everyone in the room. But this explosion was not designed to injure, but to affect Walter's body and his guards.

"This is my master's power! Magnificent-AAAARGGHHHH!" When Walter was rejoicing at the power he had received, a searing pain hit both his mind and his body.

Even the remaining guards suffer the same treatment as their lord. The bodies of those who have been chosen by the mysterious entity begin to mutate, changing their appearance in a horrible way.

From the guards' bodies, spikes, which appear to be made of stone, protrude from inside their bodies. Some parts of the armor fall to the ground, ousted by these spikes. The hands undergo a greater change, turning into sharp claws and sharp blades.

The most impressive change occurs to Walter's body. The Marquis begins to grow more and more, the fat on his body makes room for powerful muscles. His legs curve, transforming into those of a bull, with hooves instead of feet. Powerful horns grow on the Marquis's head, curving upwards, two smaller pairs protrude from his forehead, always curved upwards. A tail emerges just above the position of the butt, his face becomes almost demonic, with two pairs of eyes glowing crimson red. His ears also change, becoming those of a bovine, while from the center of the forehead, a mane of hair arises, covering the central part of the back. Tattoos, light blue in color, appear in various parts of the body, from the skin which has become dark blue.


"Yes...yeeeees! AHAHAHAHAH! I finally have the power! Thank you, my master, I will surely prevail over my enemies, thanks to your gift." Walter inspects his new body, which has also grown in height, exceeding three meters.

But it is still early to claim victory, as the power he has just received is too intense, and Walter must try to control it.

The guards seem to have lost their reason and throw themselves against Ros' group as if they were mindless madmen.

"What kind of witchcraft is this?!" Ros can't understand what just happened. Wasn't the crystal used to open a portal? And instead he seems to have transformed the bodies of his enemies into inhuman monsters.

The group was thrown back a few meters, due to the explosion from earlier, but fortunately, it did not cause serious damage.

"Work of demons, I'm sure of it, I feel their evil presence from their bodies." Lysandra feels an evil power from the bodies of her enemies as she faces one of these transformed guards.

There are only ten opposing guards, but it seems as if they do not care about their safety, throwing themselves into the fray without any technique or skill. Their skin has become tougher, but you can still hurt them, but for the allied guards, it seems impossible to keep up with these monsters, and they give in one by one, under the claws are the blades of the corrupt guards.

There are only ten corrupt guards, but they have become tougher to destroy, but it does not seem to be an insurmountable obstacle. But just as the group takes care of these corrupted guards, a blue beast, over ten feet tall, charges towards the group, trampling the corrupted guards as well. "Die insects!" Walter sprints like an enraged bull, with the brute force of his charge, he sends the entire group flying into the air, except for Zaria who is much further back in the battle position.

Three corrupt guards were trampled by Walter, and the remaining units were sent flying far into the room.

"Ahahahah, this new body is wonderful, I like it." Walter is increasingly happy to have received this beast's body.

"Damn it! What crazy strength he has." Ros gets up from the floor, helping herself with her sword.

"And still the same fat nobleman, I'll cut off his head in a second." Fenrya disappears in a flash of lightning, closing in on Walter in an instant. 'You are mine.' Fenrya leaps into the air, so as to reach the height of the Marquis's neck, she shoots her blow, bringing her blade closer to Walter's neck.

"You were almost there, bitch!" Walter has already noticed Fenrya's sprint, it is with a speed, which you would not expect from a creature as large as Walter, he blocks Fenrya's slash, with only his enormous blue arm.

"Is hard!" Fenrya fails to hurt Walter's skin, taking everyone in the room by surprise.

"And now, FLY!" Walter puts force into the arm that blocked Fenrya's blade, it's scale far away, causing it to crash into the wall of the room. This crash creates a crack in the wall, embedding Fenrya's body inside.

"BUGAH!" Fenrya spouts a large amount of blood from her mouth, and some of her bones appear to have broken.

"FENRYA!" Sanryu shouts the tabaxi girl's name, but receives no response from her. 'Did he manage to block a blow of that speed? And without even armor on him...what has he become?' Sanryu observes the size of the marquis, he is no longer a human being.

"Lysandra!" Ros calls the paladin girl to her, the latter immediately understands what the captain wants to do, she is without answering, she rushes forward, placing herself in front of the creature.

