
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Acheron's Residence

*Lucretia's POV*

Once we were all downstairs in Phintias's basement once more, where I'd scrawled those tidy archaic lines, Archimedes had a look over the glyphs there.

"How much practice did you have?" Archimedes asked.

"In laying glyphs? Some. In using them, very little." I replied.

"My recommendation is to work on your anchor points. Without a good anchor point it means no coming back. Other than that, swell job." Archimedes said.

"I followed the ones I knew of from 'Oreskos To and From Eldeen Reaches by Madam Eva', which is the better to follow?" I asked, unbothered.

"Oh, you can forget about those hacks, I'll write you a book." Archimedes said.

"I would be grateful." I replied, earnestly.

"You have quite the mannerful fiancé. Treats her elders right." Archimedes said, looking at Phintias.

"Oh, quit teasing her, you old goat." Phintias said.

"Who was Madam Eva?" Sienna asked.

"Hm. A woman who chose to be cursed to cure her half brother of the vampirism that came about from his absolute evil deeds committed against his brother because of his lovers betrayal. He'd become scarred war hero, so his lady left him for his younger brother. He couldn't find happiness for them in his madness, and slew him by bleeding him dry, thus becoming the first vampire of that sort." I explained.

"That's extreme." Sienna said. "What do you mean, 'vampires of that sort'?"

"Well, there are a few different lines. Strahd's all ended in ash when he was slain. There are some that came from strange creatures called 'eldrazi', and many others that came from curses." I answered her.

"Eldrazi?" She frowned. "Never heard of that."

"They are timeless beings who crave the destruction of all living things, it's good that you have not heard of them." I reply. As I said so I had the oddest feeling cross over me. But I wasn't sure why.

Plight seemed very interested in the topic, and Phintias seemed to be listening as well.

"What types of curses cause vampires to be created?" Sienna asked.

"A lot of them tend to be humans seeking immortality due to fear of death. Often, it's a Diety granting it with a twist. The theory is that to extend life unnaturally is to steal life from others." I shrugged, it's not like you have to kill them. "There are odd stories about cursed shifters biting someone and the victim becoming a vampire, but that could be folklore based on a vampire turning someone. I'm not sure."

"I guess that makes sense. But, if a god bestowed it, why would they be bothered by holy things still?" Sienna asked.

"They call it 'balance'. I think it's more the worse deeds you commit the more you are shunned by the 'light'. There's a lot of back and forth on that. Practically no one agrees." I shook my head. "What does your brother's Tamora say on the matter?"

"She doesn't differentiate between the undead. They are all lumped together." Sienna answered.

"A lot of religions do so." I nodded. "Zombies still creep me out, though."

"Oh, right. Plight had said you'd found a zombie near Hearthstone Town. I wonder where it came from." Sienna said.

"Probably a necromancer. I don't know why they'd be wondering taskless though. Normally they have very specific tasks to carry out. Then again, scouting is a task, I guess. But they can't talk." I tell her.

Archimedes was still working on the glyph. It was a time consuming process that needed to be exact. Sienna seemed to be mulling over the things I'd told her. Plight was watching Archimedes, which I should have probably been doing, but since I may get a book given to me by him, I wasn't making that my priority.

Instead, I began to crochet with the fine yarn. Having noted his discomfort with the sun, I decided to make a gothic mandela pattern, switching between red and black. I made this three tiered, with the inner two being more complex and if you fold them in on each other, they'd form a black rose that appeared bloody.

For the part that would sit within the book, I worked on a delicate black clover-like design with dainty white lace along the sides. It took about an hour to complete, and used up all my thin black yarn. Amazingly, Archimedes finished with the glyphs at the same time I finished the bookmark.

Looking it over, I'd say I did pretty well on it. It was by no means masculine, but it was very delicate and nice to look at. I looked at the completed glyphs, I could see where my original ones were, and I identified the alterations Archimedes had made.

"Alright well, this should about do it. And if it doesn't, well, I won't be there, so, let's hope it does." Archimedes said.

"Are you unconfident?" I asked, placing the bookmark in Phintias's hand.

"I am quite confident in my creations. Does that mean errors cannot occur? No, but it's unlikely." Archimedes said.

"So they are available to be used now?" Plight asked.

"Yes, yes they are. You may use them at your leisure, they will not lose their effect anytime soon." Archimedes replied.

