
The Solitude of the Time

A Goddess and a mortal girl travel together through the multiverse in their quest to restore the balance of time and creation

Loli_Smith · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Yuki Akiyama

(?? POV)



''Mashiro, cover me!'' I yelled as I dodged the fireballs that were coming towards me.

''Roger that! Be careful, it's just the two of us, if one dies, the other will die too! Sihir Tameng!''My partner yelled back at me while making some hand gestures.

Finishing speaking, my friend Mashiro chants a spell, and a magical circular shield appeared in front of me.

''I know that, don't need to remind me!'' I ran towards the big black dragon with a smile on my face and my holy sword in hand.

Fortunately, it's a Western Black Dragon. With long body and neck, a long thick tail, two hind legs, two front legs, and two huge wings on the back. It is much easier to fight a Western Dragon than an Eastern one, as Western dragons like to fight head-to-head, and Easterners prefer to stay in the sky, casting countless spells on enemies.

But this isn't just any western black dragon. This is a worldwide boss known as the Black Dragon King, with thirty meters long!!

I deftly dodged the fireballs, and they hit the forest behind me, leaving a great trail of destruction. And as I ran towards the dragon, my companion fired countless spells and debuffs at the dragon, which doesn't really help now, but it's still useful in a protracted battle.

Not to mention a dragon has a ridiculous amount of magical resistance. But with debuff after debuff, it will definitely make the dragon weaker.

Quickly approaching the dragon, with great force I jumped towards his head and I attacked it with my best ability ''Great sword of destruction!!''

My holy sword began to glow and great numbers of lightning and thunder surrounded it.

''Take this, you stupid lizard! HYA!!'' I aimed the sword at the dragon's head, and slashed the air toward him.

A blast of lightning shot out of my sword, creating a great sonic noise, and quickly sped toward his head.

Seeing the attack coming towards him, the dragon roared, and to my surprise, he stood up with his hind legs and raised his fist and faced the attack head on. His fist turned red and started to catch fire, and he punched towards my attack.


The collision of our two attacks created a deafening sound, and a great shock wave swept everything in close proximity, leaving a vast cloud of dust around.

''What the hell! I didn't know he can do that!'' I fell and hit the ground, but now is not the time to be surprised as I quickly felt something coming towards me.

''Yuki, watch out!'' My friend yelled at me, but I reacted too late.

I turned quickly and saw a big, thick dragon's tail sticking out of the cloud of smoke and heading towards me. I could hear the air whirring, showing the strength behind the attack.

''Shit!'' Since I didn't have time to dodge anymore, I quickly put my arms in front of my body in the form of X, to protect myself at least a little from the attack.


''Urgh?!'' The attack hit my body full on, throwing me back like a rocket. And not only that, as I was behind Mashiro, I was thrown towards her.

''Oh Damn it! Levitasi!'' Mashiro pointed his staff at me and cast a spell, I felt a huge rush of wind at my back, which slowed me down, but not entirely.


'' ''Kya! /Ouch!'' ''

My body hit Mashiro with some force, which caused both of us to fall to the ground.

Mashiro, who was underneath me, threw me aside and sat down ''Are you alright Yuki? Do you need a Great Heal?''

I quickly sat up panting and a little in pain '' No need, that shield of yours has absorbed most of the damage. But what the hell was that?! Attack with a fist of fire? What the hell is this dragon, a member of FairyTail?!''

''Hehe, looks like he got us pretty good! Trying to win against a world boss with only a warrior and a support is really complicated...'' Mashiro said with a small smile on her face.

''But that's the point! The recommended number of participants is at least ten people, imagine if we can make this boss with just two members!'' I said excitedly. If we manage to win, we would be the first people to defeat a world boss with just two people! We would be legends!

''Hehehe, I like an enthusiastic Yuki, but it looks like we've lost this challenge.''

''Hm? What do you mean? None of us died, and we're still in battle with him! Don't tell me, do you want to give up...?'' I hope that's not the case, Mashiro is my best friend, and if she doesn't want to do that anymore, I don't have anyone else to play with...

''Hehehe, of course not, silly! It's just, like you said, we're still fighting the boss, right?''


''And we are sitting here talking, right?''

''Right...?'' What is she trying to say?

Mashiro raised her finger and explained to me like a tutor teaching a student ''In short, we're still in battle with the boss, but we're here, sitting and talking for almost one minute now. What do you think the boss is doing right now, Yuki?''



Suddenly, the sky turned red, and I could hear a great roar coming from the dragon's direction. Turning quickly, I saw the thirty-metre tall Dragon, with his mouth open and pointing to us, and in the middle of his mouth, a large sphere of fire was being filled and compressed.

''Well, it looks like we really lost this fight completely...''

''Hehe, we're completely dead, Yuki!'' I looked at Mashiro's smiling face with a confused expression.

Why are you happy to be killed by the dragon, Mashiro!?

The dragon closed its mouth, swallowing the fireball, its stomach swelled, and again, he opened his mouth in our direction.

A gigantic pillar of red light came out of the dragon's mouth, and in less than three seconds, it was in front of us.

