
The son of a god

After the chaos war between the strongest being that ever existed, the universe was broken into fragments and this beings who fought the war took each fragment for them self. Orton, the chaos being of end and beginning too a fragment where she hid her children and strengthen them to grow stronger before going into slumber. Many unkwon year's after the war, a complete being was born who had Orton's soul force and blood in him, along the way to save his planet and earth; he met people who will assist him in carrying the weights on his shoulder and help him complete his almost impossible task... Will the complete being, lucian be able to accomplish his task as the 'son of a god' or will he let the humans and beings who put their fate in him down...follow along lucian's adventure of Romance, war, adventures and betrayal as he strive to become the god of war and be the strongest being that ever existed....

Ilovebigsister · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Bad and good news

The political structure of Orton was in a mess. With Ray going after the pure bloods who were against opening portum to non pure-blood and his knights cleaning the household of all the rats and rodent (traitors) among the royal blood, the central city was in a mess.

"your majesty. ". A knight ran to greet the king. He had a letter in his hand and from the look on his face, it didn't seem to be a good one.

"what is it? " Ray asked. He was not really bothered by whatever news the knight brought. He would only be bothered if it concerns lucian or a threat to his empire.

" pardon me if I disturbed your moments but this was sent this morning by the scouts" the knight said kneeling and waiting for the king to say something before he proceeds.

"what is the content" Ray could take it to read for himself but that actually would make his transparency to his knights invalid.

" if I may your majesty". The knight took his excuse before opening the letter to read out loud.

"your majesty, the great king of Orton. I write bearing bad and good news but I will proceed with the good first. We uncovered the headquarters and base of the 'Rising sing , which in itself is a great advantage to the war for us. We were attacked upon contact but only two of our brothers journeyed to rest before us" There was a moment of silence in the throne room to honor those who went to slumber in the war.

"now for the bad part. Hikel, your brother and royal prince of the great empire, has with him an uncountable legion of armies. Upon closer inspection, they were found to be the rumored experiment of the chaos beasts to create a living being who could aide them in the war against the Ortanians. We have no name for them yet so we went with the term 'demons' for now. They are red in complexion with strange mark like tattoos running down from their left eye to their left arm."

"we captured one of them to test and learned they could use ether to a certain extent but with a cost (their life). They have limited number upon interrogation and we were tole that only those with the Xanadu coloured tattoo were able to use ether but sacrifice their life in the process."

"this war will be the toughest with many of us facing real death but if by your grace, I could suggest what I have in mind, I would say we let the soldiers and people who are ready to protect their home to be taught this and told how to identify them. This demons could only die with a stab in their spine (which will certainly give them true death) or destruction of their brain completely. If I dare to remind you. Only those with Xanadu colored tattoo from their left eye to their left hand can truly grant us real death.

Ray inhaled deeply to calm himself from his brothers stupidity of making a deal with a serpent.

'this sucks. The only reason we had an upper hand in this war was our numbers and infinite life but all this taken away..." .

"damn!!! " Ray couldn't hold it in and released a powerful roar. The knight who read the letter did not dear stand up and so did all the people in the throne room including the ministers.

For the very first time since the furies...the pure blood feared death.

"what do you think? " he asked the ministers who bowed politely to speak but not without gesturing the knight to rise.

" your majesty. If my lowly self could dear to suggest my opinion. I would say we open up the forbidden amouries to aid us in this war. I believe there would be a few purblood in their midst" the minister suggested.

Ray only wanted the knights to have those armour due to it's characteristics of granting true death to the pure blood but now he had to give it to the whole army at his command " why should I do that? " Ray asked.

"your majesty" the same minister spoke. It seem the other ministers picked him as their spokesperson "The weapons does not only grant deaths to purebloods, but it also grant strong attack power and speed to it's users. We can always collect it back from them".

"and those who died in the war? " Ray asked. Since it is war there would surely be death. Giving such a powerful tool to the army would only give the enemy more weapon and harmful tools against them. It's not like he could assign some people to pick it up.

The minister smiled slightly at this "then we place runes on them to make them return to the armoury upon their owners death" The spokesperson of the minister said.

Only now did Ray understand he didn't know everything himself ' I should have had the ministers advice from before now'. Since he ascended or usurped the throne (ascending is a very shameless way to put it ) he has always gone to the now dead council for advice on political matters due to their old age and wisdom 'on second thought...they were dumb'. They acted all high and mighty until their death. Ray wanted to feel sorry for them but for some reasons, unknown to even him. He felt satisfied at ordering their execution.

"proceed with your plans " Ray gave his order.standing up, he left the throne room signaling the end of the meeting. 'I have to teach Emera my skills now'. He thought towards his student.