Plight looked at me and said, "Should we.. go take a look?"

I turned my head to look at Phintias, and said, "I'd like to."

Phintias seemed very engrossed with the bookmark, tracing it's features carefully. "Hm? Well, then, by all means, let's go take a look see." Phintias replied, putting the bookmark in his coat pocket.

Archimedes, without much anyone noticing, wondered off. Following the methods for activating the glyph, I opened the portal. Successfully this time. Curious as to why Phintias wished to go with us. But I wasn't going to complain. The more people with us, the less likely the Ancestor would have a chance to take Plight. Self defense, you know?

Seeing our hesitation, Sienna took Plight's arm gently, and said, "Well, let's go." And walked through with Plight in tow.

Phintias offered his arm, and said, "Shall we?"

I took his arm tentatively, and nodded. We followed them through. I can't say what I was expecting, really. Deep gouges were dug into the once lovely carved marble. Rubble and debris lay about everywhere. Books lay in a ruined state about the place. And it was indeed dark. Light stones that once were set in scones were destroyed.

"Hm. Could use a dusting." Phintias commented.

Sienna was looking about and said, "The area seems to be under a glamour, but I cannot see through it."

"Oh, a glamour you say..? That's easy enough." Phintias said. He rooted through his coat and pulled out a crystal monocle and held it up to his eyes, and looked around. He slowly lowered the monocle, blinking, and said, "Well, whose next? Warning it may sting a little."

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I... cannot see at the moment, but I am sure I will be fine. Just gonna need a little recovery time." Phintias replied.

"So it's a security system?" I asked, amused. "How clever. No wonder the Zelaria's had nothing from here."

"It's a very effective one, too. Very bright. I'm starting to see spots now." Phintias said.

I started looking around a little closer.

"Does anyone here have a way to dispell a glamour, rather than see through it?" Plight asked.

"Hm. This room doesn't seem grand enough. I'll look over there." I said, leaving the room. I was looking for an insignia that matched my ring. There had to be one.

"Well, I can see again, I suppose we'll just follow her. She seems to be able to see." Phintias said from the other room.

This room was much the same as the last. So I ventured into the next. There was a fountain of sorts in this room, and an insignia in between two sets of stairs. Assuming it would be as stereotypical as most vampires tend to act, I approached the insignia. It appeared as ruined as the rest of the house.

With false confidence, I drew my yarn scissors and used their sharp edge to cut open my hand. Placing my hand against the insignia, I used a similar pass-phrase as the Zelaria's used. In Undercommon, I said, "I am Lucretia Acheron, and I have come home."

The insignia lit up deeply red and drew my blood into it. A bright flash occurred, tossing me back from the insignia, as I wasn't prepared for such a thing. And the glamour fell away, like water down stone. Revealing the marvelous splendor of the Acheron House.

The walls and decorations were marble and obsidian. The fountain was made of marble and had crystal clear water running through it. Furthermore, the light stones flared to life, brightening the entire house. From what I could see, the house was completely intact.

I looked at my aching palm for a moment, the skin had been ripped away. Then I looked towards the others that had followed me and I smiled brightly, "Look, Brother, the house has lit up."

"Yes, Sister, it has. It is... It is very bright. Let's patch you up." Plight said, walking over and crouching next to me. Taking bandages from his pack tended my hand with it and soothing herbs.

"Did that hurt?" Sienna asked.

"Yes, but it more surprised me." I shook my head. "It probably was not the exact pass-phrase, but the correct blood."

"My dear, I am afraid you are going to make me worry a lot with actions like that." Phintias said, "So you two are related? That is interesting. I hadn't heard of another Acheron surviving. I mean, that's fantastic."

"Yes." I answered. "It was a surprise to the both of us."

"Well, I'm glad I wasn't left out of the surprise." Phintias replied.

"I am sorry." I said, lowering my head slightly, "I was not sure if Brother wanted another to know..."

"That is quite alright. That is a secret for you both to share with whomever you wish to share it with." Phintias said.

"You are not angry?" I asked.

"No, I'm not angry. Everyone has their secrets." Phintias answered in a patient tone.

"Yes, I am an Acheron." Plight said firmly. "I'm from a different generation than my sister, here. But it does seem like we can trust you."

