
The Snake God of Pandora

3B-1H75M-857T-23T-89 successfully connected. Analyzing player compatibility with the Paradox Stream. Checking Compatibility... ... ... ... ... Compatibility... 100% Due to the player's high compatibility, please pick one of these races, Job classes, and Path, (Be warned!!!), once a Job class is picked, that will become the player's permanent reality. Name: Ophis LVL: 1/∞ EXP: 0/10 Age: 24 Race: Elder Naga Job class: Mountain Deity Path: Chaos Alignment: Chaotic Evil Net-worth: 0$ The human body is a fragile thing, flesh, and bones can only get you so far, we feel pain, we are blinded by emotions, we are vulnerable to everything in the environmen, and worst of all, the lifespan of a human being is pitifully short. I hate humans, no! it's more like I hate the human anatomy, who could blame me, I can't eat, I can't partake in the pleasure of the flesh, I can't feel, I can't speak, I can't walk, I can't see, I can't smell, and worse of all I can't even die. And to think, one machine is the problem to all of my suffering, one plug is the only thing keeping me alive. God! Satan! Cthulhu! anyone; anyone at all, if you could hear me. Please end my suffering, may it be heaven or hell, or somewhere else entirely, I don't care, I just want to die, do you even know how it feels to have no arms, no legs, no eyes, no mouth, no lower half? All I have is my hearing, and even now that is failing me, soon I will be nothing more but a conscious mind stuck in a worthless vegetable with zero sense. Can you even call that living? Cain prayed like this every day for the past ten years, until one day he heard the TV advertisement that was the closest thing to mercy. "Isn't reality just boring?" "Typical?" "Sad?" "Unfair?!" A man said his form was unknown. "We lived in a world, where human limitation can only carry us so far, here on earth, the world is split into two categories, the rich, and the poor, the lucky and the misfortunate, the talented, and average. Hehehe... I said six, but it still came down to the same thing." "But what if I tell you, there is a way we escape this illusion, what if I tell you there exists a world where all wishes can come true, a world with no laws, no rules, no consequences, and best of all, a world filled with monsters, and endless servers aka worlds with different genres all together within something call the Paradox stream." "Well if you are interested in a world of absolute freedom, a world that can be considered as real as ours without the limitation of human logic, we at Eqrisum LTD, present to you the new VRMMORPG game Pandora, a world where even the poor can become rich in both worlds, a world were even the weak and hopeless can become God among man, and best of all; if any player finds all 13 crowns of power, they can become the Gods of both world." "That's why, today and today only, we are offering a 1-month free trial at a worldwide scale to give everyone a taste of true freedom, you can now download Pandora on your Celebrium free of cost, to all children of the Box, I welcome you to Pandora."

Iam_hastur · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Nagasaur Physiology

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2 Extra Chapters >> 20 PS

4 Extra Chapters >> 50 PS

6 Extra Chapters >> 75 PS


[Affirmative. Now showing the player status board]

Thaumela said aloud, of course, I was the only one that heard her voice at the moment, and when she summons my status board the same color screen pattern came before me.

However, at that moment, Ophis jumped back in fright as he wasn't prepared for the share amount of information that came before his eyes.

Because right after a series of screens showing high-detail information about the player's prowess came before Ophis eyes.

Although he was both shocked and confused at the same time.

Shocked because for a beginner these stats were extremely monstrous as he had a lot of max-out skills.

However, he was confused because some of these stats were new time him.


