
The Snake Spirit

Wynne started her journey as a witch when her father received a phone call in the summer vacation of Wynne's freshman year. Her father put aside what her grandfather told him and decided to take Wynne back to hometown to visit Eveline Mayfair. Wynne got stomachache after she ate the steak offered by Eveline, and was arranged for rest on bed, she had a very impressive dream. When she woke up, Wynne felt no pain in her stomach. Looking out of the window, she saw that it was already dark outside. The man dressed in black in her dream made her curious. But as she got up, by the moonlight shining through the window, she saw a large black snake with cold scales on top of her!

Daoist2UcU47 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 32 He wanted to eat her

"Mr. Gane, my lord sent me to take you home!" Said the butler, lowering the ladder from the helicopter.

Gane took her hand and said, "Master, my father wants to see me. I have to go home first."

He turned to look at Dooley. "Today is Monday, these days, Wynne is left to you to take care of, a few days later, I will pick her up!"

Then he reached down and pulled the ladder that had landed next to him.

Just as the helicopter was taking him off, Gane gave her a dirty smile, with his teeth showing. He put his arm around her shoulder, took her closer and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then waved away with a look of satisfaction.

"Master don't miss me, I'll be back in a couple of days!" He shouted at her, and then followed the helicopter farther and farther away.

Looking at Gane disppearing on the horizon, she felt happy, but also a little disappointed.

"I shouldn't know whom you liked so much but Gane." While she was in a daze, Dooley, who was standing next to her, suddenly teased her.

"Huh? Puzzled, she looked at Dooley.

Dooley smiled at her, folded his arms in front of him, with long, gray fingers, and, being taller than she was, looked down upon her.

"No, are you kidding me? Gane is a spirit. How can I like a spirit so much?" She replied.

"Then why are you so sad for his leaving? I know exactly what you thought of me when I confronted that monster." Dooley knew how she had seen the play just now, and now faced his questioning, she cried bitterly in her heart.

It was said that cat owners should not touch other cats outside, or the cat at home would be jealous and angry, so this rule, also worked for raising the spirit.

She pretended to be bashful, gave Dooley a friendly touch with his shoulder, and bragged to Dooley, "Bro, are you jealous?"

"Hum." Dooley sneered at her, "How could I being a spirit be jealous of him?"

She felt that Dooley was talking a little out of place, but now that Gane was gone and she was alone facing him, she had to be a good girl.

"If you don't mind, how about I buy you dinner tonight to make amends, pretty?" She said to Dooley with a wink.

His anger was finally faded by her joking, could not help but pucker a smile.

Seeing his smile, her heart was slightly down, in fact, Dooley's smile was very beautiful. No wonder any woman, human or evil, was attracted to him.

Dooley could no longer pretend he was broken, so he simply turned to her and nudged the tip of his white fingernail against the tip of her nose.

"Then I want to eat you." 'he whispered, leaning towards her ear and blowing at her.

Wynne felt itchy and didn't know what to say.

"Bro, are you kidding me? Let me invite you to eat some delicious food near our house." She answered with feigned composure.

George and Wegr, seeing that the mountain became calm, came back up again with workmen.

Since the coffin was made of gold, Wegr asked the workers to dig further to see if they could find anything else of value, but they only unearthed two paper figures and a paper seda, which was very new when it was unearthed and blackened after exposure to the sunlight.

Together, they carried the bodies of the employees down the hill, got paid the rest of the money and headed back downtown.

Wegr gave them another $20,000 for digging up the secondary gold coffin, making a total of $50,000. Wynne got 30,000 and George got 20,000.

George whistled excitedly all the way back, saying that she was his cash cow, that he would have to print out her picture and put it on his wall and kowtow to her every day, and that he would depend on her for the rest of his life. Twenty thousand dollars made George to excited to speak normally. She gave him a scornful look and said nothing.

But Wynne got some money in a matter of days, thanks to Dooley, or she would have died.

Back in the city, she sent George away, found the best and slowest restaurant downtown, and invited Dooley to dinner.

On the one hand, she was afraid that Dooley had just said to eat her on the mountain, and the slow serving of food would delay the time. On the other hand, she also expressed her gratitude to Dooley.

They opened a bottle of red wine and enjoyed the night view of the city as they ate and drank. Dooley was also extremely patient, eating slowly with her.

The meal lasted more than three hours, and the restaurant was closing in half a time, so she could only excuse herself by saying that she wanted to wander through the mall before going back.

Whether Dooley knew what she was thinking or not, he stood behind her as she waited for the elevator and whispered, "Your bra straps are off."

When he said that, she really felt the bra straps in her dress come loose, there were a few cleaning workers around them, and there were cameras.

Wynne was a little embarrassed. Dooley suddenly took her by the hand and walked into the dark corridor beside her.

Before she could speak, a hot kiss suddenly sealed her lips, she was lifted in Dooley's arms against the cold wall behind her.