
The Sly Serpent (Part 1)

On the year of 1880 at Russia, when times all people have a crisis on their economy. A poor family called the Vargara family forced to send her 16 year old daughter, Sofia Vargara to work as a maid on a huge mansion whose lived by a very mysterious wealthy family called the Grosvenor family. While she was working in the mansion as maid, theres many strange incidents that will leads to a great conspiracy. Lies many mysteries and full of plot twists within the story. In this story, Sofia's journey is just the beginning. TRUST NO ONE, SUSPECT EVERYONE

David_Juan_Nicolas · Realistic
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80 Chs

Chapter 63. Battle Stance

Sofia and the purple masked assassin are preparing themselves to fight to the death.

Before they start the fight, both of them shows off their battle stance.

The assassin stands straight and aims her sword towards her.

Meanwhile, Sofia maintaining her stance balanced. She stands with her feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and weight distributed evenly and keep her non-dominant foot forward and then, she clenched her fist and guard her face with her clenched fist.

Sir.Igor is surprised to see her battle stance, because that battle stance is usually been used by professional russian military soldiers to fight one on one against the opponent with their hands.

It is called "The hand to hand combat".

He knew about that battle stance, because he ever visited the military basecamp with General Gregory Grosvenor and he witnessed, when the military soldiers are training on physical combat, they are using the similar battle stance that Sofia does right now.

Sir.Igor shocked to see her use that battle stance, because General Gregory ever said towards him, only the military who knows all the hand to hand combat technique, including the battle stance.

Thats why in his mind, he questioned, "How could she know about this battle stance that can only be known by the military?"

Sofia says towards Sir.Igor, "My apologies, Sir.Igor, it seems like you have to go by yourself."

Then Sir.Igor replies, "No!!!!!, let me fight against her, i don't want to see anyone inside this mansion been killed by these assassins again."

But then, Sir.Igor sees the looks on her face and he surprised.

Because Sofia is smiling.

Then Sofia replies, "Don't worry about me, the person you should worry are Master Gregory and Lady Anastasia, go and protect them, we are just their servants, our duty is to protect them even if we have to die for them, we shall do it with honour. As we worked for them, we dedicated our life to serve, protect and even die for them. So, GO NOW!!, PROTECT THEM WITH YOUR LIFE AND ALL YOUR STRENGTH AND IF YOU'RE DYING, DIE WITH HONOUR !!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sir.Igor feels touched with her words.

Then he begin to stand and cover his wounds on his stomach with his right hand and he holds on to the wall with his left hand.

After that, he says towards Sofia,

"I leave the assassin to you."

Sofia replies, "Yes, sir."

Then, Sir.Igor starts to walk little by little.

He struggles to keep moving forward, despite theres a big pain on his stomach.

Then, Sofia smiles and says, "ALRIGHT!!, COME TO ME !!, Try to kill me, if you can."

THE BATTLE BEGINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



PREPARE YOURSELF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



And who is the assassin, could you guess? Is it,

a) Arina

b) Aleksandra

c) Ulyana

d) Ekaterina

e) Natalya

f) Yulia