
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Handling Undead

*Bryna's POV*

The next thing Arity did, was once the priests and such started getting antsy because Arity was just taking reports that the areas she sent the dead people to were properly vacated. She wasn't directing them towards the gates where more skiffs were surely to be. There were well over a hundred 'people' still there.

"Those of you who remain. Hold fast, and I will direct you in a moment." Arity said. She then looked at the priests available, then looked at the Saintess. "You're in charge?"

"At the moment, yes." She answered.

"Then you are not solely to blame and I shouldn't yell at you." Arity sighed. "Where is your boss?"

"The High Priest has seen fit to inspect the soldiers at the bridge." She answered.

"Then let's assume the High Priest is dead." Arity said, glancing at one of the Sultan's men who'd helped us thus far. "In that case responsibility falls to you, yes? And your paladins."

"If such a thing were to happen, then yes. It would fall to me." She answered.

"Bare your responsibility, then, for the horde of undead are within your own church and the town you are to protect." Arity declared.

"I had felt their presence, but I was told on numerous occasions that they were being monitored to find out their purpose. An odd choice, but not mine to take." The Saintess said.

"There are priests that are undead, and everyone of the 'citizens' there," Arity waved her hand at the mass of people, "are also undead. You sick people are because of the pustules you've allowed here because you did not do due diligence. If someones order's contradict your morals, you find someone of higher authority."

"The high priest has always held the interest of the people at heart. I always believed in his decisions." The Saintess said.

"Then may your gods forsake you." Arity said, and an explosion occured in the center of the group of undead collected nearby us. Then she announced, "I have truesight and can see you all as you are. You are unhidden."

Not expected the explosion, several priests flinched, even I did. Ducking next to her watching for signs of further attack. Several undead were no more, others were aflame.

"Then these are my responsibility." The Saintess stepped forward unflinchingly and cast a holy spell that caused sunlight to burst all around the masses of undead. She turned and said, "Paladins, do your duty."

As soon as the words left her lips the paladins slew the ones remaining. With that done, Arity turned to Dirthin and said, "I intend to check on the state of this 'bridge.'"

"That sounds like it could be fun. See the architecture, meet the people, and probably kill the people." Dirthin replied to her.

"Come with us, Bryna. We can at least keep you safe." Arity said.

"Sure, what was that splosion, though?" I asked. They started moving towards the gate to the East, and I followed wuth one of the Sultan's men accompanying us. I figured I'd dub him Jon.

"I'll accompany you." The Saintess said.

"Suit yourself." Arity said over her shoulder. But she didn't wait. We were taking a sand skiff over to the bridge.

Once we were on our way again, I looked up at Dirthin and said, "I like Arity more than you. But I like your attitude."

"Then you got good taste, kid." Dirthin replied.

I grinned and looked in the direction we were heading then said, "Sometimes I say stupid things. I haven't matured much yet."

"Me either." Dirthin replied.

I looked at the Saintess, then. "You fine?"

"I'm on a sand skiff with people I don't know and no guard." The Saintess said, "I'm doing fantastic."

I blinked and tapped Dirthin's arm, "Is that sarcasm?"

"No, this is the most terrifyingly free I have ever been." The Saintess answered instead of Dirthin.

"Sounds like churches havent changed in three hundred years then." I said.

"No, I can't say they have. That used to be a comforting thing." The Saintess replied.

"I could tell you many stories, but there's not time for it. Maybe you should leave the church and work independently. People do more good that way. Like Alexion and Plight. They heal the disabled." I told her. "I understand if you won't though. I've kept Adventuring, after all."

"If the high priest is truly gone, then I cannot leave them without a leader." She said. "I still believe the church can do good."

"They don't. They're indiscriminate only when the purse outwieghs their morals." I said. "You aren't the church, though I admit I don't know you. If you're in a war, you have to fight the enemy. There are exceptions, unless it proves dangerous for the innocent."

"When there is a war, innocents will always be hurt. It's why I tried to do good." The Saintess replied.

