
The Sly Serpent (Part 1)

On the year of 1880 at Russia, when times all people have a crisis on their economy. A poor family called the Vargara family forced to send her 16 year old daughter, Sofia Vargara to work as a maid on a huge mansion whose lived by a very mysterious wealthy family called the Grosvenor family. While she was working in the mansion as maid, theres many strange incidents that will leads to a great conspiracy. Lies many mysteries and full of plot twists within the story. In this story, Sofia's journey is just the beginning. TRUST NO ONE, SUSPECT EVERYONE

David_Juan_Nicolas · Realistic
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80 Chs

Chapter 27. The In-Laws Talk

After Master Gregory left Lady Anastasia's room ,he decides to meet Lord Nicolas.

He goes towards Lord Nicolas's room at the very right side of the fifth floor.

As Master Gregory arrived in front of the room ,he heard Lord Nicolas's voice and a woman's voice.

Then he knocked the door and says ,"Nikolay."

Lord Nicolas from his room inside replies ,"Oh ,Father in law ,you finally return, you may come in."

After that, he comes in.

Lord Nicolas says, "I had expected that you will return early."

As Master Gregory comes in the room ,he sees Lord Nicolas and Lady Glafira sit at a chair and having a conversation together.

Master Gregory feels strange because before he enters the room ,he heard that Lord Nicolas tells Lady Glafira about a plan that they are going to do.

"What kind of plan?",Master Gregory thinks.

Then ,Master Gregory asks ,"What do both of you talking about?"

Lord Nicolas replies ,"Oh ,father in law ,it is nothing, its just a normal talk.

And you don't worry about your daughter ,she's fine and nothing changes in this mansion since you left for work ,except for Ms.Varvara's death that makes everyone a big surprise and a very deep grievance."

Master Gregory replies ,"Alright."

Lord Nicolas says ,"Father in law ,i suggest that you should have more time with your daughter ,before she married. You know we will leave this mansion after we married."

Master Gregory says ,"Hah ,i already knew from her face that she really hates me."

Lord Nicolas says ,"You still have a chance ,father in law. Don't like my father ,yeah the Tsar himself doesn't care of me and forced me to marry your beloved daughter."

Master Gregory asks ,"Don't talk to your majesty the king like that.

Alright, i want to ask you, do you love my daughter?"

Lord Nicolas says ,"Well ,about loving her ,you should know yourself."

Then ,Master Gregory looks at Lady Glafira and says ,"Oh ,yeah ,my apologizes ,i almost forgot ,good afternoon ,Lady Glafira."

Lady Glafira smiles and replies ,"So,you finally recognized me, (then she chuckles) theres no need to apologize ,as long you have a good business relationship with me ,i'm fine with that ,because what i seek is not attention ,what i seek is money ,so my wealth is getting more and more ,hihihihihi."

Master Gregory says ,"Alright then ,Lady Glafira ,i invited you to become one of the guests to the ballroom party as my gratitude towards you."

Lady Glafira laughs and says ,"Hohohohoho ,very kind of you ,supreme millitary general of Russia. Very well ,i appreciate your kindness ,i accept your invitation ,i will arrive in style to show my wealth towards all the nobles of Russia and all the nobles of England."

Then ,Lord Nicolas asks ,"Father in law ,whom you invite to the ballroom party?"

Master Gregory says ,"Three nobles of Russia ,three nobles of England ,Russia politicians ,high Russia millitary officers and the very special guest of all ,your big brother ,the first prince of the kingdom."

Lord Nicolas says ,"Hoo ,its that so."

Then ,Lord Nicolas smiles and says in his heart ,"Good ,its a lot of people ,including my brother ,its all according to my plan ,you'll see ,father that you will regret on underestimating me."