
The Sly Serpent (Part 1)

On the year of 1880 at Russia, when times all people have a crisis on their economy. A poor family called the Vargara family forced to send her 16 year old daughter, Sofia Vargara to work as a maid on a huge mansion whose lived by a very mysterious wealthy family called the Grosvenor family. While she was working in the mansion as maid, theres many strange incidents that will leads to a great conspiracy. Lies many mysteries and full of plot twists within the story. In this story, Sofia's journey is just the beginning. TRUST NO ONE, SUSPECT EVERYONE

David_Juan_Nicolas · Realistic
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80 Chs

Chapter 80. Next Case

Finally, General Gregory been killed by Sir.Igor.

After his death, Sofia and Polina gets inside the ballroom quietly.

All the noble guests are gossiping, until it becomes noisy.

That's why all of them don't notice that Sofia and Polina comes inside the ballroom.

Polina says, "What happened?"

Sofia says, "Oh, it finally finished."

Polina asks, "What do you mean?"

Sofia says, "His plan worked."

Then Polina sees General Gregory's corpse on the floor with his head got chopped off.

After she sees that, she says, "Yeah, it is finished."

Sofia then says towards Polina, "Polina, I better go off with the maids."

Polina replies, "Oh yeah, sure."

Then Sofia returns to her friends.

When they notice, they surprised to see Sofia full of wounds on her entire body from the top to bottom.

They panic and says, "Oh My God!!, Sofia are you alright?!!"

Suddenly Maria runs towards her and give her a hug.

Then Sofia looks towards Svetlana.

Svetlana replies, "I knew you would return."

Sofia smiles and says, "I'll always come back."

During the hug, Maria says, "Thank God, you're okay. I afraid that I won't see you again."

Sofia smiles and holds her head and says, "Remember, Maria. I'll always come back for you and I'll always protect you no matter what."

Then Maria cries.

Meanwhile, Lord Walter Herbert goes towards Anastasia and hugs her.

Lord Walter Herbert says towards her, "Its okay, its okay, Anastasia. He's gone now."

Anastasia cries and says, "I don't have a family anymore."

Lord Walter replies, "No, you're wrong, you still have a family."

Anastasia says, "Who?"

Lord Walter replies, "The Herbert Family."

Anastasia says, "What?"

Lord Walter replies, "All the members of the Herbert family are your family."

Anastasia says, "Really, you all are my family as well?"

Lord Walter replies, "Of course, since I became your educator when you were a little child, I always considered you as my own daughter. So yes, I'm also a part of your family."

Anastasia says, "Alright, so what should I do now?"

Lord Walter replies, "From now on, you'll stay with me in my mansion at England and you'll become a part of the Herbert Family."

Anastasia then says, "Thank you, Lord Walter."

Lord Walter replies, "Please call me father."

Anastasia says, "Is it alright, I call you father?"

Lord Walter smiles and nods.

Then, Anastasia smiles too and says, "Thank you, father."

After that, Edgar and Evelina goes towards her.

Anastasia then says again towards Lord Walter, "Oh yes, I almost forgot, can this little girl become a part of the Herbert Family too? She had lost her family as well."

Lord Walter smiles and replies, "Sure, what's your name, little girl?"

Evelina replies, "My name is Evelina Golinsyns."

Lord Walter then says, "Well, from now on, your name will be Evelina Herbert."

After that, they laughed.

Then Anastasia and Edgar looks at each other and smile.

Nikolas then says towards Sir.Igor, "Now, you have no master. So how about you join me and serve me?"

Sir.Igor immediately replies, 'I'll never serve you. Starts from now. I serve no one."

Nikolas says, "So what are you going to do now?"

Sir.Igor replies, "I'll retired and live my life with no regrets."

Nikolas says, "Alright."

Then Sir.Igor says, "And don't worry, I won't tell anything about what happened in this mansion and I won't tell anything about you and your goal."

Nikolas nods and says towards Sir.Igor, "You live a good and an honorable life, Igor, you're a great knight and a great butler."

After that, Sir.Igor nods and leaves the ballroom.

Then he pack up his things.

Dmitri and Polina are having a conversation.

Polina doesn't tell about Sofia's secret identity to anyone, because both of them had made a deal.

Sofia told Polina to keep her identity a secret, because Sofia told her that her older sister is still alive.

And as an exchange to that if she obeys Sofia, Sofia promised her that she will help her to find her sister.

Then Lord Nikolas announced to everyone in the ballroom.

He says, "Ladies and Gentlemen!!, I have a good news to everyone, you all may leave this mansion and return home, if you agree to cooperated with me. If not, you know what's going to happen."

With that kind of threat, all the noble family immediately agrees to cooperated with Nikolas.

Within the noble family, half of them agree with Nikolas, but some of them are forced to cooperate with him.

Then all the head of the noble family make a contract with him in Lord Nikolas's room.

They make a contract by signing a contract paper that had already been made by Mrs.Victoria.

And all the noble guests are restricted to keep a secret of the incident of the ballroom.

Then Lady Glafira comes towards Nikolas.

And she says to him, "Nikolas, theres someone here wants to join our organization."

Nikolas then says, "All of the noble family had agreed to cooperate with me, so who else wants to join us."

Lady Glafira replies, "This person isn't from a noble family, but from the Russian Millitary Force. He is the supreme colonel general, his rank is right below General Gregory."

Nikolas says, "Oh interesting, alright after this I'll meet him."

Then Dmitri comes towards him and says, "So what are we going to do with all the dead bodies of all my comrades?"