"I don't disagree. As far as I can tell it's been a long time since there was heroes." I said.

"There are still heroes. Just don't think they know it yet." She said.

"Daddy was a hero to me." I said.

"Then maybe he has simply forgotten how to be." She suggested.

"Nah. He's just old." I said.

Arity snorted and said, "Sometimes you seem your age, Kid."

"What is my age?" I asked.

"Seems to range from two to fifty." Dirthin said.

Arity was looking at me. "I don't count past lives as currently lived. You're twelve."

"I guess so." I said.

"Hm. I was expecting more of a reaction to that." Dirthin said.

"To what?" I asked.

"Well, if I have to explain it, it's just no fun." Dirthin said.

"I've been hanging around Daelyn for the last five years. You'll have to be more cuttroat and not go for low hanging fruit." I shrugged.

".. I don't know how to take what she just said." Arity said to Dirthin.

"I'm not quite sure either, but I think she's telling me to dig deep on these jokes. That requires some effort." Dirthin replied.

"Eh. I don't even react to all the dog jokes anymore." I said, looking towards the bridge. It was coming to view quickly. "You know there used to be a wizard college across the bridge?"

"I have no idea about that." Dirthin replied.

"It's true." Arity said, "It's not anymore, but generations ago my old clan used to deal with them when they migrated."

"Couldn't have been very smart if they are filled with undead now." Dirthin said.

"Unless one became a lich." I pointed out.

"That doesn't make you smart, it just makes you immortal to a degree." Dirthin replied.

"Or multiple liches. But I don't think they group up like that." I said, thinking.

"Naw, they're very solitary idiots." Dirthin said.

"So.. What was the state of this place meant to be?" Arity asked suddenly while we continued forward.

"Relatively intact with guards and some priests." The Saintess said, then she looked towards the bridge.

"Yeah, looks all undead to me, and we've only just got within range of the truesight." Arity commented, looking ahead. She pulled me to her suddenly and ordered. "Stop the skiff."

The skiff stopped inmediately, and Dirthin asked, "What do you see?"

"There are undead in the sand. Another couple of feet and we'd've been buried in them. There's a force of barely three thousand between just there and the other side of the bridge. A dracolich is also there." She pointed upwards. "I don't think we can deal with this, no, I don't see any current options for us to deal with it."

"Yeah, that's uh... that's a little much." Dirthin said.

"Fuck." Arity growled. "We need to go back or they're going to take over the town."

"I feel we're going to need back up if we're going to hold an entire town against that." Dirthin said.

Arity took out the communication device, soon Sarial answered. "Go to the Sultan, now." She ordered her. Then she looked at Dirthin, "Who else, Dear?"

"Well, hmm. Could always call the grandpa- otherwise known as my brother. Could man some of the wall with our people." Dirthin said.

"Not good news, got it. Be at with Sultan in minutes, connecting with Dad. Hey Plight, round some people up for me, hm? Shit went sideways it would appear." Sarial said, she was clearly moving.

I didn't pay attention for what was being said, instead I contacted Bibs again. <Daddy.. I think it would be good if we can get lots of people to Winter's Halt quickly. There's a Dracolich and over three thousand heading to Winter's halt. The ones that had been in there were handled.>

<Are you anywhere near them?> He asked.

<On a sand skiff with Dirthin, Arity and the Saintess racing back to Winter's Halt, so sorta?> I answered.

<I'll call in a few, low grade favors. Give me an hour. Better make it two, to be sure.> Bibs replied.

<Alright. I'll do what I can.> I said, ending the communication. I told them, "Daddy is calling in favors."

"Well that's.. sort of terrifying really." Dirthin said.

"I do hope his favors don't end up killing my men." James said.

"Don't really care." Sarial said suddenly, her voice sharp, to someone else, "the matter is urgent and brokers a spot of rudeness. Tell him so. I should have brought Mutyir." Within minutes, she nodded and then she apparently got to the Sultan, because she said, "Alright, Arity, got the man's attention."

