
The Snake God of Pandora

3B-1H75M-857T-23T-89 successfully connected. Analyzing player compatibility with the Paradox Stream. Checking Compatibility... ... ... ... ... Compatibility... 100% Due to the player's high compatibility, please pick one of these races, Job classes, and Path, (Be warned!!!), once a Job class is picked, that will become the player's permanent reality. Name: Ophis LVL: 1/∞ EXP: 0/10 Age: 24 Race: Elder Naga Job class: Mountain Deity Path: Chaos Alignment: Chaotic Evil Net-worth: 0$ The human body is a fragile thing, flesh, and bones can only get you so far, we feel pain, we are blinded by emotions, we are vulnerable to everything in the environmen, and worst of all, the lifespan of a human being is pitifully short. I hate humans, no! it's more like I hate the human anatomy, who could blame me, I can't eat, I can't partake in the pleasure of the flesh, I can't feel, I can't speak, I can't walk, I can't see, I can't smell, and worse of all I can't even die. And to think, one machine is the problem to all of my suffering, one plug is the only thing keeping me alive. God! Satan! Cthulhu! anyone; anyone at all, if you could hear me. Please end my suffering, may it be heaven or hell, or somewhere else entirely, I don't care, I just want to die, do you even know how it feels to have no arms, no legs, no eyes, no mouth, no lower half? All I have is my hearing, and even now that is failing me, soon I will be nothing more but a conscious mind stuck in a worthless vegetable with zero sense. Can you even call that living? Cain prayed like this every day for the past ten years, until one day he heard the TV advertisement that was the closest thing to mercy. "Isn't reality just boring?" "Typical?" "Sad?" "Unfair?!" A man said his form was unknown. "We lived in a world, where human limitation can only carry us so far, here on earth, the world is split into two categories, the rich, and the poor, the lucky and the misfortunate, the talented, and average. Hehehe... I said six, but it still came down to the same thing." "But what if I tell you, there is a way we escape this illusion, what if I tell you there exists a world where all wishes can come true, a world with no laws, no rules, no consequences, and best of all, a world filled with monsters, and endless servers aka worlds with different genres all together within something call the Paradox stream." "Well if you are interested in a world of absolute freedom, a world that can be considered as real as ours without the limitation of human logic, we at Eqrisum LTD, present to you the new VRMMORPG game Pandora, a world where even the poor can become rich in both worlds, a world were even the weak and hopeless can become God among man, and best of all; if any player finds all 13 crowns of power, they can become the Gods of both world." "That's why, today and today only, we are offering a 1-month free trial at a worldwide scale to give everyone a taste of true freedom, you can now download Pandora on your Celebrium free of cost, to all children of the Box, I welcome you to Pandora."

Iam_hastur · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Big Boss

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2 Extra Chapters >> 20 PS

4 Extra Chapters >> 50 PS

6 Extra Chapters >> 75 PS


[3:39 ET]

[November 23rd/ 11,890 AOTNG]

[15 Minutes Earlier]

[T- City Association Center]

Within the city, a flash of lightning could be seen flashing through the various streets, as it bounces from building to building at a fast speed.

Covering many kilometers in microseconds. The great speed of the flashing light of lighting alone was so fast it made even Ophis, Mach One feats look like child play.

Although the movements weren't like running, instead it was like red lightning bouncing off objects at a fast speed.

However the red lightning wasn't bouncing aimlessly, seeing that it was using the rooftop to shorten the distance of its chosen location as it goes along, and eventually, it made its way to a certain blue building.

Making its way up to a very tall building, and right through the window of the highest floor. And it wasn't long before a voice was heard.

"Big Boss... Big Boss... I have Big news!"

A unique-looking but also extremely beautiful dark skin middle age woman in her late forties announced with excitement; as she jump into the top floor of the Association building.

She was 4"9 in height and wore a white bunny girl costume, her hair was crimson red while the tips were black, and she had dark and long bunny ears that look more like demonic horns from afar, but these ears were natural as natural can come.

She had polycoria eyes, meaning two pupils in one eye, although, for her, it was both of her eyes that were polycoria in design, the pupils were red and black respectively, while the sclera was a deep purple, giving her an inhuman look.

She had mechanical rabbit feet, which was an augmented gear that fits her well. This extension in particular was used to improve her jump force many times over, but even without them, she can jump seven times the distance of that of a flea if it were a human.

But what made this woman even more unique was the extra limbs behind her. They were four pair of spider appendages; similar to that of spider legs, they were black, while the tips were a menacing-looking color of red. Behind her was a fluffy white rabbit tail. Meanwhile, the stockings on her bunny girl suit were made from the black silk she naturally produces.

This woman's name was Kiroka Elise, but to the public, she goes by the moniker of "Black Spider Rabbit" The 3rd rank Mutant of T-City, and the 13th strongest person in the world. She is an extremely powerful mutant with the powers of both a spider and a rabbit.

And one of the association's 3 dragons of T-City.

Kiroka is a very beautiful, and also an equally powerful woman, her size might be on the cute side, but make no mistake she is a very formidable and exceptionally strong mercenary, as she possesses the power to solo even 4-star ruins alone by herself, and is qualified to venture even the 7-star ruins of Paragon.

However Kiroka is more than just a mercenary, she is also the information broker of the T-City association and the greatest spy they have under their rank, with her unmatched speed, and stealth capabilities, along with her ability to be at multiple places at once, she was like the ears and eyes of the association.

And being the association spy, it's her responsibility to bring back any news that might be a threat to the association or the city as a whole, the association was after all the main and last defense of the T-City dome, and surprisingly the news that Kiroka brought back was indeed one that would make the association head move accordingly with his actions, to the point, if he even had a meeting with the Dome King, he would forget that he even exist to ensure this matter was settled and approach correctly.

