
The Snake God of Pandora

3B-1H75M-857T-23T-89 successfully connected. Analyzing player compatibility with the Paradox Stream. Checking Compatibility... ... ... ... ... Compatibility... 100% Due to the player's high compatibility, please pick one of these races, Job classes, and Path, (Be warned!!!), once a Job class is picked, that will become the player's permanent reality. Name: Ophis LVL: 1/∞ EXP: 0/10 Age: 24 Race: Elder Naga Job class: Mountain Deity Path: Chaos Alignment: Chaotic Evil Net-worth: 0$ The human body is a fragile thing, flesh, and bones can only get you so far, we feel pain, we are blinded by emotions, we are vulnerable to everything in the environmen, and worst of all, the lifespan of a human being is pitifully short. I hate humans, no! it's more like I hate the human anatomy, who could blame me, I can't eat, I can't partake in the pleasure of the flesh, I can't feel, I can't speak, I can't walk, I can't see, I can't smell, and worse of all I can't even die. And to think, one machine is the problem to all of my suffering, one plug is the only thing keeping me alive. God! Satan! Cthulhu! anyone; anyone at all, if you could hear me. Please end my suffering, may it be heaven or hell, or somewhere else entirely, I don't care, I just want to die, do you even know how it feels to have no arms, no legs, no eyes, no mouth, no lower half? All I have is my hearing, and even now that is failing me, soon I will be nothing more but a conscious mind stuck in a worthless vegetable with zero sense. Can you even call that living? Cain prayed like this every day for the past ten years, until one day he heard the TV advertisement that was the closest thing to mercy. "Isn't reality just boring?" "Typical?" "Sad?" "Unfair?!" A man said his form was unknown. "We lived in a world, where human limitation can only carry us so far, here on earth, the world is split into two categories, the rich, and the poor, the lucky and the misfortunate, the talented, and average. Hehehe... I said six, but it still came down to the same thing." "But what if I tell you, there is a way we escape this illusion, what if I tell you there exists a world where all wishes can come true, a world with no laws, no rules, no consequences, and best of all, a world filled with monsters, and endless servers aka worlds with different genres all together within something call the Paradox stream." "Well if you are interested in a world of absolute freedom, a world that can be considered as real as ours without the limitation of human logic, we at Eqrisum LTD, present to you the new VRMMORPG game Pandora, a world where even the poor can become rich in both worlds, a world were even the weak and hopeless can become God among man, and best of all; if any player finds all 13 crowns of power, they can become the Gods of both world." "That's why, today and today only, we are offering a 1-month free trial at a worldwide scale to give everyone a taste of true freedom, you can now download Pandora on your Celebrium free of cost, to all children of the Box, I welcome you to Pandora."

Iam_hastur · Sci-fi
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31 Chs

Creating a Character

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2 Extra Chapters >> 20 PS

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6 Extra Chapters >> 75 PS


(P) look towards Cain, it has given him what he wanted and gave him only the essential information that holds the most important within this game world.

With that out of the way. It was now time to move on to the most important part of the login procedure. And that was to create the player's character.

So (P) began to inform Cain of the next steps, seeing that the majority of his question as of now has been answered.

"Alright Cain, now that your question has been answered, it's now time to create a character."

Cain was still laughing like a maniac. But he was soon knocked out of his greedy state when he heard (P) called out to him.

"Egh...Ha? Oh... Yeah, what do you want (P)?"

"I said it was time for you to make your character sheet."

"Aw finally, so tell me how does this work?"

Cain asked (P) with a light smile plastered on his face, he was both happy and excited to finally turn his life around, if no one could save him, then he would save himself.

And if the world of Pandora could offer him such luxuries along with a second chance, then without a doubt he was going to take it in full.

So with that in mind, Cain asked.

"So (P) how do I go about creating a character?"

"Well it's simple, you see, compatibility also plays an important role when choosing a race, along with a job class."

With those words said a large purple screen with a series of words labeled in neon pink came before the eyes of Cain, as it reveals the order in which the hierarchy of job class and race stands.

[Job Class Rank]

Compatibility 1%-10%: Common job classes that are occupation titles one receives for their field of expertise, such as sword man, archer, magician, priest, etc.

Compatibility 11%-30%: Rare job classes are evolved versions of common job classes, these job classes are far superior to the average job classes as the skill tree for them focuses heavily on the expertise on a deeper level, examples of these are, samurai, gunslinger, wizard, pope, etc.

Compatibility 31%-60%: Epic job classes are high-level job classes that are the ultimate variants of the rare job classes, these job classes have unique abilities that are vastly stronger than the rare ones, and examples of these job classes are Sword Saint, Elemental Archer, Sage, Divine messenger, etc.

Compatibility 61%- 80%: Legendary job classes are extremely rare job classes, these job classes aren't evolved versions of the normal ones no these are exclusive job classes one would call the job classes of the main characters such as Necromancer, Hero, Demon Lord, Paladin King, Frost Emperor, Returner, Reincarnator, etc.

Compatibility 81%-99%: Unique job classes are one-of-a-kind job classes, they can only be one job class with the same title as this job class as it is unique to the user alone. Although skill sets of unique job classes are highly destructive.