"Well, thank you for your vote of confidence. Is there anything else I should know?" Phintias asked.

"The ancestor of our family is trying to take me over. So we are here to try and find his name to give us some kind of lead." Plight said.

"Alright. That is certainly a lot to process, but it's fine." Phintias replied.

"I also significantly angered the ancestor, by back talking him and preventing him from dispelling Sienna's protective hut." I said, sheepishly. "The only thing he's said since was 'at least your blood is not weak'."

"Well that sounds... concerning." He said. "But he is merely an eons old petty little shit."

I glanced at Plight, who'd finished tending my hand. Then I looked at Phintias and Sienna.

"You're very understanding." Sienna commented.

"Well, there is a reason for that. I have been around for a very long, long time. So, being surprised by things is not particularly common. I can certainly still be surprised, I'm not saying that, it's just understanding that being surprised is ok. It's not that big of a deal." Phintias explained.

"Plight and Lucretia have been mistreated." Sienna said.

"I am sorry to hear that, but it is typically the fate of our kind." Phintias said.

"People in general are prone to cruelty." I pointed out, then I stood, smiled and said, "Let's look around some more, shall we?"

"Yes, lets. There is a whole family history here for you two to discover." Phintias agreed.

I walked over and offered my hand to Phintias, he took it naturally with an ease that said it was alright to do, and welcome action. We walked together, Plight and Sienna following, as we went through the rooms. The room next to the fountain room was lined with precious antiques, collected over many years, likely. Returning to the room we'd been in with the glyphs did have real damage to it. There were also books lining these walls.

There was an opening of sort to the right, it was inviting. I walked that way, then froze, paling. Among the white lilies and destruction was a small empty coffin that had been ripped open, along with a baby cradle that had a petrified corpse wrapped around it. There were several bodies in the same state piled around this large room. They reminded me of the bodies that had burnt to a crisp the day I'd agreed to marry Phintias. There were other coffins, sealed up.

I tensed up with the memories of that day, becoming numb to my surroundings. Eyes glued to the remains. Dully, I heard Sienna checking on Plight, worriedly. I looked back at them then at Phintias. Unsure of what to do for Plight, or how to comfort myself. Then I turned my attention back to that death filled room. Through the numbness I heard something bout the lilies.

Without much thought to it, I cast Sunbeam on the room of lilies and death. I heard Phintias sound disgruntled about the sudden sunlight. I pulled him against me, shielding him from the light as I repeated the beams burning away the lilies to wilted husks. The room still had the corpses, but all plant life that had been was no more. I turned away from the room numbly, and just leaned against Phintias. He and Sienna appeared to be speaking to one another.

Phintias moved me away from that room to sit next to Plight, where Sienna had gotten him sitting. Sienna had a concerned look on her face. What bothered Brother wasn't what was bothering me. They probably knew it. Sienna had went back that way, towards the death room. Phintias joined her. Plight had gotten close to me, hugged me. Soothing us both. It took a moment for me to return the gesture.

Sienna and Phintias returned after a bit. "The bodies and flowers are all gone." Sienna said. "Phintias helped me get rid of the bodies, and Lucretia burned all the plants out of here."

I nodded, still feeling numb. What had happened with Plight was that the trauma of being locked in the box only smelling those flowers had gotten to him, just like the bodies had with me. I got up, pulling Plight to his feet with me. Without saying anything I went to the next room. To the left this time. It was a long hallway filled with generations of family portraits. On a podium off to the side was a lineage book. Open to the last page that had been written in. The last name entered was my own. Lucretia Phoebe Acheron. I'd been the last Acheron born according to this book.

I flipped it to the first page. Starting from there, I worked my way through the book, seeing every fifty to a hundred years, names were crossed out with a single red line of ink. The trend continued until the last four hundred eighty-two years. where only one name had been crossed out before then. Was that brother? I left the page open to there, and continued past the podium to the door at the end of the hall.

A trend I noticed, majority of the people in the pictures had bright green, gold, blue or hazel eyes. All had dark auburn, brown or black hair. Opening the door, I discovered an expansive library. I noticed they'd all followed me. Sienna was as excited bout the books as Phintias, I'd say. Plight was going through that book at the podium.

