
The Son of Hades:Demigod of Shadows

Synopsis "Percy, dude, stop taunting the Ares cabin. No we can't challenge Ares. Again. " "Come on little bro! Stop brooding already and enjoy life while you can!" "G-man you need to lighten up. So what if there's a giant hellhound running towards us, we can handle it." "Man stop overthinking things Owlhead." "Kat, please stop growing poison ivy all over camp." "Clarisse stop trying to taunt me I won't fight you again. I already broke your spear I won't break another one. " "Stop zapping me Pinecone face!"  "Luke please, it doesn't have to be this way." "Calypso, I swear on the River Styx , I will return to Ogia. I will come back to you." Disclaimer : The Percy Jackson Series or any Riordanverse isn't mine, it Rick Riordan's

Jacey_Raze · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 8 We Saved Three Demigods

Ash PoV

2 years later 7 years old

Its been two years since we met Katie. And since then I have been training my butt of to get stronger. I have asked the Furies to train me and so far their training has been effective. My mana capacity has gotten four times larger and my proficiency with my daggers has greatly increased.

I was also able to turn into a shadow for as long as 30 minutes which was currently my limit. I also learned how to shadow travel though it takes a lot out of me it was still worth to learn and use. I also realized that I have night vision being the son of Hades, it very useful. My Future Sight has increased from 6-11 seconds to 8-13 seconds with my constant meditation. My number of shadows have increased and I found out my current shadow limit was 30. I also learned that my shadows was only 70 percent of the original in strength . But Alecto told me that my shadows gets stronger along with me, they can also evolve if the gain enough experience.

Right now my shadows was Manda who grew from 8 inches to 7 feet since I keep feeding him my mana every day. My other shadows are the few eagles I asked the Furies to get me so that me,Percy and Katie can use them for our communication. I got a few hellhounds that we killed over the years. I also got myself a mount, his name is Daze, he was a horse who's body was found by the furies and was brought to me. Daze was practicing everyday to master his shadow travel to serve me well.

So all in all I have Manda, Daze, 8 Hellhounds, 5 Eagles. I'm leaving 15 slots because I may see a monster that I might really want to make my shadow.

I was also able to recreate a jutsu from an anime I used to watch. Its called shadow possession jutsu. The reach of this jutsu depends on how much shadow is around. This move helps me restrains my enemy, they can only break free from this move if their strength is far greater than mine and if I run out of mana. It was pretty useful during our hunts for monsters.

My powers over gems have also improved, I dont unconsciously make them sprout at the ground anymore and had even removed its cursed. The moment I confirmed that my gems aren't cursed I rushed to Percy's home threw a few pounds of gold at Sally's window and ran back home quickly. I do this randomly in different ways like leaving it infront of their door or putting it in Percy's bag. I didn't tell them it was from me because I know if they found out they will try to return it to me even when they are having financial problems.

Now lets talk about Percy and Katie's progress with their own powers.

Percy's control over water greatly increased. He can now easily make water creatures like horses, birds and even human shaped sculptures. He can also freeze the water and make ice spikes and spears. Like Gray's ice make magic from Fairy Tail.

He also created some new attack, he calls it water bullet. Its basically pressured water that came from his mouth. And I'm telling you this again Percy's a monster with a sword that's that. He's talent for the sword is truly scary.

When he saw how I was able to turn myself into a shadow he tried to do the same but to become water. He succeeded, unlike me his current time limit to be intangible was 20 minutes. He tried to recreate my shadow travel with his so called mist travel but he failed. Though I'm sure with his talent he will succeed soon enough.

Katie also made great progress with her powers. She can grow plants and vines and make any plant do her biddings. In the beginning she can only grow tiny plants. But now she can grow 20 trees with 18 feet each within minutes. I'm getting Mokuton vibes from her everytime I see her do that.

She can also grow Poisonous plants like Poison Ivies or vines with sharp teeth to entangle or capture enemies with. The forest is basically her home court. She's also learning how to use a staff and so far she's improving at a steady pace.


We were at the my backyard resting after our cooperation training with each other. Me, Katie and Percy was sparring with each with me having my 12th win against Percy. Our score was 12-7 in my favor. He's getting stronger everytime we fight and that talent of his is truly scary. Though I wonder how much change it will make if I fight Percy along with my shadows. But Percy and Katie told me that shadows are banned when sparring. Guess we'll never find out.

But the scary thing is the way Percy defeated me, he 'destroyed' the future that I saw. I think It because of the 'Sea is Unpredictable' thing he keeps saying, stupid I know but it's the only possible explanation on how he defied my future sight.

My score against Katie was 5-0 of course in my favor. Which frustrates her to no end. Her score with Percy though was 4-1 in favor of Percy, which also frustrates her.

While we were resting I felt one of my shadows, specifically my eagle shadow who I commanded to scout my neighbourhood and warn me if a monster is coming near, told me that it saw three demigods fighting a horde 12 of monsters, composed of 7 Hellhounds and 5 Cyclops.

I couldn't contain my excitement. This was a horde of monsters. A horde of possible shadows? Oh yeah and saving demigods too.

Looks like my excitement was visible from my face because Percy and Katie noticed it right away.

"What's got you so excited?" Katie asked with a tilt of her head with Percy nodding in agreement.

I explained to them what my shadow eagle told me. At this Percy smiled as his battle hunger increased.

"Well what are we waiting for lets go!" Percy impatiently said.

"Yeah other than fighting monsters it'll be great to meet other demigods too." Katie excitedly said.

"Yeah just wait a bit would you?I need to get mom's permission. " I said with a smile.

I ran to my house and yelled for my mom.

"Mom!!! Me, Percy and Katie are going out to play. We'll be back before dark!" I told my mom.

She peeked out from her study room and told me.

"Alright, make sure to not go to far and dont leave the neighbourhood ." She said.

My mom knows I'm mature and enough to not get tricked or kidnapped by bad people . And she also knows as a demigod I'm stronger than an ordinary person so she knows I can protect myself and my friends. She trusts and believes in me that way.

" Yes!" I replied. I ran to the direction my shadow told the fight was happening.

"What are you guys doing,come on! We're only allowed outside til sunset. Oh! And those demigods might be in trouble to." I said as an afterthought. They quickly followed after me.

We arrived at the location of were the shadow told us. It was a clearing in a nearby forest.

We saw the three demigods bravely fighting the horde of monsters. There were two girls and one boy. One girl our age had honey blonde hair with grey eyes. The other girl looked about 12 years old with punk style hair with electric blue eyes. And the only guy also looked about 12 years old and. had blonde hair with black eyes.

They looked tired and have a number disadvantage.

I activated my future sight and 'saw' the boy smashed by one of the Cyclops.

"Dude! Watch out! Go left! " I yelled to the guy.

He did what I said and well lived to see another day.

Percy charge towards the middle of the monster horde with a war cry. While Katie used her vines to pulled out the three demigods out of danger or should I say Percy's path of destruction.

I summoned my daggers and my shadows and told the hellhounds to surround the monster horde while the eagles continuously attack the cyclops from the sky. Manda coiled around me ready to attack and defend me from danger. I didn't summon Daze since he doesn't still know how to fight but he will soon.

"Attack!" I yelled as me and my shadows charge towards the monster horde.

What happens next can only be describe as a one sided massacre.