"I'm sure. Winter's Halt is about to have a force of about three thousand at it, and probably a dracolich. That's as far as I could see into the future." Arity said bluntly.

"Considering everything that has happened and the abruptness of this meeting, I will not bother wasting time." The Sultan said. "I will muster my troops as quickly as possible and have them ride."

"You aren't alone. Bibs has called in favors, I have people on the way, and my father is also preparing his men." Sarial said.

"Daddy will be two hours." I said.

"Hopefully everyone is able to get there in time." The Sultan said.

"Miss, can you make lotsa holy water?" I asked the Saintess, ignoring the conversation.

"Yes, little one, I can make quite a bit." She answered.

"Yes. Holy water fog machine!" I said and grinned like an evil henchman as we reached Winter's Halt, Arity let go of me and smoothed my hair.

"What is a 'fog machine?'" She asked skeptically.

"Well, it'll be too low tech to be properly a machine but if we can cycle holy water through a cylindrical piping off of hot coals we can make fog with it that hurts the undead." I said.

"So an open air sauna of holy water?" She asked.

"Yeees." I said, excited for my idea. I was being childish, but it was a good and very doable idea. "Would take maybe 5 minutes to put together. Glycerin would be better to use."

"That's an easy to supply compound." Sarial said, she was moving again. "How is it used for your idea?"

"Glycerin and water solution heated or cooled quickly creates a for like effect during evaporation." I answered. "Something I unwittingly figured out ages ago."

She called Sienna and relayed information to her, which she immediately got to handling. While Sarial was managing her people, and we'd entered the town and began preparing things, I got 'Jon' who was startled by the naming, to help me get ahold of containers. rounded pots because the use of glycerin would allow for simplification of the structure to the 'machine'. Once enough materials were collected, I put them together for near immediate use, abd began distributing them with Jon's help

Jon did work up the nerve to ask me, 'Why Jon?' I told him that I assumed he wanted to avoid giving a name because he's the Sultan's man, so I named him a boring palatable name that people could temporarily use. Code names were used all the time, and Jon was a boring name. He seemed vaguely amused, but he listened. When I was questioned on the effectiveness of this little thing, I sited that it should be able to fill a room easily fog. I couldn't predict the wind with accuracy, though.

Within the hour droves of soldiers and caster's were showing up. Thomas and his mother arrive with Hearthstone's and Dueling Rivers' people. Mostly this was Tilton, Kershka, Bibs, Alexander and Sylvia, Plight and Sienna, Alexion, Mills, Adelaide, and Dia. By this point the heat was getting to me and I was trying my best to cool off. I stumbled and Thomas caught me, fretting immediately. I was very sweaty and over heated. Arity was there within seconds and touched my shoulder. The sick feeling that had settled on me evaporated. She showed Thomas a place for me to be sheilded from the sun for the moment. Until when the dead reached anyways.

I was just glad I was cooling off some. Arity only planned to be there until she was out of energy. Then she'd return home, but she intended to exhaust herself first. She didn't want to leave Dirthin alone, but she felt antsy away from her children. Sarial, through Mills, James, Plight and her mothers was persuaded to return home. I figured it was really Jaime who convinced her. The Sultan was finally given a communication device that linked to Sarial's. She intended to keep the communications open for updates, but would be minding the children of the fighters back home. Her mom Snow brought Arity's toddlers to her to help out.

Everyone was being stationed around where there skills were most useful. When I was to be posted as an archer I refused. I explained I would be most effective with my pack. I also brought up my howl. If I could cause them to flee with it, that'd be good. A fleeing enemy is just prey. It was noted that many Undead were immune to fear effects, but it was pointed out that it could still be useful, because less enemies being faced immediately were less enemies.

Arity warned us. "... There's more being sent. They'll arrive at nightfall."

"How many?" Someone asked, I didn't catch who, because Arity's next word was, "Double."

"I have an exceedingly dangerous suggestion..." I said. "May I borrow your Onyx, Alexion? If the Bridge can be blown up.."

"...Not a bad idea." Another commented.

