
The Son Of Great Wizard

NATIVES ISEKAI 『Not your typical overpowered and have fun MC』 In the kingdom of Bajalekat, Zerenia Striem was once regarded as a national hero, praised for his strength and achievements. However, he secluded himself in the rural woods, dedicating his time to ward off evil creatures emerging from the demon gate near his residence. As he aged without offspring, he received an infant named Rozer. Over time, Rozer exhibited unparalleled talent in spellcasting, martial arts, and swordsmanship, astonishing Zerenia. However, when Rozer reached the age of 11, it became evident that he had solely developed his combat skills, leaving him with noticeable social awkwardness, a lack of common sense, and a considerable lack of responsibility. As a result, Rozer enrolled in the Kingdom's Magic Academy to hone his skills and mature among other adolescents. Nevertheless, leading a normal life became impossible as he immediately became a local celebrity upon arrival. As Rozer Striem adjusted to high school life in the capital, he made new friends, learned about the world, battled various forces of evil, and uncovered his true identity. 『この世は思え通りに行かぬ事ばかりだ。』誰か言った

Maxvide · Fantasy
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48 Chs


In the kingdom of Bajalekat, Zerenia Striem was once regarded as a national hero, praised for his strength and accomplishments. However, he secluded himself deep in the rural forest, dedicating his time to repelling malevolent creatures emerging from the demon gate near his residence.

Decades had passed since he married his wife, yet they were still childless. Zerenia longed for a child to inherit his strength and safeguard the demon gate after his passing. His head had whitened, his bones struggled to support him when he woked up in the morning. He contemplated bestowing his power upon someone else but feared its misuse. If only he had a child, he could raise them as he hoped.

He spent every day praying to God, entreating protection for the world from the demons emerging from the gate. However, today his prayer took a different form. Inside a small wooden house in a clean, empty room lined with boards, he knelt, whispering a prayer to his God.

He prays, "Oh my Lord, my bones have weakened, my head is filled with grey, and I've never been disappointed in my prayer to You, my Lord." His breath grew heavy, then continued, "And indeed, I worry for my brethren and my people after I'm gone, yet I have no child to succeed me due to my barren wife. Therefore, by your grance, grant me a son from You. My son will be the heir to my wealth and the strength You bestowed upon me. Make him, pleasing to You, my Lord."

Behind the light door, his wife stood, peeking at her husband in prayer. The gentle glow of the candle on the nearby table only illuminated part of her face, displaying fear and worry. Even though they had faced many trials together, her husband's prayer today carried a weight in her heart.

She felt her body weaken, as if there was no strength left to stand. The wall behind her was the only support when she felt unable to contain herself. She could only cry silently.

Her husband's hopeful and humble prayer sounded through the light door. She knew he was seeking guidance, expressing a need, and hoping for something greater than themselves. Although she wanted to pray too, she felt her husband needed this space to speak with God.

She realized that while they might have walked through storms together, prayer was how her husband found peace and hope. She could only stand behind the door and leave.

After finishing his prayer filled with hope and humility, Zerenia moved slowly towards his room. The room felt so warm, providing the comfort and security he needed. Although his mind was filled with thoughts and emotions, he knew sleep was the only way to let go, at least temporarily.

Zerenia gently prepared his bed and reflected on the prayer he had just uttered. He felt that in that prayer, he had surrendered himself to a greater power. With lingering emotions, he lay down, closed his eyes, and allowed sleep to take him on a journey into his dreams.

As he entered the dream world, he found himself in a vast, empty room, all in white. The silence and tranquility of the room seemed to seep into him. He felt like he was floating, unaffected by gravity, in a different dimension.

Then, light emerged from above, bright and captivating. Zerenia felt the warmth of the light penetrating his heart and surrounding him completely. He felt embraced by love and a sacred presence. Though he didn't understand the true meaning of this experience, he felt it was a deeply spiritual message, sign, or moment.

He continued to observe the light, trying to understand what hidden message it might contain. Perhaps this was an answer to his prayer, or maybe it was a call for something greater in his life. He felt peaceful in the midst of the light, even though questions and uncertainties still lingered in his mind.

Zerenia continued to be entrapped in that moment, hoping that someday the true meaning of his experience would be revealed. No matter what he had gone through, he felt truly connected to a power much greater than himself, and it provided him with deep serenity.

"Oh, Zerenia... We bring you good news of the birth of a baby boy named Rozer." an unfamiliar voice echoed throughout the room.

Zerenia said, "My Lord, how could I have a son when my wife is barren, and I am old and feeble?"

The unfamiliar voice echoed back, "So your Lord has said."

From the dazzling light emerged the figure of an angel delivering the word of God, "It is the destiny created, indeed destiny exists before you were born, though you were nothing at all."

Zerenia said, "My Lord, grant me a sign."

The angel said, "The sign is that you shall not speak for three full nights, although you are healthy."

Zerenia woke from his sleep, then prostrated, crying, grateful to his Lord.

Explanation of the demon gate in the auxiliary vol.0

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