
The Slime and the Esper

After Rimuru Tempest is accidentally transported to Academy City, he meets Mikoto Misaka, the famous Railgun. At first, Rimuru is intrigued by Academy City and its advanced technology, but he quickly realizes that there is something sinister going on behind the scenes. Together, Rimuru and Mikoto investigate the dark secrets of Academy City, using Rimuru's unique abilities as a slime and Mikoto's esper powers to uncover a conspiracy that threatens the entire world.

Artoriapendraragon · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Rimuru, Mikoto, and Misaki had faced many challenges together, but their greatest test was yet to come.

A new enemy had appeared in Academy City, one that threatened to destroy everything they had worked for. The enemy was an organization known as "The Consortium," a group of powerful espers and fighters who sought to control Academy City and use it for their own purposes.

The Consortium was led by a man named Takashi, a powerful esper with a twisted agenda. He had amassed an army of followers, each of them willing to do whatever it took to achieve their goals.

Rimuru, Mikoto, and Misaki knew that they had to stop Takashi and his followers before it was too late. They gathered their allies, other espers and fighters who were willing to stand with them against the darkness.

Together, they formed a plan. They would launch a surprise attack on the Consortium's headquarters, taking Takashi and his followers by surprise and defeating them once and for all.

The attack was launched, and chaos ensued. The Consortium's followers fought fiercely against Rimuru, Mikoto, and Misaki's allies, but they were no match for the combined power of the group.

Rimuru, Mikoto, and Misaki faced off against Takashi himself, engaging in a fierce battle that shook the very foundations of the building.

Takashi was a formidable opponent, with a powerful esper ability that made him nearly invincible. But Rimuru, Mikoto, and Misaki refused to back down. They fought fiercely against Takashi, using their powers and skills to weaken his defenses and push him back.

Finally, they were able to defeat Takashi, bringing an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

As they walked away from the Consortium's headquarters, Rimuru, Mikoto, and Misaki were exhausted but victorious. They had saved Academy City from a great threat, and they had done it together.

They knew that their fight was far from over. There were always new threats to face, new challenges to overcome. But they also knew that they had each other. They were a team, and they would always have each other's backs.

As they walked away from the Consortium's headquarters, Rimuru turned to Mikoto and Misaki. "We did it. We stopped the Consortium."

Misaki nodded. "But at what cost? We lost some of our allies in the fight."

Mikoto put a hand on Misaki's shoulder. "We'll mourn their loss, but we can't let it consume us. We have to keep fighting, for them and for everyone else who needs us."

Rimuru smiled. "Right. We're a team, and we'll always be a team. Together, we can do anything."

And with that, they walked off into the sunset, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They knew that they had won this battle, but there would always be more battles to fight. They were ready for whatever the future held, as long as they faced it together.