[Personal Information]

Name: Ophis

LVL: 1/∞

EXP: 0/10

Age: 24

Race: Elder Nagasaur

Job class: Mountain Deity

Path: Chaos

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Net worth: 0$ (Bank Account Not Connected)


[Status Sheet]

|STR >> 1/∞| SPD >> 1/∞| DEX >> 1/∞|

|INT >> 15/∞| WSD >> 40/∞| CHR >> 570/∞|

|END >> 1/∞| DEF >> 1/∞| STM >> ∞/∞|

|LCK >> 13/∞| WIT >> 22/∞| PRS >> 15/∞|

|VIT >> ∞/∞| DBA >> 1/∞| CRM >> 3/∞|


[Ability logs]

|Mental Feild >> 1/∞|↓

|Telepathy >> MAX| ↑

|Telekinesis >> MAX|↑

|Analyzing >> MAX|↑

|Mind Reading >> MAX|↑

|Regeneration >> MAX|↑

|Technomancy >> MAX|↑


|Flight >> 1/∞|

|Create Primitive Nagasaur >> 1/∞|

|Adaptation >> MAX|

|Genetic Housing >> MAX|

|N-Cells >> MAX|

|Age Empowerment >> MAX|

|Zero Breathing >> MAX|

|Consciousness inducement >> [MAX] [New]|


As previously stated by Ophis. These stats were extremely high, and his skills, or a good portion of them were maxed out, what was even crazy was the fact that his stamina was infinite along with his vitality.

This puzzle Ophis and as a result of this he went to inquire with Thaumela as he asked her.

"Thaumela, I have some questions, the first being what is "WIT" and "PRS". And also why are my STM and VIT stats infinite?"

This question was indeed one that needed to be asked. And the answer Thaumela gave him was a little surprising, to say the least.

["WIT" stands for wits a conceptual stat that can only be upgraded with experiences or knowledge, meanwhile "PRS" stands for persuasion, the ability to manipulate others via words this of course works hand in hand with charisma]

"I see, so this game is similar to the standard TTRPG setup, primitive but interesting nonetheless... Hmm alright, I more or less get it now. So tell me why my stamina and vitality are infinite."

[Well to answer that question it all goes back to your race. The Nagasaur are essentially nigh unkillable, to the point that destroying their hearts simultaneously is the only thing capable of killing them, as such sickness and even taking a fatal wound wouldn't be enough to eradicate them, they also can't die from aging, essentially they are nigh immortal as such their life force is infinite in supply]

[Meanwhile, the Nagasaur N-Cell plays a huge factor in the totality of Nagasaur's power as an adaptive species, you can say it's the scariest thing about them]

[You see before time was even a concept much less an idea. The Nagasaur was naturally an extremely violent and battle-hungry race that kills to satisfy their inner desire for war and power]

[To the point they would even kill their kind simply because they had zero competition, this happens to the point that there was once a time in their history that they were the ones that were almost responsible for their extinction]

[To conquer this flaw, they use their genetic altering capabilities to rewrite their entire genetic code potentially forcefully evolving their already overpowered species to new heights, never seen before]

[And with a newly upgraded physiology, their bodies develop and evolve over the years to the point they beat the war of evolution. At first, they realize they cannot just adapt, but also evolve rather quickly when their cells experience serious levels of stress or trauma]

[In layman's terms, the Nagasaur's greatest feat isn't their passive adaptation. Instead, it's their "N-Cells" which are special cells of the Nagasaurs race that react to danger by weaponizing said danger]

[Also keep in mind that the genetic cells of the Nagasaur are so potent to the point they as an advanced warrior race could crossbreed with any species imaginable, and when I mean any species. I mean anything even spiritual beings]

[But when the child is born; the child will be born as a Nagasaur along with all the abilities of both races, of course, all the abilities that the Nagasaur parent didn't have but the child inherited from the mother or the father, are enhanced by 100×, so the "N-Cells" is the reason the Nagasaur race has limitless stamina because the Nagasaur can eternally evolve to the point they don't tire no matter what they do, or how long they do it for]

This was the descriptive answer that Thaumela gave Ophis. And it was a surprising one nonetheless, to say the least.

The "N-Cells" were definitely beyond his imagination. However, he needed to know just how strong he is.

So he commanded Thaumela once more.

"Thaumela, just how strong is this level one body."