Nikolas says, "Oh yes, I see theres many of the assassins died mysteriously."

Dmitri says, "Who would have cause this?"

Nikolas then says, "Probably theres a traitor among the assassins, stay alert and about the dead bodies, just burn it along with this mansion."

Dmitri says, "So we'll burn this mansion."

Nikolas says, "Yes."

Dmitri replies, "Is Lady Anastasia agreed to that?"

Nikolas says, "Yes, she agreed, she just said to me to burn this mansion. It is no use anymore, she said. Starts from now, Anastasia will live with the Herbert Family in England."

Dmitri then replies, "Alright, I understand."

Meanwhile in the ballroom, suddenly Mother Feodora comes towards Sofia and holds her arms.

Sofia surprised and then she asks, "What are you doing?"

Mother Feodora replies, "Just follow me."

She takes Sofia to Lord Walter Herbert and when they met, Mother Feodora asks him to make Sofia a student on his academy.

Sofia surprised.

Lord Walter replies, "You want this maid to become a student of the Herbert Academy."

Mother Feodora replies, "Yes, because I see that she has a potential."

Lord Walter says, "Why is that?"

Mother Feodora replies, "You'll know later."

Lord Walter Herbert smiles and replies, "I'm interested. Alright, I'll take her with me to England and who are you, if I may ask?"

Mother Feodora replies, "My name is Feodora Feodoriya, the headmother of the 'Tutrice' orphanage."

Lord Walter Herbert then surprised and replies, "Oh, the Tsar's favourite orphanage."

Mother Feodora replies, "Oh its not his majesty's favourite, its just that the headfather and the Tsar feel pity for the orphans."

Lord Walter Herbert replies, "Oh is that so, by the way what's this maid's name?"

Sofia bows and replies, "My name is Sofia Vargara, it's a pleasure to meet you in person, Lord Walter Herbert."

Lord Walter Herbert replies, "Wow!, you have a good manner, Sofia."

Sofia replies, "Thank you for the compliment, my lord."

Lord Walter Herbert replies, "So do you like to learn on our academy?"

Sofia then looks on Mother Feodora.

Mother Feodora smiles and nodded, "Yes".

Sofia smiles and replies, "Yes, its an honor to learn at England's greatest prestigious academy."

Lord Walter Herbert replies, "Alright."

Sofia then says towards Mother Feodora, "Mother, you know that if I become the student there, I would easily passed that academy and graduate faster. So its meaningless."

Mother Feodora replies, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to study on that academy, I'm asking you to investigate there."

Sofia asks, "Why?"

Mother Feodora replies, "Because theres a possibility that the Herbert Academy has a relationship with the headfather."

Sofia then says, "Oh, are you sure?"

Mother Feodora then replies, "Yes, I'm sure. Before the day he went to England, I found a letter on his room."

The letter says,

"Dear headfather,

My friend, I want you to go to England to discuss about our business. Once you arrived in England, go to the Herbert Academy. Let us meet there and have a tea together. I'll be waiting for your arrival.

From your friend, Lord S. Herbert."

Sofia then replies, "Hmm, its seems that the headfather and this person have a secret business together."

Mother Feodora replies, "Yes, even I as the headmother doesn't know about this. So Sofianna, I like you to find out about their secret business."

Then Sofia nods and replies, "Alright, I'll go to the Herbert Academy and find out what are they up to."

Suddenly Maria and Svetlana are beside her.

Maria says to Sofia, "You're leaving?"

Sofia surprised and says, "Maria!, you heard us?!"

Maria replies, "Yes, I heard that you're going to England!!"

Sofia says, "I'm sorry, Maria, but I have to get there for an important matter."

Maria replies, "What kind of matter?! Is it that important?"

Sofia says, "Yes, but I'm sorry I can't tell you why I must go to England."

Maria then replies, "Alright, but promise me that you'll return."

Sofia says, "Yes, I promise. Like I told you before that I always return."

Maria shed tears.

Then Sofia wipe away her tears and says, "I promise."

Maria suddenly hugs her and says while crying, "I'll wait for you no matter what, even if it takes a long time, I'll keep waiting for your return."

Sofia replies, "I'll remember that, just wait for me. Stay with Svetlana and the others, okay."

Maria then smiles and nods.

Mother Feodora then says to Sofia, "Don't worry about them, I told to Lord Nikolas that all the staffs here will work at the orphanage after the master's gone. So after you finished, return to the orphanage and inform me about their business. And rest assured, your friends are safe with us."

After that, Sofia says to Svetlana, "I'll leave Maria to you."

Svetlana nods.

In the end, all the noble guests left the mansion with their carriage.

Sir.Igor also leaves the mansion, after he finished packing all his things.

Mother Feodora send all the staffs of the mansion to the orphanage.

Meanwhile, Sofia and Lady Anastasia follows the Herbert Family to England.

After everything is done, Lord Nikolas asks all the assassins to burn the mansion down.

Nikolas and all his men stands in front of the burning mansion.

Then Lady Glafira says to Nikolas, "What are we going to do now?"

Nikolas replies, "Now, lets move to the next phase of our plan."

Lady Glafira asks, "And what is that?"

Nikolas smiles and replies, "The plan of the Great Rebellion."


Sofia and the Herbert Family goes to a steamboat as a transportation to go to England.

Before Sofia goes inside the steamboat, she looks back and says, "When I return, I'll show you what Sofianna Feodoriya truly made of."

Finally, she goes to the steamboat and on its way to England.


------------------END OF PART 1-------------------




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