
The Snow Queens Forbidden Love

Esel is the last of her kind. She's a fairly young girl who ends up in a brothel after her clan was slaughtered. She's was famous for her good looks and chilling figure. Everyone in the city want this young Snow Elf, even the human prince and princess. As Esel is in the messy love triangle with the two siblings her dark past has come back to haunt her. -- The first chapter named Porologue has a better description then this. -- Book 1 All Rights Reserved This is an original story made by me, I will not publish this book on other websites except the following: Quotev and Writco

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Chapter One: The Pearl Brothel

In a middle of a busy town lays a brothel. The Pearl was the most famous Brothel in Roselia, it had many beautiful employees. They where known for ther hospitality and obeying there costumers demands. The regulars of The Pearl gossiped to each other, they where talking about the new arrival.

A one of a kind. A different race then them. Which was rare for Roselia. The word spread about a elf with hair as color of snow and piercing blue eyes.

A snow elf.

They all heard about how the beast in the mountains didn't protect the Snow Elfs like they usually do. Which lead to there slaughter. Many rumors float around, saying they killed one of the beast offspring, or how they kidnapped people and made them there slaves.

Some of the workers where against taking in the elf, but the boss shut them up.

Inside the brothel lay a young female sleeping inside a small bed. Her white hair was comed back, free of any knots. Bandages covered her body hiding away the wounds.

She sleept for three days straight.


Icey blue eyes opened to stare at a white ceiling. The elfs mind was disoriented. She couldn't recall the last 24 hours of her memories.

"Where am I?" She thought, while sitting up. Her body burned and ached causing her to flinch.

She glances around the unfamiliar room. She was in a small bed made for only one person. It was comfortable enough for the princess. The room she resides in was simple. White walls, a brown desk with a lantern on it, white wardrobe with carvings in it.

She dangled her feet over the edge, noticing she only wore bandages. She got up stumbled towards the wardrobe. The floor was cold to walk on.

She quietly opened thr wardrobe, she didn't want the people who brought her here, now she's awake. She had fully intend to go back home.

There was only one peice of clothing. It was nice light green dress, one a dancer would wear.

She still slipped it over her body, regardless if it was hers or not.

The green dress was revealing, it was a low cut in the front so you can see her leverage. It flowed all the way down to her ankles and had slits on both sides to reveal her slinder legs.

The door the small bedroom opened. A tall woman with red hair walked in.

"Oh good your awake!" Her voice purred at the princess. She wore a simple white long silky dress, it also had a low cut in the front, but it had string connecting it. The dress looked tight on the human.

The red haired woman smiled charmingly. "My name is Valir, it's a pleasure to meet you." Her green eyes studied the elf, waiting for a response.

But one never came.

Esel just looked at Valir. She didn't trust the woman, but even if she did no sound would come out of her. And that confused Esel.

She tried speaking but her lips wouldn't move.

'Why can't I speak?? What's going on!'

As if the universe wanted her to relive the horror her mind blocked out.

As massive headache came on, making her stumble back.


The snow elf jolted up from her sleep when smoke filled her nose. She hurriedly jump off her bed and looked out the window. A gasp left her white lips as fire burned bright in her village. "What's going on!" Her voice was shrouded in fear.

It should have been impossible for someone to attack them, the Snow monsters protected them!

Running out of her room she headed towards her parents.

'I need to find mom and dad! They'll know what happening!' The elf ran out of her room.

Servants where running around, they where hurridly trying to escape. One of the teen elf main servant ran up to her.

"Princess Esel! You just get out of here where being attacked! " The servants eyes where wide with fear.

"That's impossible! Where protected by the snow monster! "

The two where interrupted by a loud bang! Screams echoed within the hallways. The servant grabbed Esels hand and started to run.

"What about father? Mother? " Esel looked back and fear clutched at her heart A big white monster with green veins, it was tall and hovered over them. He swung his giant sword down and cut servant in half.

Esel started to run with the servant that was pulling her. Her heart jumped in her throat when she felt wind push at her neck. The monster was gaining on them.

They turned the corner and it was a dead end. In front if then layed a big window with the view of a deep river. It would have been a beautiful site to see if it wasn't for the monster swinging at them.

The servant pushed Esel towards the window. Her body slammed against the glass and cracked it, though it did not shatter. Esel feel to the ground in fear as the sword slashed at the servant.

Blood splattered across her face and tainted her white hair. The sword hut the window above her head with such force it broke the whole wall.

The monsters blue eyes infected with green substance went straight towards the elf princess.

As it swung its giant sword at her she took the chance to jump off the building. The monster roared in furry.

Esel gasped when she hit the ice cold water. Her body went into shock and her hands turned red. The water entered her lungs, she tried swimming up but her arms and kegs didn't responded to her.

As her eyes closed with her last breath, ice started to form a round her body like a cocoon.


Esel sat there in shock. The lady who runs the brothel looked at her with sympathy. She had just told the elf her clan got slaughtered. The memories she had forgotten flooded her mind, causing a massive head ache.

'How could I have forgotten something so important?' She scolded herself for being so forgetful. But the one main question that was a mystery to her was, 'How did I escape the water? I was so sure I had drowned. '


A|N¶ Hello!! I would love if you could give me your thoughts! Recently I have been reading Naruto Fan fiction on Quotev. An amazing authority created a master piece! They give by the name if Val and the first book is called Yep, that's my twin...

Anyways so after I finish this book I'm going to be Realising a so in off from this one!!

Esel is now going to be thrown into the Naruto Verse!! Some characters from this story will be thrown in there as well, I'm just not sure who yet.

Anyways, I'll give you guys more details in the upcoming chapters! Have a wonderful night|Evening|Morning!! Stay safe and warm!