[Strength wise you can lift about 3 tons]

[Speed wise you run at half the speed of Mach-1]

[Fligth wise, well it depends, with normal flight, you can fly about Mach-1, but when you are in space you become extremely faster, how fast well at the first level alone you can fly at 1/LYPH (Light years per hour)]

"I see, quite overpowered indeed, well with the flight skill I can easily move faster than light when in space, so traveling to different planets or star systems in the different servers won't be hard, but it seems that this only applies when I'm in space, and to think all my stats double each time I level up as well."

"Very well then, I more or less understand now, for instance, I could use my psychic abilities within the range of the mental field right, so what's the range of my mental field right now?"

Ophis ask, wanting to know just what the limit to his range is, and he indeed receives his answer.

[About 2 meters in a perfect 360° spherical angle around you, so you can sense and move things within your mind within this range]

"Kind of short, but it's better than nothing."

"Anyways I more or less understand what my powers are, the bigger question is though how can I make some money in this game?"

[Well the same way you can make money in the real world, you can start a business, form a gang, get a job, or even rob a bank, the option is limitless]

[But you can also go on Pandora's black web and auction off multiple things such as organs, weapons and artifacts, NPC's, and even information, although it all depends on what is in high demand]

Thaumela informs Ophis. Who at this point was thinking of ways to make a lot of money. His main objective of course was to save up enough cash to purchase a new body in his real world.

Although the cheapest synthetic body these days costs hundreds of millions. So he would need to save his earnings earnestly.

And the first course of action was, of course, to link his Lishan Bank Account to Pandora. So he requested for Thaumela to link his bank account.

[Linking player Cain Lishan Bank Account to Pandora's network]

[Account #: XXX XXX XXX XX Connected]

[Total amount: $5.45]

"Great! Great! Now all that remains is to find a way to make some real money. But I believe the best course of action is to gather information."

"Well for now let's just fly around and see if I can find anyone nearby."

And like that, Ophis began to fly around in hopes of finding any kind of human life form or at the bare minimum signs of intelligent life.

So after a couple of minutes passed, he couldn't find any humans or mutant humanoids at all. But this didn't deter him at all, this place was after all very large, and even flying at Mach speed for five minutes straight hardly cover a tenth of this large abandoned city.

"Hmmm. This rain might be the reason why I'm not meeting anyone around. Maybe I should check the build...

However, before Ophis had the time to even suggested that he suddenly hit something invisible.

"Haaa. What the hell is this supposed to be?"

Ophis asked he used his fingers to tap the invisible barrier in front of him.

Tap! Tap!

"A barrier ha?"

"I wonder what it is made from? It seems pretty durable."

Ophis asked no one, and let his mind ponder on the nature behind it. He began to wonder if it was supernatural or technological.

And just as he asked that his eyes began to glow. As an invisible barrier soon reveal itself before his eyes or the true nature of its creation and entirety being deciphered was a better way to describe it.

{Conditions met activating analysis}

{Analysis complete}

→ Type: Supernatural

→ Additional Info: A barrier made from Harding the air to be as hard as iron, it was used to block out the black rain

→ Solutions: Dig underground and make a tunnel to the next side.

"I see, so this must be my analysis skill, very convenient indeed. Ok, so the solution is a primitive approach gotcha!"

With that said, Ophis headed straight to the ground and began to use his telekinesis to borrow downward and make a tunnel to the next side, this was of course done very quickly.

And immediately after he intrudes on the other side of the barrier. He began hear to an intense wave of gunshots coming from the north.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

It was an onslaught of relentless fire and by the looks of it, the battle was intense.

This was good news for Ophis, so he flew up into the sky once more and headed toward the location of the gunfire.

It didn't take him long to reach it, and that was when he saw the group of people that were dressed in heavy armor. Driving what appears to be a literal tank, with a futuristic design and aesthetic.

The group in question was a series of three middle age man, all shooting toward a giant 40-meter metallic wolf with giant laser rays in its side.

"Wow, what a large doggy."