
The son of heaven

In a lonely world, among the stars in the great darkness of the galaxy, a child was born. Fruit of the love between a goddess and a divine being alien to this world, the child, immediately after being born, finds himself abandoned for a tragic reason. In the middle of a quiet forest, the child cries and despairs at having been left alone to himself... but luckily for him, his cries of desperation attract the presence of humans with a kind nature. Novel R-18 For the moment there are 5 chapters published per week, no chapters are released on Saturday and Sunday. Guys, English is not my mother tongue, there will definitely be many errors, but you have to live with them, since I have seen and read, many novels that have these errors, but there are still many people who read them, so I hope that also mine be considered :).

Sanguinius_6036 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

The Marquis's Secret

"How are you going to distract the guards?" Fenrya asks what the girl has in mind.

"I have an idea in mind, you prepare to act in time." Zaria doesn't reveal anything, she just tells Fenrya to prepare to enter the office.

The two women are standing in the corner of a corridor, she is leaning towards each other, two guards can be observed guarding a door. "That is the marquis's office, I don't know why, but no one passes through these parts, not even maids or other servants, only guards and people who have a close relationship with the marquis can pass through." Zaria explains why no one passes here.

"Better for us, then I'd say it's your time, amaze me, noble girl." Fenrya teases Zaria, urging her to do something.

"You don't have to tell me, hmph." Zaria doesn't want to hear what to do from a stranger, she is determined, she walks towards the guards. "Guards! I finally found someone, I need help, quick!" Zaria runs towards the guards and enacts a story.

"What are you doing here? And what do you mean you need help?" One of the guards responds, looking surly.

"There is an intruder this way, I saw a suspicious figure entering the Marquis' bedroom, soon there is no more time!" Zaria tries to sound more anxious than usual.

"What did you say? A figure managed to enter the mansion? Impossible, there are too many of us, it can't be true, then why should we obey a little noble girl from a house on the brink of the end?" The other guard doesn't want to believe Zaria, he mocks the state of her family.

"Are you so sure? I remind you that I will be the future wife of your next head of the family, I advise you to moderate your tone, you are just a simple guard." Zaria takes on a serious expression, and it seems as if an aura of command authority emanates from her tone of voice, intimidating the guards.

"S-excuse us, miss, we'll go check right away!" The first guard thinks back to what Zaria said, she is quickly thinking about the consequences, she decides to obey the girl.

The two guards run towards the Marquis' room, with Zaria following them. Fenrya sees the three going in one direction and she realizes it's time to act. 'What kind of guards abandon their guard post?' Fenrya appears in front of the office door, she tries to feel if the marquis is inside the room or the presence of someone, but she can understand that the office is empty at the moment. 'So lucky!' Fenrya prepares to open the door, then closes it again.

Fenrya immediately begins to analyze the room, she is able to smell with her nose, the strong smell of someone. "And a nauseating smell! It must belong to the Marquis." Fenrya deduces that this strong odor is from the Marquis, and the room is full of it.

The smell of Marquis Walter guides the tabaxi in a specific direction. "The wall? The smell of the marquis passes through the wall... it won't be." Frenya remembers the sewers, she is imitating what they did in here tunnel, she leans against the wall. But instead of feeling solid material, her hands pass through the wall. 'I knew it.' Fenrya moves her entire body through the wall and in front of her there are stairs leading down.

Fenrya descends these stairs very carefully, this place is very dark, and the few candles on the sides of the walls are unable to illuminate the place completely. 'But I'm a tabaxi, so I can also see well in the dark.' Fenrya's eyes can see in the dark, making it easy for her to orient herself.

At the end of the stairs, there is a corridor that leads to a wooden door, Fenrya reaches this door and repeats what she did before entering the office, that is, trying to feel if there are any presences. 'Is anybody here.' Fenrya senses various presences on the other side of the door, but the tabaxi girl cannot stop herself now that she has reached this point, and very carefully, she opens the door.

As soon as Fenrya enters the door, what appears before her is a very large room, ten meters high and thirty meters wide. Fenrya is located in the upper part of the room, above an iron ramp, to go down to the lower floor she must take the stairs that are connected to this ramp. The room is circular and is very illuminated, but not thanks to candles, but yes, thanks to a crystal located in the center of the room. 'What the hell is that? I feel a terrifying aura coming from that crystal.' Fenrya ducks, trying not to be noticed by the people on the lower floor, near the large crystal. The crystal is colorless, but a strange magic dwells in it, this magic is a mixture of colors between azure and pink, illuminating the room with those colors.

Downstairs there are two people, one is a plump man with expensive clothes, the other is a hooded figure, covering his entire figure in that dark cloak, but strands of light purple hair, can be seen coming out of the hood. 'That should be the Marquis, while the other figure I don't know who it is, but it's probably a woman.' Fenrya increases her concentration, curling her tabaxi ears, to hear what the two people are saying.

"You let the crusader woman slip out of your hands, she of all sacrifices, was the one who was worth the most...we will have to increase the amount of people to be sacrificed, increase the efforts of your men and make them kidnap more people." The hooded woman orders the Marquis to kidnap more people, that figure must be very strong or important, to speak to Walter in this way.

"Of course, I will do everything I can, and we are also looking for the cursed ones who dared to enter my prisons." Walter tries to apologize to the figure. "We will definitely be able to open a dimensional rift, so "He" will be able to send his heralds, and finally, I will receive the power that was promised to me." Walter is saying some interesting things, getting Fenrya's attention even more.

