
The Sole Supplicants Reader

Reality and fiction had began to merge, the secrets of this new world are horrific to those that don't know it and dangerous to those that do. The wheels of history are churning, the secrets are slowly laid bare, but for Zhou wei, this secrets were something he had already read. a world of Demi-gods, Supplicants, mystical creatures and powers, scenerio's and divine gods. follow along Zhou as he explores that world made anew.

Celestialdoor · Fantasy
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11 Chs


In an overly crowded train, a male figure is seen sited between a fat lady and another of the same weight.

By the blue veins in his face, he was obviously being crapped and would soon at any moment pass out. Luckily he held on tightly, with the phone within his hands as the source of hope.

This was Zhou wei, a 21 year old male who lacked any social skills and spent most of his time, eyes dipped in novels.

His eyes glanced quickly through the screen of his phone with his fingers in a perpetual motion of swiping.

_hmm the author isn't really doing right with lith here, shouldn't he let him obtain the blood and end this all. Why does he have to take the long way round and have an entire arc on finding something like this_ he made a deprecating comment, while sighing outwards,

_Should I just stop the novel? It doesn't seem to be getting anywhere_

Zhou swiped down- a bold green leathering appearing on his screen's head.

[The Supplicants overview]

[Chapter 2346: The Earth Blood]

This was the Supplicants overview, a novel Zhou had been reading for over two years of his life.

During the time Zhou was a newly initiated university student, he among many others, suffered countless bullies and coupled with the sudden death of his parents, he was left devastated and would seek relief from his pain by delving into the world of Supplicants overview. A novel that helped him hang on.

but as time went on, he became overly dependent on the novel- even going as far becoming Fanatic towards it.

As such with a deep introspected realization, he decided to cut back on the novel.

But that ended the day he realized he was the officially the only reader of Supplicants overview, a novel that was barely hanging on with the scraps of gifts given to it.

The fear of his novel suddenly stopping enveloping him, prompting him to resume his obsession, going far as to donate and give extravagant levels of gifts to the author, an attempt to stall the end.

But obviously the writer had ran out of steam, as many elements were being overly used in the novel- so much so that Zhou at one time had almost mistaken a latest chapter for an old one.

_sigh. Should I really stop reading it?_ Zhou stared at his phone, before his eyes slowly drifted at he corner- where a young boy sat crossed legged, seemingly in meditation.

_he gets all that space, and what he does with it is mediate?_ Zhou lampooned inwardly.

A sigh reverberated from his lips, but was quickly drowned by the echos of voices from within the bus.

_no, if I give up now, maybe the writer will have something new to add, and he won't do that if I suddenly stop reading.._ Zhou nodded in affirmation, _yeap, am doing it for the future_

Zhou traced his fingers through the scream and clicked on a button that said,

[Donate coins]

After which he exhaled in relief. But that lasted for a moment, before he immediately felt the packed up cramps envelope his body - resulting to him feeling light headed.

His face had turned into a deep shade of blue, as his eyes were blood shot. Mustering his strength he yelled, "Going down!"

Which followed with him having to free himself from the clutches of his prison between the overly weighted ladies.

After Exiting the red bus, Zhou dressed in a black long coat and black trousers stared as the bus departed.

As a student of history, Zhou had an overweight of homework needing completion and was ideally needed to be in the library , yet he simply shrugged off and commenced his walk back home,

Due to the fact, that Zhou lived quite closely to the bus stop, he substituted the need for exercise, with the usual walk back home.

As Zhou walked, he would occasionally glance at the people with his face lowered in other to avoid "confrontation"

When he finally arrived home, Zhou quickly dealt away with his clothes- and laid down on his bed. He lived in a single bedroom apartment that had just enough space to fit a single bed and desk. There was also a radio which originally belonged to his parents but after their death he would mostly use it as background music when he was reading.

The apartment was one of the few things he could afford using the insurance he got after his parents death. And since he had no relatives, he was mostly alone and had to deal with nothing - just the way he liked it.

Laying on his bed, Zhou opened up a red cover book laid vertical.

"I wonder what the story would turn out to be if I just switched this two characters?... Maybe make them fall in love?"

Zhou among his reading obsession, was also a writer- well mostly a fan writer. He enjoyed reforming the stories written by other authors and creating new versions of them, while equally striving to get a different ending for it. And right now he was tinkering with his personal favourite-Supplicants overview.

_it doesn't make sense why is the Mc is so smart, should I just lower his iq? That level of intelligence is just unreasonable, how can other characters compete if he just using some sort of detective hacks?_ Zhou lampooned inwardly while as a consequence was chewing at his fingers.

Zhou had always had a grudge against the main character of Supplicants overview: Lucien lock, who he described as a "lame overpowered sociopath"

Zhou stared at his book , when suddenly a loud "bang!" resonated within his head- sending his mind spiraling into chaos.

His thoughts became jumbled up as his eyes was immediately screened by a crimson shade, emanating from the only window in his room.

Gritting his teeth, Zhou attempted to scream for help as his mind grew more violent, with countless thoughts swirling within him. But regardless his attempt was muffled by the pain within his mind.

The throbbing pain continued as Zhou wei managed to slowly accumulate immaterial strength until he could finally stand up from his bed.

With his hand still on his head, the loud voices slowly receded, becoming more distant as time passed.

His vision first blurred before the crimson shade became more pronounced. All he could see was his small apartment curtained in an eerily crimson red.

_what happened? Could I be going mad?_ Zhou made a self deprecating comment

Glancing around, Zhou climbed out from his bed, his face riddled with a look of confusion, _where is the crimson light coming from?_

Zhou looked at his oriel window which was the source of the emanating light- he slowly approached it and looked through it.

In midair, a crimson moon hung high above the twilight sky, glowing in eerily silence, despite the City's loud nature.

_this.._ Zhou recoiled back . However before he could strengthen his self, a black round object appeared above the sky.

Zhou's eyes twitched as he stared at the strange phenomenon, _is this like a blood moon?..no, it isn't possible, there no way a blood moon will occur and the public won't know about it_

Zhou unexpectedly stared at the round exceptionally large black object floating below the crimson moon.

The round object suddenly began to ripple like that of a waters surface, as tiny droplets of tiny black mass floated out from it- swirling around the large black sphere of goo.

Suddenly the ground began to shake, the skies darkened almost instantly - wind and lightning brew around, causing Zhou to drop to his knees.

_what's going on? What's happening?_ Zhou curled up in fear, while cracks appeared all over his walls.

At that moment, a gentle whispering came resounding in his ears. Drowning the surrounding turmoil in silence. His mind churned as a series of phrases began repeating in his mind,

"Eden has awoken!"

"Humans will strive for greatness, only to better destroy themselves!"

"The era of Supplicants has begun!"