Alexion said, "How do you plan to blow it up?"

"Gun powder. There's barrels of it." I pointed at a building. "I can smell it."

"I will summon Onyx. It cannot be killed or overcome in battle." Alexion said, he began casting the summoning spell. "But do be careful. You do not have the same ability."

"Yup." I said, turning and going towards the warehouse, it was locked.

I was gonna pick it, but Kershka moved me aside and pulled it open with brute force. It didn't take him much effort. Once Onyx was summoned, there were people that helped load Onyx up with explosives. Alexion and Thomas would ride with me, it was decided. Arity used an ability to make us invisible, then we were off. Onyx leapt up and over and stomped several undead on the way to the bridge. The invisibility was short lived and we popped into sight just before the bridge.

It didn't look like there was sand between the bridge and us, that's how tightly knit the undead were. The bridge itself was made of grey stone brick with two supports to keep it from collapsing into the ocean. It spanned three hundred feet between the continent and island, and was thirty feet wide. The hordes of undead were no matter, Onyx simply leapt to the middle of the bridge swiping undead off it. While they scrambled to shoot or attack Onyx, we got down and began taking care of the barrels.

We piled half of them as best we could, while underfire with the huge cat prancing around us, at one end of the bridge. Then, for good measure, once we'd remounted Onyx, it leapt us to the enemies side. We repeated the process there, though we did take some arrows. As soon as we were mounted and Onyx ran for our side again, Alexion cast Firebolt at the barrels of gun powder and it exploded. The collapse began. Upon the second leapt and Firebolt combo the bridge collapsed sending many Undead into the ocean. We'd set them up at the supports, nothing was being left to chance.

Once we'd arrived back, Onyx had smashed back through the undead to get there, and leapt the walls. Rather than smoosh anyone, Alexion dismissed Onyx midair. Grabbing Thomas and I and landing as gracefulling from the twenty feet in the air as a flower, before setting us down. I called him a show off.

Alexion smirked with a chuckle and turned to those in charge. "The enemy is ten minutes out from a good starting distance, split up to attack both gates like Arity said. The bridge is gone. And the retaliation is.." Alexion turned his eyes upwards. "In the name of Tamara, I rebuke this violence!" He exclaimed, a lance of radiance shot forth from himself and streaked into the scant cloud cover.

The dracolich released a reptilian hissing scream as it was pierced. At the same time a massive ball of flame had hit the town, hurting many. Some didn't survive, though Arity remedied that somehow with her magic item. I was sure in the way she looked towards them before they were alive again that she had been the one to do it. People were healing in the next breath as well. When we spotted the dracolich, we could tell half of it was missing and it began heading towards the island.

Alexander grasped his son's shoulder for a moment, proud of him. Alexion patted his father's hand and started moving to where he was to be stationed. The rest of us followed suit. The injured were to fall back to the healers, the casters were to stay on the walls, the healers within. Sienna had her mount ready, a pegasus, and stood neatly upon it's back. Ready to collect any too injured to retreat and shoot from afar.

With everyone in place, it was decided that I'd howl, after all. Arity placed that item she'd been using in my hands. She told me to channel the howl through it. Uncertain of how to do that, and with everyone covering their ears, I half shifted, er, shifted to my hybrid form and howled, the enemies had been barely close enough, but as soon as my howl left my mouth the item seemed to amplify it. Surrounding our area and slowly spreading, there was a quarter of the undead I could see that balked and tried to flee. They were cut down by their allies in their attempt.

As soon as my howl had ended, the ones seeing the danger in attempting to flee had simply frozen in their terror. I gave the item back to Arity, she took it. I told her as long as they are scared and see me they'll continue to try to flee to safety. Arity replied it was a good thing I was taller in this form. She patted my back and told people to get ready. I spotted some much larger undead amongst the horde. They each had a claymore and were easily bigger than Dirthin, smaller than Kershka though.