"I hope so, even if this is not the only place where we have carried out these plans, it is important that you succeed... with a gap opened in this city, it is the Skaven who have reached Deria, Vestija will be occupied at repel these invasions." The figure mentions a name that has already reached Fenrya's ears.

'Vestija, it's a name that was already mentioned to me, shortly before infiltrating the ship that brought Kraven to Lustria. From what I've been told she is one of the strongest women in Alterac, as well as the commander of the fort that protects this part of the kingdom, she also once lived in Lustria, but she left some time ago. And a renowned warrior is feared in my area.' Fenrya seems to know the reputation of this Vestija, and it would appear that she is a person of extraordinary power.

"Miss, are Vestija really that strong? Aren't we overestimating you? After all, you haven't fought in a long time, you're just a savage from Lustria, without a shred of intellect." Walter seems to hate the inhabitants of Lustria.

"You're an idiot!" The figure insults Walter, surprising the latter. "Vestija is one of the strongest women in this kingdom, if not the strongest. And don't think I just thought of this invasion to keep her busy, I also contacted that horny rabbit, so he can keep her busy." The figure seems to have made many plans to keep Vestija at bay, Walter doesn't know the identity of this horny rabbit who named the figure. "But you were good at letting the skaven into the region secretly, you gave them safe passage through the sewers of Deria, great job." Fenrya discovers that it was Walter's work that brought the skaven to Deria, which is why no one saw them and how they slipped in without any problems.

"You're welcome, my lady, it was child's play, and then I'm happy that that haughty Berdo is dead, I couldn't stand him, he always thought he was better than me." Walter tries to be modest, and then insults the name of the previous Floga patriarch. "But now I have gotten more than revenge, his daughter will marry my son, and everyone knows my son's temper with his women eheheh." Walter puts on a disgusting face again.

"I'm not interested in these personal goals, and it was thanks to me, remember that. Walter, if you continue your role on this board so well, our master will be able to reward you properly... try not to disappoint him." The mysterious figure gestures with his hands, it is an oval passage, it opens next to him, always with that colored magic of azure and pink. "Now I have to go and see if everything is going well in Drolbane, I don't think that stupid prince can do anything good." The figure passes through the portal, disappearing from Walter's sight, the portal closes.

"Damned slut! How dare you give me orders? I am a high-ranking marquis, she is just a commoner, I swear that when my master gives me power, I will make her my dog, yes I like it eheheheh." Walter begins to imagine strange ideas, then turns towards the crystal. "Master, I will not disappoint you, I will kidnap more and more people in order to sacrifice them to open a passage, and let your heralds pass through, who will bring Change to these lands, AHAHAHAHAH!" Walter laughs only slightly, anticipating his imminent rise.

{Walter, you have to be careful, someone is spying on you.} Suddenly, in Walter's mind, a voice echoes in his head. A transcendental voice, as if I were several voices mixed together, creating havoc in the mind of man.

"Master?! Oh my master! I am honored to hear your majestic voice." Walter prostrates himself before the crystal, even though he knows that his master is not there. "Wait!! An intruder?" Walter gets up and begins to observe the entire room, until he sees a hooded figure at the top of the room. "You! Who are you? Show yourself to me immediately!" Walter points to the hooded figure and orders him to show himself.

In all this, Fenrya did not hear the voice of that being, but she felt a strange sensation of unease on her skin, making her get up from her seat, and putting her on guard. But in this way, she let herself be discovered by Marquis Walter. 'What was that feeling? I've never experienced anything like it. But there's no time to think about it now.' Fenrya ignores the Marquis's whining, she is with a feline sprint, she runs towards the exit to return to the office and exit the mansion. 'I must immediately warn Sanryu and Lysandra, they must know.'

"GUAAAAAAARDS!" The screams of the Marquis echo from the room, but Fenrya is already quite ahead of the curve in escaping, finally managing to leave the mansion, avoiding all the guards.


Sanryu and Lysandra are discussing possible attack plans against the Marquis, while awaiting Fenrya's return.

"Obviously we can't deal with all the guards in the mansion, there must be at least fifty of them, and there are only three of us." Sanryu suggests avoiding a head-on collision, it wouldn't end well for them.

"So you're proposing to infiltrate us, it's to cut off the snake's head, but how? It's one thing Fenrya, it's another thing we are. We don't have the skills to infiltrate a mansion." Lysandra would not be able to secretly enter a building, stealth is not one of her skills.

"Mhhh if only we knew someone who could let us in, at least she would open a safe access gate." Sanryu believes that the only safe way to enter the mansion is through the assistance of one who lives under the marquis's nose.

"Unfortunately I don't know anyone, I've been in this city for too short a time, I haven't had time to get in touch with anyone." Lysandra doesn't know anyone like that, she's trying to think of another strategy.

While the two think about what to do, a figure enters through the window, wearing a cloak. "I discovered some interesting information." Fenrya removes her hood, showing her face to the three people in the room.

"I was sure you could do it!" "Fenrya, great job, my compliments." Sanryu and Lysandra praise the work done by Fenrya.

"So what did you find out?" Sanryu asks the fateful question, waiting for the tabaxi girl's report.

Hi guys, are you okay? I hope so. I wanted to communicate that since I see that the series does not have a good following, I have decided that the chapters will come out when I feel like writing and publishing, especially when I have time. For now I still have about twenty chapters ready, so they will still be out for a whole month from Monday to Friday. Once this month is over, they will come out more rarely, I will continue to write more as a pastime than for seriousness. Having said that, I greet you guys, and I wish you a good day :).

P.S. If this month, the novel has more following and there is more participation from you, such as power stones or even comments, I will decide to continue publishing the chapters more frequently.

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