Now at this point, the Association Head, Akeem Grandure Elise looks up to see his little sister Kiroka with a troubled expression. The hair on her body was standing up to attention, and she was trembling with fear, despite her attempts to hide her uneasiness behind a fake smile, it was quite clear to see that she was on the verge of collapsing.

This surprised him greatly, after all, it was not every day that he sees this demonic rabbit like this. Normally she is all hype for a good fight, as the thrill of war entices her greatly. And the last time he saw her like this was when the first two Beyonders descended upon the world of Paragon and caused the unforgettable events of the great humbling, which was twenty years ago.

Akeem got up from his desk and walk up to Kiroka, and said.

"Oi. Chill! Chill! girl... what happened to you?"

Kiroka's legs soon gave in as she lost all strength in her legs, and said but five words, that made Akeem's face went from concern to serious.

"Scenario-0... Threat level Unknown."

Akeem began to breathe in and out slowly, as he look at his sister and said.


"... Like I said, it is a new color, that's why I classify it as unknown, and one with a horrifying presence at that, this thing, is not like the other Beyonders, it's far worst."

Kiroka then began to take off a necklace from around her neck and present it to her older brother, and that's when Akeem saw it. The once beautiful and transparent crystal was now a disgusting combination of black, purple, red, silver, and grey, all colors of chaos fuse into one even making an ominous and unknown color at the center that makes one sick just looking at it.

Akeem close his eyes, in worry as he got up, and picked up the files that reveal Ophis information.

And the information he saw was rather shocking, his age especially, First Answer (Beyond human understanding) Second Answer (100,000) seeing that we need numbers and couldn't use words in the system.



- Name: Ophis

- Alignment Type: Chaos

- Age: 100,000

- Power Type: Esper (Not 100%)

- Notable abilities: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Flight (presumably), and Fear inducement

- Gender: Presumably male (Appear genderless at first glance)

- Personality: A little aggressive, easily annoyed, call me a female homosapien, and proceed to wonder if this planet has any intelligent life form.

- Description: A short and extremely handsome blue, black, and pink humanoid with a terrifying presence that instills what can only be described as primal fear, appears genderless. He has a black sclera, blue iris, pink nocturnal pupils, sharp black claws, long black, blue, and pink horns, long hair made from black snakes, and a large dinosaur/snake-like tail of 1.5-2.0 meters in length.


It didn't take Akeem long to read the file of the mysterious Beyonder that have recently entered T-City, it was very short, and right to the point.

Akeem then looks toward Kiroka as he said.

"Kie-Kie... seeing that the resonant crystal reacts, then without you doubt you pass by him, tell me where exactly is he heading, if you had to make a guess."

"When I pass him, he was flying high in the sky, but he definitely heading this way as we speak."

"I see... well it's better that way I guess, *Sigh!* how stressful, it has been three years since a Beyonder came to T-City, either way though, you did great Kie-Kie, tell you what; why don't you take the day off along with the entire week as well, go and spend time with your husband, son, and daughter."

Akeem said with a smile, he was stressed but also pleased at the same time.

This of course took Kiroka by surprise as she made a suspicious face while saying.


"Are you serious, no pay cuts?"

"You speak as if I'm a heartless person dear sister of mine."

"Says the guy who cut my pay by the hundreds for every minute I arrive late for my duties."

Kiroka said firmly. Still a little angry about her brother's strict attitude towards her.

Akeem chuckled a little as he drank coffee from his mug while looking out the window while saying.

"Well, either way, I was going to give you some time off regardless of the situation, after all, Lasombra is finally coming back."

Upon hearing this Kiroka's eyes widen as she said with a happy smile.

"Ohhh. Really? Blake is already coming back, haha... men who would have thought that seven months went by just like that ha?"

Kiroka thoughts to herself

Meanwhile, Akeem responded as such.

"Either way, it's good news our rank two is arriving back so early. This just makes our life, a whole lot easier, Beyonders are strong, but Blake's mother and father were both Beyonders, so with her on the way the playing field will be even out if things get messy."

Kiroka began to think and picture a scenario where both Ophis and Blake were fighting, and honestly speaking, it can go either way. She knows a lot about Blake's powers and abilities, but this new Beyonder by the name of Ophis was another mystery altogether. As far as she knows the guy seems to be an esper. Although the full scope of those abilities is unknown.

Akeem seem to realize what his little sister was envisioning, and honestly, he himself was also envisioning a similar scenario.

However, he soon snaps out of it, as he announces.

"Well, it would be an interesting showdown to witness, although let's not get over ourselves. The good news is the fact that the Beyonder in question at least had the manners to enter the city in a civilized way that was both legal and unaggressive. I think he can be reason with if anything we might be the ones who are being a little bit exaggerating, so why don't you leave these things to your older brother, and go enjoy your holiday with your family."

Kiroka hesitates for a few seconds; as she tilts her head to the side and questions.

"Are you sure though big bro, this is a Beyonder we are talking about, will you be fine?"

"Of course, I won't be ok, I might even die here, but both you and I know what will happen if I take my last breath."

At those words, Kiroka smile bitterly, if anything she would rather take her chances with the Beyonder than picture a scenario where her older brother takes her last breath.

But she trust her older brother in these kinds of things, so before she left, she said to him.

"Take care of yourself, big bro, although if things do get messy with introduction and negotiation, please don't be afraid to summon me, I will be here as quick as I can."

"I hear you loud and clear Kie-Kie, you may leave my office now."

Kiroka just smile, and before another second passed, she instantly vanishes from the room as the curtain blew slightly.

Meanwhile, Akeem activate his communication terminal as he said.

"Triston... I have a task that needs your immediate attention."