
The Slytherin Savior

This is a story surrounding, Blaise Zabini, heir to the most ancient and Noble House of Zabini. Blaise goes to Hogwarts and gets sorted in Slytherin. The boy who is gifted in Mage sight and is filled with power hungry desires, despite coming from a neutral family. How will he become Great and change the wizardry world, Find out on "THE SLYTHERIN SAVIOR"

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14 Chs

The Summer Plans 2

I came out of the floo fireplace that was in the leaky cauldron, I dusted myself, straighten my back, I walked to the general opening, pulling out my wand and tapped the correct patterns and the brick wall opened up to let me through, walk straight through the crowd, i headed towards the only magical bank in this country, Gringotts.

This place always amazing probably because of the powerful wards that I could definitely feel, or the race of goblins managing the bank and wizard's money, maybe both.

Passing by the tall intimidating goblins guards up front, I quickly went to the a line that was less crowded, soon it was my turn, I pulled out the key to my vault, i spoke softly, " I would like to speak to the manager of 777 vault and withdraw, please"

The goblin looked at me, suspiciously, definitely seeing through my glamour, but knew better than to comment on it. The goblin called another goblin and started conversing in their native language, I should be learn it, it will benefit me greatly and I could avoid getting scammed by them.

The goblin from his tag was Rawbar, signaled me to follow me, I walking behind him a bit, the lead me through different corridors before we stopped at a door, the goblin knocked and went in, coming back he informed me to enter, there I met a goblin which I was familiar with, "Steel... pleasure seeing you,... looking as happy as ever". That was a lie, the goblin was anything but happy, I'm not surprised everyone we visited him for things concerning our vault, he always looked like every day someone pisses in his pumpkin juice.

"Mr Zabini, may I ask why you suddenly visited me, especially in a glamour,...?" He said with an eyebrow raised and a frown.

"Nothing to much, but I am in need of your assistance, for a price of course," this caused the goblin to be interested and curious, greedy thing I tell you but I'm not that far from him.

I smiled," I would to start a business, and I am in the need to purchase a shop, a good one, I also know that the best way to get one is through you,"

"What kind of business?" Curious to know what the smart 12 year old has planned.

"Those it matter through?, I'm in the need of a shop and that is all..." I said coldly.

Not wanting to annoy the heir, he quickly called another goblin to bring the necessary files on shops on sale in Diagon Alley.

Giving it to me, the started giving me the general information and price of the shop, carefully go through the files , I soon found a shop that had a three floors at the general center of the alley, making it noticable." How much for this?"

"For that want is about, 2500 gallons"

" You can't be serious,1700 gallons"





He looked at me with a deadpan look, I went lower than ordinary, leaving if in not choice but.

"2000 gallons, and the shop is yours," he said reluctantly.

"🤝 Deal" I smirked'

" You can take the money from my vault, speaking about my vault, I would like to withdraw from my Vault."

"Every well."


After withdrawing, I headed towards the shop I just bought, arriving, the shop looked old and worn out, the inside was a lot worse, coated with dust and dirt, perfect, "Sasha!,"


"What can Sasha do for the young master?" The maid dressed elf said.

"Clean this place up, if you encounter a problem inform me immediately..got it?"

"Yes sir!," She said excited, the elf loved cleaning.

What now,... ah yes..staff, I need people to work for me, I could tell Steel to set up a job hiring flyer, now that I can think about there are a lot of muggleborns and half bloods, that is penniless not to mention the magical creatures such as werewolves. I may be a child but I'm not ignorant to the situation around me, of course I know that if you don't have an big shot backing you, one especially a muggleborn or halfblood you wouldn't even step in the ministry.

So I will interview them to find the most suitable for the job, I went back to the bank to inform Steel to about the job offer, now all that was left was to make the actual potions.

Oh Brother -...


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(Hey everyone, I have other story mind checking them out? E.g The wandering Girl and A Witch's Little Life!⟵⁠(⁠๑⁠¯⁠◡⁠¯⁠๑⁠))