Compatibility 100%-100%: Primordial job class is the highest and most powerful set of job classes within the realm of Pandora, these job classes are given to those who have achieved a unique enlightened perspective. And people who have these classes aren't even considered players but are more like hidden super bosses in the realm of Pandora, and due to the extreme power difference even their leveling up is vastly different, how much different, well it as follows.

Level 30 of the Common job class is a level 1 state of power for a Primordial job holder.

Level 25 of the Rare job class is a level 1 state of power for a Primordial job holder.

Level 20 of the Epic job class is a level 1 state of power for a Primordial job holder.

Level 15 of the Legendary job class is a level 1 state of power for a primordial job holder.

Level 10 of the Unique job class is a level 1 state of power for a Primordial job holder.

Level 1 of the Primordial job class is a level 1 state of power for a Primordial job holder.

Quick note: The job classes of the Primordial job holders are evolvable and are the only class that can evolve, they are multiple ways to evolve the class. Overall though the same logic stated so far applies to the races that exist within Pandora.

Cain of course was reading through the lengthy descriptions, but for umpteen time today, he was shocked to see the power difference.

It was truly insane, could you imagine just how stupidly broken the primordial job holders are? Yes based on the description, he could rival a common Level 30 player at Level 1, and going by these numbers at Level 3 he would have the power of a common Level 90 player.

Honestly, this amused him greatly, extortion had never been easier, however, compatibility is very important in this game. Although what balanced this off was the infinite leveling system, so in theory a common Level 200 player could easily beat Cain if he had a level of 3.

Although what made the primordial job classes interesting to him though was the fact he isn't even classified as a player. To be honest, after logging in it would be like the birth of a new super hidden boss monster, which was quite interesting.

So without wasting any more time, Cain called out to "P" and said.

"Thanks a lot for the information, although I think it is time we move on to the actual creation of my character, say what do we do now to make this possible?"

"P" of course brought forth another purple screen before Cain, it said, loading at the same time the voice of a woman rang out, it same voice that Cain heard when he first log in and met "P".

[Due to the player's high compatibility. The synchronization rate with the Paradox stream was flawless]

[As a result, a series of 100 random primordial job classes, and 100 primordial races will be shown on the screen for the player the choose from, please read through each of them carefully before making a final decision]

[(Be warned!!!), once a Job class, and race is picked, that will become the player's permanent reality]

Moments later though, the loading screen reach 100%, and like promise a large number of job classes, and races began to appear before Cain.

"Wow, this is a lot!"

Cain said out loud, surprised by the share amount of job classes available to him.

Without a doubt they were powerful, even looking at one of them, made Cain's eyes wide in disbelief.

For instance, there was a job class called Grand Warden.

. Grand Warden: This is a semi-divine job class that makes the user a divine prison warden. The user of this job class specialized in enslavement, anyone you beat becomes your servant till the very end of your own life, with it you can even share damage among your inmates and copy their ability at 85% proficiency and without cooldown times, allowing you spam infinitely.

Then and again, there was also something like

* Eldritch Monk: This job class would allow the user to have high spiritual control that one of the Monk classes should possess, although in this case, the user would by default have the highest talent in the art of spiritual understanding, which would allow them to enhance their body's physical attributes with Chi, and while also having immense control over the negative aspects of one's mind, the skill tree, of course, would consist of chaotic mind abilities that would induce immense insanity, and paranoia upon the user and enemy alike. While also having unique enhancement abilities, that far surpass even unique buffing abilities.

This of course left Cain rather surprised.

After all, it was merely a small glimpse of what path he could take, and truly these primordial job classes were indeed something else to behold.

Broken wasn't even the word to describe them. What was even crazier was the fact that these job classes were supposed to open up the skill tree and were already this destructive at level one, and can even be evolved to further levels.

And as tempting as these two jobs were, Cain knew better than anyone else. That making a hasty decision here would be a foolish mistake so with that said, he began to look to clarify something with "P" once more.

"... "P"... Just to clarify, are you 100% sure that time is non-existent in this place?"

"P" gave one word.


At this single word Cain thoughts to himself.

'Well then, I will use that to my advantage to pick a suitable class.'

So, determine to pick the most suitable class, Cain decided to spend the next seven hours reading through every descriptive explanation from the job class and races multiple times over.

Eventually, he decided, on what race he wanted to pick.

[You have picked the highest form of a Nagasaur hailing from an extinct legendary primordial alien race, the "Elder Naga" from planet Nagara of Albedo-5]

* Race Synopsis: The Nagas, also call the Nagasaurs are a highly advanced warrior race that is presumed extinct in their home dimension. They are considered primordials who are as old as the outer gods of their world, as they have existed even before the concept of time was established by the new gods. Not only are they nigh unkillable seeing that the only way to kill them is by destroying all nine of their hearts simultaneously, but they are also highly adaptive as well due to their control over genetics.

From there Cain also picks his chosen occupation.

[You have picked "Mountain Diety" as your Primordial job class]

* Job Class synopsis: The Mountain Deity job class allows the user to derive power from prayer, by turning belief into power, the Mountain Deity class allows the user to do a variety of things, such as using prayer to strengthen attacks, increase the life span of others, create things from imagination, manipulating the weather, and granting wishes within reason. But of course, what makes this class so special is the fact that its skill tree is of the greed archetype, which would only allow the user to do beneficial missions that have only the user's interest in mind