''Well, looks like that's all for today folks...''


[ You Died. ]


[ You Died. ]

''Damn, I should have been more alert around the boss....''

With a big sigh, I disconnected the cables from the virtual reality helmet, and pulled it out of my head.

''Whew! This thing really makes me sweat, I need a shower!'' I put the helmet on the side of my bed, after that I reached out and grabbed a remote that was on the shelf beside my bed , the shelf is practically glued to the bed.

I pressed the button, and after almost a minute, a man dressed as a butler opened my bedroom door.

''Can I do something for you, Yuki-hime?'' The butler has short white hair, green eyes and a serious face with sharp eyes.

''Setsu, can you please ask the maids to prepare me a bath? I'm all sweaty.''

''As you wish, Yuki-hime.''

''Erm, I've asked for this before, but could you please not call me hime, Setsu?''

''Sorry, but I refuse this request.'' With a small smile, Setsu bowed, left my room and closed the door.

''Hehe, they really like to pamper me, don't they...'' I muttered.

While waiting for the maids to come pick me up, I started thinking about my life, and how boring it is, despite the privileges I have.

My name is Yuki Akiyama. I am the daughter of Akira and Sayuri Akiyama, the owners of one of the richest companies in the world. And of course, the richest company in Japan.

I am seventeen, with long black hair and dark blue eyes. I can say that I am a great beauty. And some people may think my life is perfect, as I have rich parents, who are also very loving but strict, and I am also very beautiful. But nothing is perfect.....

When I was four years old, on a medical appointment, the doctor noticed that I have one of my toes much shorter than the others. This was a little alarming for the doctor, but for us, who didn't know, it was just a small development problem in my body.

The doctor quickly took me to an appointment and made several diagnoses. And after a few weeks, the doctor again called us to the office with news.

The doctor sadly said that I have a rare disease called Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressive, or as it is popularly called, ''Stone Man Syndrome''.

This disease, as the name implies, with time, she transforms soft tissue, such as skin, muscle and body fibers in general, into bones.

And not only that, knocks, shoves, injuries, cuts and punctures in my body and skin can speed up the process and make even more bones grow.

Currently, at the age of seventeen, I can barely walk or move my body in general, I can move only my head and arms freely and unobstructed. According to the doctor, strangely, my illness is much stronger than in other people, as I shouldn't be in this state yet.

This sucks, right? I'm filthy rich, and also very pretty, but I can count on my fingers how many times I get out of the house and out of bed. I only went to school until I was six years old, after that I am being taught at home until today. And after a small incident where some girls hit me, my parents forbade me to leave the house.

Basically, I'm going to be stuck in this bed forever. But it doesn't bother me so much, I got over it a few years ago. And what's more, I have several virtual reality games to play, and I met my best friend, Mashiro, in the game I'm currently playing.

The game is an ultra-realistic MMORPG called ''The Song of Heroes'', in which players find themselves in a medieval world. It's literally an ordinary RPG game, with heroes, demon kings, dragons and everything that an RPG game can offer. It's my favorite style of game.


''Huh?'' Hearing something vibrate, I turned around and saw that I got a message on my cell phone, which was next to the controller on the shelf.

Picking up my cell phone, I saw that Mashiro had texted me.


The Best Support Ever: Too bad, we were pretty unlucky, Yuki. Well who cares! We can just try again! But I think we need to improve our equipment and our teamwork a little more before we challenge him again! \(‵▽′)/


''I think we really need to do this, we barely managed to last five minutes against the boss.'' I smiled and texted Yuki back.


The Best Support Ever: Too bad, we were pretty unlucky, Yuki. Well who cares! We can just try again! But I think we need to improve our equipment and our teamwork a little more before I challenge him again! \(‵▽′)/

The Broccoli Allergic Warrior: I agree, we'll farm some new items tomorrow, and let's train our team work against weaker monsters, if you're free of course!


As I waited for Mashiro's response, I heard footsteps outside my room and looked towards the door.

*Toc *Toc*

''You can enter.'' I said in response to the knock on my door.

Opening the door, two maids entered. One had medium blond hair with brown eyes, and the other had long red hair with honey-colored eyes. The redhead had a wheelchair with her.

''Is the bath ready, Susan, Lili?''

The girl with blond hair, Susan, answered me ''Yes, Yuki-Hime, the bath is ready. We came here to take you there.''

''Please don't move too much, Yuki-hime.'' Lili the redhead said. She approached with Susa and they prepared to put me in the wheelchair.

After a while, I was already lying in the bathtub, enjoying the warm water on my body. The maids are always on guard at the door in case I need anything.

''Seriously, my life sucks, if only I could have a real adventure...'' I muttered to myself.

I love taking a bath in the bathtub, the hot water helps me relax, and I usually fall asleep in the bath, and the maids after a while come in and wake me up. And today will be no different.

Feeling my eyes grow heavy, I relax even more, and feel my awareness slowly fading, until I fell asleep.

But what I didn't know is that a little round and black being was watching me. And this little creature would change my life forever.