"Mh? A paladin? Your gods will not help you in this room, know that." Walter taunts Lysandra, telling her that his gods have no power in this place currently.

"Torm is always with me, demon!" Lysandra imbues her flail with divine energy, illuminating the weapon with golden light. And with great force, Lysandra slams the spiked sphere onto the ground, creating hallowed ground at the two's feet.

"Damned light!" Walter seems to be irritated by Lysandra's power, he almost collapses on his knee, but resists with the strength of her muscular legs.

"I'm here too, abomination." Ros appears at Walter's side, and taking advantage of Walter's opening moment, she tries to launch a blow on the Marquis's neck. 'Impossible!' But the captain's sword shatters as soon as it comes into contact with Walter's skin, breaking into pieces, not even managing to make a scratch on that neck.

"Poor idiot." Walter grabs Ros's torso with his large hand, lifting it off the ground.

"Ros!" Lysandra is incredulous by the monstrous strength of this demon, not even her divine power seems to cause harm to the creature, but she does not lose heart and tries new abilities.

Lysandra infuses the light into the spiked sphere again, and this time, she hits Walter's legs directly.

"Aargh!" Walter seems to have felt the blow, in fact blue blood comes out from the small scratches on the skin of his thigh. "Devoted bastard!" Walter slams his hoof on the ground, creating a shock wave that splits that piece of floor, throwing Lysandra a few meters back.

Sanryu can no longer stand idly by and launches himself against this monstrosity. 'I have to try to hit her eyes.' Sanryu aims at Walter's eyes, approaching very quickly, appearing at the side of the marquis, who is currently focused on observing Ros trapped in his hand. "Leave him, Walter!" Sanryu slashes, aiming for the marquis' red eyes.

"Another gnat." Walter isn't caught off guard, he moves his head, his horns collide with Sanryu's blade, breaking it like glass, just like Ros' sword.

"Not another-GUAHG!" While Sanryu was about to complain about breaking the second sword, Walter stabs the boy's abdomen with one of his large horns, impaling him on it. 'Shit...this hurts.' Sanryu grabs Walter's horn, trying to break it, but without success, it feels like he's touching a piece of mountain.

"Hahahaha, two birds trapped, with one bleeding to death." As Walter speaks, Lysandra pops up from behind her, trying to hit him.


But Walter hits her with one of her hooves, throwing her across the room, ending up in the same state as the tabaxi girl.

'I can't-' "BUGAH!" While Sanryu is trying to free himself, Walter moves his head, shaking Sanryu's body, as if he were playing with it, the boy's blood splashes on the marquis' face.

"Hahaha you look like a puppet, gnat." Walter seems to revel in poor Sanryu's suffering.

"Sanryu! You bastard!" Ros cannot see his companion being treated in this way, he tries to wound the Marquis with his breaking blade, but without success.

"You're annoying, and you've given me so much trouble." Walter tightens his grip on him, crushing the captain's armor, making it smaller and smaller until he breaks the man's ribcage.

"NOOO! Walter, you bastard!" Sanryu still has strength in his voice, insulting the marquis who broke the captain's chest, instantly ending his life.

"Poor idiot." Walter throws the captain's body, now lifeless, onto the ground. "And you're boring." Walter gets tired of Sanryu, and throws him far into the room, rolling on the floor, until he stops, a trail of blood follows the boy's body.

"Sanryu!" Zaria screams her name, attracting Walter's attention.

"The hateful daughter of Berdo, I had plans for you, but now that I have obtained this power, I no longer care about her." Walter approaches the girl, is pulling her arm back, intends to throw a punch at the girl's face. "Goodbye, Floga." Walter throws his punch.


But a body that stands between the fist is Zaria, shielding the girl. But the blow is always too strong to block it completely, it is the most Zaria figure, they are thrown back a few meters.

"Singorina...are you okay?" A man is lying on the ground, with a hole in his armor, his shield completely broken. The man in question is Endryu, who managed to arrive in time to save Zaria from death.

"Captain Endryu!" Zaria gets up from the ground, and is shocked to see Endty in that condition.

"Run...miss." Endryu says these words, while life seems to leave her eyes, little by little.

The group was defeated in an instant by a single individual, without even trying very hard, who the hell are these evil entities that can give this great power?