
The Son of Hades:Demigod of Shadows

Synopsis "Percy, dude, stop taunting the Ares cabin. No we can't challenge Ares. Again. " "Come on little bro! Stop brooding already and enjoy life while you can!" "G-man you need to lighten up. So what if there's a giant hellhound running towards us, we can handle it." "Man stop overthinking things Owlhead." "Kat, please stop growing poison ivy all over camp." "Clarisse stop trying to taunt me I won't fight you again. I already broke your spear I won't break another one. " "Stop zapping me Pinecone face!"  "Luke please, it doesn't have to be this way." "Calypso, I swear on the River Styx , I will return to Ogia. I will come back to you." Disclaimer : The Percy Jackson Series or any Riordanverse isn't mine, it Rick Riordan's

Jacey_Raze · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 10 Goodbyes

Morning has arrived and we all had a good nights rests. To prepare Luke and the others for their trip to Camp Half Blood we went to a department store to gather supplies for them. Mom was kind enough to lend us some money when we explained Luke and the others situation.

We bought a few cheap clothes and snacks and medical supplies just in case.

They invited for us to come with the to Long Island but me, Percy and Katie refused since we didn't want to leave our parents. They also said they were gonna reunite with a satyr and will lead them to camp. They only knew that it was in Long Island not where.

We were at a Bus stop to see them off. Since there was still 30 minutes before any Bus arrive we decided to just chill at the bench and had a few talks.

It was 10 minutes before the Bus was designated to arrive when I had a sudden realization.

I quickly summoned 3 Cyclops, 3 Hellhounds and 3 Eagles. This caught everyone's attention.

"Here just in case." I said as Luke, Thalia and Annabeth each received one Cyclops ,a hellhound and an Eagle.

I looked at Thalia.

"My Father hates Zeus with a passion. His hate may extend to you. So if you see any of my father's monsters show them my shadows and they will show how you guys are under my protection." I told her seriously.

This caused Thalia to give me a grateful look.

"But I can't say the same for wild monsters, but even then my shadows will help you fight them."I said.

" They will also return to me once you reach Camp. " I continued.

I saw Annabeth playing with the eagle I gave her. She looked at me and said.

" Can I keep the Eagle? " With a pleading look.

Annabeth used Puppy dog eyes.

It was super effective.

" Sure, but just the Eagle. " I said in defeat.

She raised her fist in victory. She looked at the eagle.

"I'm gonna name you Courage." She said.

It was then we saw the Bus approaching and we started saying our goodbyes.

"Alright, stay safe guys and dont let your guard down." I said and advised.

They nodded with a determined face.

"Kill some monsters for me would you?" Percy said with a smirk which made me smirk aswell.

"Be careful and we'll miss you guys." Katie said with tears threatening to leak from her eyes. She tries to hide it but I know she has a big bleeding heart. This just shows it as proof.

At this Annabeth became teary eyed, Thalia became quiet, Luke gained a sad look in his eyes, Percy stopped smirking and gained a solemn look and I lost my smile.

As the Bus arrived Luke, Thalia and Annabeth gathered us in a group hug and began whispering thank yous and we'll miss yous in our ears. We hugged them back with equal forced.

After that they entered the Bus and sat at the window seat waving goodbyes at us. We waved back and as the Bus started to move we ran after it still waving until it became to fast for us and it left us behind.

We stayed there in silence.

After a few minutes I thought it was time to go home.

"Alright guys time head back. Your parents might be at home looking for you guys already." I said gesturing them to follow me going home.

They nodded wordlessly.

'I forgot because they're demigods all I see in them is a fighter and a survivor. I forgot that they are kids aswell, kids who dont know how to react from separation from friends or family.'I thought with a sad frown.

A few days later the furies came back and told me that they encountered Luke and his group. They told me that my father ordered them to kill Thalia because she is a daughter of Zeus, but because of my shadows Hades called his monsters off not wanting to upset his son. Which was something I was forever thankful for.

A few days later after eating dinner I felt my mana being continously lessened but not enough to worry me. I asked my shadows what's wrong and they told me when they neared Camp they were ambushed by a horde of monsters. Their numbers were overwhelming.

They shared their vision with me and I saw Thalia told Luke who was carrying an unconscious satyr and Annabeth to leave her because the monsters was after her scent. They argued a bit but in the end Thalia convinced them to run to Camp albeit reluctantly. Thalia along with my shadows tried their best to fight off the horde but to no avail.

Thalia was stabbed in the stomach from behind by an Empousa which was swiftly dealt with by my shadowed Cyclops. Thalia fell on her back with a pool of blood starting to form around her. She cough a bit and muttered.

"Guest this is it huh, I'm sorry Jason." Thalia said.

Thalia then looked at the shadow I was sharing my vision with. More specifically me.

"Hey Ash you're there right?"Thalia weakly asked.

I told the shadow I was sharing my vision with to nod and it did. While I commanded my other shadows to keep the horde of monsters away from her by surrounding her to atleast protect Thalia until her last breath.

" Spying on a woman using shadows what a creepy son of Hades you are." She laughed weakly.

This caused me to be a bit embarrassed.

And she must have known I was embarrassed since she laughed a bit more but it looked like she was just coughing blood.

"Hey I'm pretty sure you will see Luke and Annabeth one day, so tell them it was not their fault, alright? That it was my decision. " Thalia told me.

I commanded the shadow to once again nod.

"And Ash seriously, from the bottom of my heart thank you for helping us get this far." She said with a smile as she starts to close her eyes and I couldn't do anything to help her, to help my friend.

"Goodbye Ash." She said as her last breath.

I lost the feeling on my legs as it started to give. I was down on my knees and tears started to fall from my eyes.

The sky started to darken and thunder boomed everywhere showing how Zeus was angered over his daughter's death. The monster horde died where they stood courtesy of Zeus lightning.

A light shined from the clouds and hit Thalia. The light started to turn Thalia into a tree?

She started growing and growing until she completely turned into a Pine tree towering above the others.

The tree stood glorious and tall but I didn't care, it was just there as a reminder of my friend's death.

We ate together, sleep together and fought together (technically). Just because of that she became of one my closest friends. She was family.

That day I cried the whole night within my room to not worry my mother.

That was the first time I cried for the lost of a friend. But it definitely wasn't the last.


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