Concerned, but needing to hold position for now, I waited. The announcement was made for archers to ready themselves. I listened, despite my positioning, I was an archer, too. We were ordered to pick our shots and loose at will. We obeyed. The other archers would continue past the point that I stopped, since that would be when I'd switch to my sword. Thomas and I would not be seperated. I told him bout the potions in my bag if he needed them. I'd settled them so they were the first things to pull. We two would not fall on my watch.

It wasn't long before the horde met the front line people and I switched to sword. No matter where I ended up, I was always edging along behind Thomas. He used me to his benefit, too, stepping behind me when he needed to. Unfortunately, so many bodies pack in tighy with one another generated more heat. The heat was wearing on me. Especially while in my hybrid form. There was no time to rest anyways, and for a fight this large Thomas needed my bulk to shield him and I needed it to stay alive. It was proving to be a challenge however. We were stationed with Arity as of this time. Part of her troops.

The dead reeked. The stench I was sure I'd never rid myself of it. I stole a glance towards the walls and saw that whatever Arity had done when she'd told everyone to not mind the winds was working well. Misty fog hung for thirty feet around the walls, holy water mists. It wasn't thick enough to keep us from seeing the walls or those manning the walls from seeing the enemy. Excellent. That was going well atleast. For a split second I saw a figure in red on the walls, but by the time I'd looked again it wasn't there.

Assuming it was a heat induced hallucination, I turned my attention back to the horde. It seemed endless regardless of how many we all took down. Time passed, I wasn't sure if it was fast or slow. Oddly, undead seemed to be teleporting, and one of those big guys was plopped in front me and Thomas. It slashed me with it's enormous sword three times before I could react. Then Arity was there, she was standing on it's shoulders wailing on it's head. She felled it in quick order and disappeared with a snarl. When I'd spotted her again, she was near her husband, she'd just barely kept another from running him through.

I lost sight of her then, she seemed to be actively attacking any and all hard problematic creatures, along with those who were teleporting. Slashing through yet another enemy, I spotted that blaze of red again, in the air suddenly. I caught a look at it, it was a man wearing a red suit and watched him teleport several undead around. Seeing this, even with my exhausted state, and though I couln't make out his features, I decided to relay it to Bibs. Briefly touching the ring, I connected to him.

<Daddy, there's a guy in red that floats and is teleporting the undead randomly.> I said.

<Of course he couldn't keep his nose out of this.> Bibs responded, sounding irritated. <I will try to deal with him shortly.>

<.. Do not engage. Got it.> I replied.

<Indeed. Do not engage him in any way.> Bibs replied.

A large explosion occured right before Thomas and I just then. I barely managed to shield my friend, but I conked out from the heat and ringing in my ears. When my eyes opened I saw a barely larger than me golden dragon staring at the door. The air in the building was cooler, which was lovely, but I wasn't sure who this miniature figure was. I wasn't even positive where I was aside from not on the battlefield. For some reason, this amused me a great deal.

Stupidly, childishly, I giggled and said, "Tiny dragon."

The dragon turned to look at me, "Oh, you're awake. Hello, Bryna."

"Dragons are so pretty," I commented, sitting up. "Head hurts. Gotta focus."

The small dragon put his hand on my back and said, "Just breath, it's okay."

I hesitated, then I focused on calming my mind and body. I didn't recognize the form, but I was sure I knew the affection. Where were we? Was this Thomas? "What happened?" I asked, "My mind is muddled, but I believe you're Thomas?"

A big grin spread across his reptilian face, "Of course, Thomas is Thomas. We're in a warehouse I'm not sure what's going on outside. I just wanted to get you to safety."

I looked around a little closer and said, "Oh, I think this is a Lucky Stone warehouse belonging to Daelyn's daddy." I looked back at Thomas, "Are you okies?"

"Yup. Thomas feels better now. Didn't know how you might react to me." Thomas admitted.

"You don't look beat up." I said, I pushed myself up and heavily hugged the scaly boy. My body felt weighed down. There was a clear difference I could spot about Thomas from a normal dragon. His body was closer to my hybrid form than a dragon's body, though he had a long tail and wings. When he was sitting as he was, he could easily be mistaken for a tiny dragon. "I feel heavy. I don't think I was ready to wake up. But we should check on what's going on."

