
The son of a god

After the chaos war between the strongest being that ever existed, the universe was broken into fragments and this beings who fought the war took each fragment for them self. Orton, the chaos being of end and beginning too a fragment where she hid her children and strengthen them to grow stronger before going into slumber. Many unkwon year's after the war, a complete being was born who had Orton's soul force and blood in him, along the way to save his planet and earth; he met people who will assist him in carrying the weights on his shoulder and help him complete his almost impossible task... Will the complete being, lucian be able to accomplish his task as the 'son of a god' or will he let the humans and beings who put their fate in him down...follow along lucian's adventure of Romance, war, adventures and betrayal as he strive to become the god of war and be the strongest being that ever existed....

Ilovebigsister · Fantasy
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41 Chs

You want tyranny, I will give you tyranny....

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Emera had always seen herself to be keen and observant. Right from a young age, she trained her self to pick up even the slightest sound around her...but how did lucian get so close to her without her noticing?.

"you don't need to be worked up. You even pulled out your dagger. Did you think an intruder would get into the castle without the guards noticing? " Lucian asked.

Emera put her daggers back to where they belonged : " you wouldn't know. Aren't you stronger than the guards? " she responded with a question.

"well...yeah? " He responded not too sure himself. Ever since he was defeated by Emera, he had to re-evaluate his thinking that he was better than the guards.

" How long were you here? " she asked not wanting a long chit chat with lucian. She does not like him.

" you shouldn't talk that rude to me " Lucian faced his back towards her while taking his steps in a jovial manner " Someday, I will be king and you, my Royal aide. You should talk to me with more respect". He said with a cocky smile

Emera raised her eyebrow at Lucian's shameless way of speaking, 'as expected. He is a spoiled prince '. Emera turned to leave without saying any further words.

" Wait... "Lucian called out to stop her from leaving.

" What is it? " she glared at him with a fierce look.

"uhm...i am going to the east to meet Nari. Would you mind coming along? " He asked politely.

Emera was surprised at his request "why don't you go with a well trained knight? " She asked.

"well...they would want me to take a ship" Lucian answered.

"huh...? Then what would you use to go that far to the east? " She asked sarcastically 'is he dumb '.

Lucian beamed with smile at her question "we could take a portal there with us, or , we go on a long spicy adventure to get stronger " .

Emera wanted to say 'No' , but then she also wish to go around planet Orton with the young prince "we would have to climb mountains, cross the forest and dessert on foot. And Orton knows what danger would be awaiting us. We are at war lucian " .

'she didn't say young prince like the others'. He noticed she didn't care about title and whatnot "isn't that more thrilling for an adventure? " Lucian asked with a grin.

"haa...i see my life slipping out of me slowly in the future " she said underneath her breath.

"huh? " he asked since he didn't have advanced hearing.

"okay, I will go with you " Emera answered. She really wanted to experience the adventure too.


The council. Ortons Supreme Court and judges. They only take cases partaining the royal family but hide like a turtle when the said royal family is in danger.

A group of old men sat in circle around a man. The place were they sat were high making them able to see the top the man's head. The man stood rooted on the ground with pride and dignity written over him. The man was king Ray , the current great king of Orton.

"impudence " One of the council member hit the desk in annoyance "How dare you open Portum to none member of the Ortanian race? " He screamed with anger.

" Yes, Portum was made by the creator due to her foreseeing Ortons destruction. She mad it as a safe heaven for the pure blood and furies " another reminded him but this one looks more feminine.

" You people have no right to choose who enters portum or not. I am the king , I choose myself " Ray spoke back to remind them who had control over Portum.

" How dare you? " another screamed lineage.

"Such blasphemy " another spat in disgust.

Ray clenched his fist in anger " Where is the furies? " Ray asked.

"What did you say? ".

"Where is the furies, goddammit ".

"They left. They betrayed Ortons trust " One of the council member answered.

" you people sent them away to their death , but when they escaped that death, you exiled them. Do you people still wish for the citizens under my empire to face destruction while preserving our race? " Ray asked in anger.

" They are refugees. They were never part of us " Another spoke but with a mild tone.

"So you want them to participate in the war but not provide a place for them to escape extinction? " Ray asked calmly.

"We aren't sending them to extinction. We only want them to payback for all the years they spent in Orton" .

"what about he kids? "Ray asked.

"None but pure bloods are to stay in Portum" .

" hahahahaha...i am such a fool" Ray laughed in amusement after their response " Arrest them all for disrespect against the king " Ray said to no one in particular but dark shadows spread everywhere to all the council member.

" How dare you send your shadow knights at us " They yelled at him.

Ray smiled with amusement " You want tyranny, I will give you tyranny"