I spotted a room off of the library that looked interesting. I went that way and looked inside. It was a sitting room for reading. Almost like a human's tea room. It didn't hold my interest for long. I headed out and into another part of the library. There was another door in the back that opened up to a second library wing. I would love to sit and read them all, but I was hunting for anything secret that may contain the ancestor's information.

Curiosity returning once more, I left the library areas, not even noticing I'd gone by myself. I passed back through the hall and the glyph room and into the fountain room. The humongous double doors were clearly meant to lead into the Underdark. I avoided those. I continued to the double doors ahead of me. Passing through them, I entered a hallway that only had doors to the left. There were six such doors.

Entering the first, it was clearly an office. Thumbing through some papers, I found the person, or people, who spent time here managed the households finances and things of value. The second room was also an office. This one dealt with the people aspect of life here. The third office was trading. The fourth was inventory and cataloging. The fifth was alliance and grievance based. And the sixth traced genealogy of the family and slaves.

There were detailed records of everyone who'd lived here, willing and otherwise. I was also surprised by the notes on the corner of the desk that detailed the going ons of each of the other offices. This office had belonged to the head of the household, Lazarus Nicholai Acheron.

He was among the first few names mentioned in the lineage book. There was a note on his desk saying he needed to look into the unusual appearance of the young. Something about it being unsettling to look at. I wished they'd written more. Was it about me? Or a sibling or cousin? I couldn't tell for sure. So instead, I headed out of this hall and up a flight of stairs.

As I ascended, I noticed Phintias had come looking for me. I waved at him, smiling. Wondering if I looked like a proper Acheron up here above the family crest. He ascended the flight of steps, too, joining me. I waited politely for him.

"Well, my Dear, have you found anything interesting?" He asked.

"Yes. I found Lazarus Acheron's office. With a note about a 'young one' with an unusual appearance. However, none of the six offices seemed to have the name of the Ancestor." I answered.

"No secret bookshelves or hidden passages?" He asked.

"Not that I found. I didn't poke around very much, though." I shook my head.

"Well, let's go check out the office and see if there is anything like a hidden button. I have a few of them myself. They're quite lovely." He said.

I hadn't intended to head back to the office today, but I nodded and said "Alright." I took his arm, and walked him back down and through to the offices, walking to the last one and entering it. Once inside I asked where he thought it'd be.

He began checking various places. He even removed the picture of Lazarus from the wall and checked every book on the bookshelves. Behind the picture had been a safe of sorts, unlocked by the signet ring I had on my finger.

After fitting the ring to it, it opened and revealed a portrait of a vibrant woman with blonde curls and green eyes, a pale man with black hair and eyes with three dark haired sons and a baby in the woman's arms. They stood in the sun near a tree. I took the picture out, studying it. No words were available on the portrait or it's frame. Even with it being a painting you could feel the energetic life of the woman. The man was the antithesis of the woman. Their children a mix of the two's energy.

Looking into the safe once more, I found it to be empty. It had only contained this portrait. Was this the first of the Acheron's? I'll take it to Brother and see what he thinks. I left the safe open, unconcerned bout it as I told Phintias what I was doing. Having failed our search for the most part, he came with me. He'd prefer staying by me when I am not staying with Plight or Sienna he said.

I told him about my defensive spells. He still insisted. So I agreed to listen to him and not wonder off by myself. He told me he appreciated that. He reached towards my face and I flinched, closing my eyes. There was a hesitance, then he brushed some of my hair back, placing the strand behind my ear. He told me he wasn't going to hurt me.

I apologized for my reaction. He remained understanding towards me as we went to where Plight and Sienna were. Still in the library looking over some books. I approached and showed them the portrait. I explained how it was locked in a safe behind a portrait of Lazarus Acheron.

Plight examined the portrait for a bit and then looked up at me and said "Strong family resemblance. No names or anything?"

"I did not find any, no. Phintias hunted the entire office without finding much aside from the safe. I don't understand why this picture was hidden away. Especially since it does not have any information to it." I said.

"That is interesting." Plight said.

"Perhaps, if we find Lazarus's quarters we may find what we are searching for." I suggested.

"Well then we should go find out. We should leave no stone unturned... or portrait." Plight said.

"Phintias is very good at looking for secret spots." I say.

"Not my first time rooting around in somebody else's house." Phintias said.

I laughed lightly and said, "Since you will be marrying me, isn't it technically your house, too? Plight and I are the only Acheron's left that we're aware of."