"Bryna, you should sleep.. But I know I can't stop you with out restraints, so okay." Thomas said.

"You're probably right." I relented, settling myself on the floor. I looked at my backpack. "I'll just contact Daddy."

"That's probably a good idea. Him and Tilton went a little berserk." Thomas said.

"Eh??" I was surprised, "Did something happen?"

"They killed the wierd floaty guy, then disappeared. That's when I brought you here." Thomas said.

"Oh." I said, resting my head against Thomas. "Your scales feel cool... I think the heat did me in."

"Because I am cold blooded." Thomas commented. He didn't mind my actions.

I yawned, my bodies attempt at making me sleep. But I touched the ring, connected to Bibs. <Daddy? Are you okies?> My thoughts felt sluggish.

<Oh, Bryna you're okay. I suppose thorough vengence isn't necessary, then. So he was telling the truth. First time for everything. No Tilton, we don't need to flay him... Because she is still alive. Bryna, Dear, would you summon me? I'll drag Tilton along with me... Because you won't stop trying to stab him, and I'm not leaving you to fight a Lord of the Nine Hells alone.> Bibs replied.

Since he asked, I took of the ring, squeezing it in my hand as he'd told me to and thinking, 'Bring him to me.' Aloud I said, "Daddy is coming."

"Bibs is-" Thomas was cut off by Bibs and Tilton popping into the warehouse with us.

Tilton had his bow drawn with an arrow notched about to fire on someone. Then they looked around and Bibs said, "See? I told you it was pointless to notch the arrow."

"And I told you we should have waited three seconds for me to shoot him first." Tilton retorted.

"Heehee, still a rapscallion." I said.

He put his bow away and said, "Well you look fine." He looked at Thomas, "You're even bigger than the last time I saw you like this."

"Of course. I am older now." Thomas said, haughtily.

I looked up at Thomas and said, "Someone's being cocky."

"Am not. Just stating facts." Thomas said, looking down at me.

I stared at Bibs and Tilton for a moment and said, "Tone says otherwise, but you've known Tilton a while, so I can see where your tone comes from." I blinked slowly. "I'm not listening right now."

Bibs started looking concerned. "Are you alright?"

"...I don't know what I said." I frowned and focused more, then said, "I got to hot. I'm meant for the cold."

"Yes, you are. Here, I have something for that." Bibs said, reaching into his vest. He wore it over his leather armor. He pued out a vial of something that was glowing blue and frosted over. With a single finger he wiped down the side of the vial, inside it was a single snowflake. "It's the last snowflake that fell in this desert." He handed it to me, "As long as you have this, heat won't be a thing. Unless you get near a volcano."

I was looking at it, "Why did it stop snowing?"

"Some very high ranking spirits decided to have an argument and have yet to resolve it." Bibs answered.

"Thank you, Daddy." I said, "So, you're both okies? Thomas said you went berserk."

"Well, yes. We thought you were killed so.. we decided to do something about that." Bibs replied.

"Oh." I said. "No, something exploded and I barely managed to shield Thomas. But I passed out. I didn't know I revert to my human form if knocked out."

"Learning new things in terrible ways is often.. the best way to learn." Bibs responded.

"Think the fight is still going?" I asked.

"Yes, the fighting is still going on. You haven't been put that long." Bibs said.

I petted Thomas and said, "I don't think it would be an intelligent decision for me to rejoin the fight yet. Not when I feel so heavy."

Thomas draped a wing over me and said, "Nope. Nap time."

"Agreed, Thomas. She should take a nap. I believe you are perfectly capable of protecting her." Bibs said.

"And we will go and.. try to wrap this up." Tilton said.

The door opened about that time. The men and Thomas tensed, ready for conflict. However, the tired looking feline woman, Arity, just rolled her eyes and said, "Can't recommend that, boys. I can simply choose to not die. I'm returning to my cubs."