
Chapter 2 The black snake

'Ah! Wynne screamed, "Dad, Grandma, help me, there's a snake in my bed!"

The snake awoke at her, and spitted out a long, red-tipped tongue at her, making that horrible hiss sound from its mouth!

Wynne was so scared that she laid motionless in her bed for fear that the big black snake would attack her!

Her father and grandmother heard her scream and rushed in!

When they saw a snake as thick as a grown man coiled around her, her father turned pale in fear, but her grandmother calmly picked up a stick at the foot of the door and shouted at the big black snake: "Black worm, why do you come out in the middle of the night to frighten her? just go back quickly!"

"The snake was called black worm?" Wynne was confused.

The snake seemed to understand what her grandmother was saying. It stood up, turned its sharp head and looked at her and ignoring her words.

Grandma was a little angry, and though she had a stick in her hand, she didn't dare come, as if she were afraid of the black snake lying on her body.

Feeling helplessness of her grandmother, Wynne was so scared that she started crying. The black snake slid down and disappeared in an instant as it saw her tears.

Wynne couldn't believe her eyes! How can a live snake just disappear before her?

Hurriedly, she lifted the covers to find out where it was! But instead, she saw her bare body covered with hickeys!

Her grandmother came up and looked at her, asking curiously, "Have you slept with the black worm?"

Wynne was nervous but defiantly said, "What? How could I sleep with a snake? !"

Her grandmother stared at her for a while, then sat down beside and sighed, "It's not your fault. The black worm has already entered your body. Later on, you will take over the heredity of grandma and set up your own way.

Wynne gazed at her grandmother in bewilderment.

Her grandmother rolled her eyes: "You look clever how the brain is not bright? Black worm is my spirit of snake, but now it slept with you and settled down in your abdomen. You have to raise it, otherwise, you will die!"

Black worm was in her abdomen? Wynne touched her abdomen in shock. As she covered it with her hand, she felt something moving inside.

The moment her worldview was collapsed by what had happened, just like she pushed open the door to the mysterious world and put one foot in it.

What should she do? Being a witch meant ending up alone like her grandma.

Wynne hadn't even had a boyfriend. She didn't want to be single forever!

She was so scared that tears were falling down her face.

Her grandmother held her hand and said, "sweetie, although witch has a bad reputation now, don't worry about it. Because the black worm is a kind of spirit whom has been cultivated from the first witch until now for several generations, and it has been perfected to some points. As long as you raise it well, it will be endless happiness for you in the future."

Wynne didn't believe it since her grandmother had never made it.

Her grandmother was annoyed to see that she didn't trust her, "Stop crying! the black worm is really cruel. It will make you wish you were dead when he's unhappy. So do not piss it off!"

She immediately stopped crying when she remembered his sudden disappearance.

"That's right!" Grandma was satisfied to stand up from bed, and happy to leave.

Her father then leaned over to her and asked, "Are you really inherited the spirit by your grandmother? !" Wynne mad at her dad. "Get out!" She threw a pillow at him, and then buried her head in bed and wept silently.

Staying awake all night, the next morning, Wynne found her grandmother gone, all the things in her room were packed away, as if she would be on a long journey.

She and her father stormed back to city, her Mom had a big fight with her father when she learned that Wynne had inherited Grandma's spirit of reptile.

Wynne was tired of their fighting, and went into the room lying down on the bed.

"Go and draw the curtains. I'm afraid of the light." A man's voice, slightly hoarse and sullen, came over her, which made Wynne jumped out of skin; "Who's talking to me?" Wynne got up and looked around! no one in the room except herself. A chill ran dowm from her spine, Goosebumps were popping out of her body. She stood still for a moment and looked out of the window, Somehow, she felt that the sunlight, which was usually comfortable, was a little harsh now! She hastily drew down the curtains.

As soon as the room was dark, something rolled off her, and before she could take a breath, it pressed its whole body against her to the bed! Then the cold touch covered her lips before she could utter a sound. It was the man from last night!

"Why you again!" She was so frightened that she pushed the man away and ran at the door. He was pushed to the side of the bed. The black robe fell freely over him, revealing a faint glistening muscle on his chest, but it looked pale and sexy in the dim room,The features were attractive and pale too, and the whole person looked hazy and pale.

Now he was lying half reclined on the bed, one hand propping up one side of his face, the other hand circling his chest, and looking at her playfully.

"Your grandmother should have told you everything that needs to be said. Since you are my new master, you are responsible for raising me. If you don't let me go out to suck other people's blood within three days, I can only kill you."

"What a wicked thing!" Only one sentence popped into her mind.

Wynne put on a sad face and said to the man, "But I have very few friends and no one to hurt!"

The man got out of bed and came over to her. That's when she realized he was tall and slender, and she only reached to his chin. "So you don't care about your parents?"

"Come on, they know nothing!" Wynne grabbed his arm to stop him from going out.

"Sixty kilometers west of your city, in a clinic called the town of Horsy, there is a man got covered with pimples. He is suffering from the disease that the doctor isn't able to cure. If you don't want your parents to die, take me to him and let me eat the spirit of reptile of him."

"Why did he know that someone's been poisoned in Horsy town!? He was so terrible." Thinking about it, Wynne wouldn't stand up to him for a while.

The man looked into her eyes and seemed to know what was going on in her mind. His chin carved out of a knife came to her and his thin lip pressed against her ear and whispered to her: "Be a good girl. You and your families will survive!"

When the man spoke, his forked tongue almost licked her ear, making her itchy.

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