"Well, yes, I suppose it does." Phintias said.

"You went from feeling homeless, to having three homes." Sienna pointed out.

"If I lived here I'd sorely miss the sun and sea." I said.

"Yes, I don't think I'd be able to live here either." Plight commented.

"Hmm. Maybe there would be a good way to use it, then, aside from as a residence." I say.

"If you can find out how to activate the glamour when you want it to be, then you could use it as a safe location for hiding things." Sienna said.

"This home did remain undiscovered until we got here." Plight agreed.

"And it has not been unknown." I acknowledged. "The Zelaria's would have combed this place for anything, yet all they got was me and the ring they couldn't use."

"There are plenty of things you'll come across in travels that you'll want to keep away from prying eyes." Phintias suggested.

"Or a place to hide if people are trying to kill you." I said.

"Well hopefully we won't have to use it for that, but yes. That works too." Phintias said.

"I may have survived the last couple of times, but luck runs out, you know?" I say.

"My luck has been going strong for a number of years." Phintias replied.

I turned my thoughts away from the morbid place they'd turned to as we walked up the flights of stairs once more. The upstairs were a series of personal rooms. Around half of them had a small room attached to it with what was essentially a bed. There were also bathing chambers connected to each personal room. As well as closets with exquisite wardrobes. I was amazed at how intact this place had been even though it hadn't been lived in for almost two centuries. Most of all, it was clean.

Phintias seemed to like some of the clothing quite well as he said, "If you wouldn't mind, there are a few choice articles of clothing I wouldn't mind adding to my wardrobe."

I shrugged, "They seem in fine enough repair. I do not mind."

He grinned and said, "Ah, then just a moment. I saw a few pieces that would make the best outfit." He stepped back into one of the rooms to change, I assumed.

"Brother, did you want to see if any of the clothing would fit you? I think I shall." I said.

"Um.... Yes, I believe I will take a look. Haven't done much clothes shopping in a while." Plight said.

Sienna said, "Want me to stay with you or Lucretia?"

Phintias came back out of a room just then. Dressed in a well thought out outfit that suited him. Black dress pants with a white dress shirt with frilled sleeves and a dramatic purple and black over coat that buttoned to the right side with a flared collar. Very gothic styled.

Phintias said, "I will stay with Lucretia, if you two wish to go pick out a new attire for Plight."

"It would seem that Phintias has her covered." Plight said. Sienna went with him to look at clothing.

I went into one of the other rooms with Phintias following me. I looked through the women's clothing, wondering if all they had was dark clothing. I found a vivid red dress made of spider silk.

I glanced at Phintias over my shoulder and asked, "Are you ok from earlier? I didn't really think through using Sunbeam."

"Thank you for asking, but yes. I am fine. I have dealt with the sun for many years. We don't get along. Kind of a love hate relationship." Phintias replied.

"A shame, as the sun makes your eyes look lovely." I said.

"Oh, like a parting gift before it burns out my retinas." Phintias responded.

"I can't really sympathize. I have never had any problems with the sun. The only difference from a human and myself is that I need blood and have fangs. And I can't eat their food." I told him.

"Well, that is quite unfortunate." He brushed his hand across a silver pin on his jacket. "This little beaut allows me to taste and chew food again. If you would like, I would be more that happy to let you give it a shot. I'm sure it'd be a very interesting experience for you."

"Did you miss food after you were turned?" I asked.

"Horribly." He answered firmly.

"I do not have any positive association with food, but if you feel that strongly about it, I will try at least once." I replied.

He laughed and said, "I have no idea what should be your first meal. I accept this challenge."

I smiled at him and said, "You are a fair bit silly."

"Well, I don't think I am doing myself justice if you think it is only a fair bit." He replied.

"You'd rather I think you were mostly silly?" I asked.

"Quite the opposite. I'd prefer completely." He said. "Even now, I hear music in the air." He gave a slight bow and said, "May I have this dance?" Offering his hand to me.

I placed the dress back up, removed my bag and set it down, and took his hand. He started a slow and steady waltz, that I followed flawlessly. Even with the dips and spins he included. About the second dip, I had began laughing delightfully. Enjoying the dance immensely. I had not expected to actually dance with him just then, but the outcome was lovely. I laid my head on his shoulder, becoming quite comfortable with him.