

After she was deceived by her lover the moon God , sun goddess was disowned by her father the sun God and she killed herself while locking her memories and power to only wake up when she meets the person behind all her pains in this life time. Aurelia was seen as a liability because she was born without elven power or ears but what happens when Aurelia touches the ancient scepter of the former moon God and turns to a whole new person? follow me and find out.

Esosa_Chidiebere · Others
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7 Chs

Showcase festival 2

Aurelia's pov

Even though I was not willing, I still went to the Ambra and sat beside a young girl with green eyes.

Her eyes looked liked the forest and she was pretty.

Then I noticed something odd.

She was smiling at me!!!

at me???!!!

The mistake??!!

"Hello, your highness I wish you best of luck." She said and I freezed.

She really was talking to me...

I watched as she closed her eyes and focused.

Ahharrrr do we really need to do this?

Anyway I closed my eyes and focused on the energy that felt familiar to me. I tried to block out all the noise and voices around me.

Then all of a sudden I felt a sensation around me.

It felt warm yet dangerous but ...... strangely I felt close to it.

Then I saw a golden rope twirl before my eyes and I hesitantly touched it and energy surged through me.

"woah, she did it."

"She's glowing."

"But how come?"

"Isn't she supposed to fail like normal?"

"Yeah I heard she had no powers."

I heard murmurs and I blinked open my eyes.

I got the shock of my life to see myself floating mid air.

I looked around to see everyone looking at me in shock and surprise. My brother was smiling proudly. Even my mother looked... happy.

"Your highness, you did it.!!"

Of course it was my best friend Nessa. Happiness was see radiating all over her.

I looked down and was surprised to see that I was the only one who had tapped to the power source. I felt really happy.

But......my joy was short lived.

Father, the priest and queen Zilla was not looking happy.

"How can this be possible? You're an earth elf, how can you have the attributes of a fire elf?" The priest shouted. His name was Homan.

I got confused, what did he mean by fire attributes?



All eyes turned......but not to me.....

To mother....

Father looked enraged

Queen Zilla however was happy.

"Can you explain better what you mean priest Homan." He said.

Homan bowed then he spoke.

"your majesty, Her highness has the power of healing. This isn't a harmful power but it is not an attribute of earthen elves."

I shot my eyes as I allowed myself to land on my feet.

why was my happiness always short lived?

why do I never seem to please people?

why ? why ?

"So you mean..... Princess Aurelia is a..... fire elf?" Queen Zilla asked the obvious.

"Your royal majesty, I imply no such." priest Homan said. Obviously scared to offend the royals.

My father looked at my mother and if eyes were arrows, mother's head would have thousands of hole.

She immediately knelt down with fear evident in her eyes.

"your....ma-... majesty...it's not what you're thinking...I wou-"

"What is his majesty thinking queen Elanor ?" Queen Zilla add wood to the flame.

Mother looked flustered. She was lost for words and the crowd was not helping matters. They were saying all sort of nonsense.

"Oh zina, does this means the Princess isn't really the king's child?"

"Then queen Elanor cheated."

"No wonder, she never blended with us."

"poor child her mother separated her from her people."

"I guess that was the reason for her poor growth all this years. The land wasn't conducive for her."

Fake Sympathy

I hated it with passion.


In a little far distance away from the great ok tree (Ambra), a man with pure white hair sat on the bed with hands and legs akimbo and his eyes closed. The young man looked too ethereal to be real. White gloss skin, Straight nose, pink thin lips and thick eyebrows on an innocent face. He was dressed in a black robe.

The whole room was made of ice , even the appliances inside the room was also made from ice.

"Asõra, are going to continue sitting here all day? I'm bored okay?" A handsome man with grey hair and silver eyes said as he paced back and front the room.

"I'm not looking at you but I'm already feeling dizzy because of your movements. stop moving, I need to focus." A dip calm voice resounded in the room.

But also the grey eyed man continued moving then the being on the bed opened his eyes and looked up.

Behold were a pair of sea blue mesmerizing eyes.

"Luwin.." He called the man in a dangerously low voice and the the man stopped moving.

"Asõra, please I need to go out. I promise to bring you the ice flute. Just let me go for now."Luwin said while kneeling and pleading with Asõra.

Asõra looked at him without a hint of emotion on his face.

"What's the guarantee you would do as you say?"

"I don't have or know any guarantee. What do you suggest?" Luwin asked.

"Drop one leg of your shoe."




. silence

"Your joking right?" luwin said with disbelief written all over his face.

But Asõra gave him a dead pan face that said 'do I look like am joking'

luwin literally dug a pit for himself.

"Can you choose another thing Asõra?"


"How about my coat?."


"Or my bangle?."


luwin got frustrated.

"How can I walk without the complete pair of my shoe?" he asked

"Your problem, not mine." Asõra deadpan.

"Asõra, I need to watch the showcase festival of the third princess. I heard she doesn't have magic power so I want to see how she will go about it."

The third princess......

'I'm Aurelia, now tell me.'

Asõra remembered the girl with golden hair he saved.

He had left in a hurry that day because he didn't want any one to tarnish her name anymore than it has been tarnished. Being seen alone with a man who wasn't your husband was frowned upon , so he left when the other elf came.

He wondered how she was doing. She was just like him.

Asõra wondered if he should attend the festival....

"Your royal highness, his majesty just arrived and is on his way to the palace of zinambra." a man dressed in the royal army uniform os Findara rushed inside the room to inform asõra.

"Why is father here?"he asked and then he stood up and his white long hair fell down to hi knees.

"Maybe important matter? why don't we go find out?" Luwin asked hoping to leave the room.

"Your a prince of the water nation, what would you be doing in earthen nation?"

"Came for a visit?"

"Dumb, but let's go."


I could feel my blood boiling inside me as the villagers murmured.

Father did nothing to stop them and they went on and on.

I had just got ready to stop them when....

"Who said an earthen elf cannot have the power to heal? I bet that person doesn't know the history of elves."

I turned to the voice and I got shocked.

A tall handsome man with black hair and sea blue eyes was staring at me with a loving gaze. one a father uses in staring at their child.

Father immediately stood up and flew towards us.

"king syn'talas Aeln Loakhor , king of the dark elves. It's an honor to meet you, I've been expecting you." Father said and I started walking away from there.

"stay there child."He said and I stopped to look at him.

He's face looked oddly familiar, but I was certain I had never seen him before.

"I'm sorry you had to see these family drama as soon as you arrived your majesty." Father said.

Then I noticed something.....

Father was being extremely polite which means he wants so get something from that person.

But I thought there was a feud between dark elves and the rest elves?


Bandup Bandup

My heart sped up at the sound of that voice...

Wasn't that the voice of the elf that saved me?

I felt to scared to lift my head and look at him because I was scared of being disappointed.

But why was I even reacting this way?

It's not like I like that elf.

Though his hot and his abs are gorgeous, I wouldn't fall for just looks.

So I took the courage to look up and I saw those striking blue eyes.

Now I knew why the king of the dark elves felt familiar to him.

It was because the both had the same eyes.

He's eyes stared at me as though he wanted to see my soul.

And I found myself unable to look away and then I heard a voice in side my head.

'Seems like someone missed my abs instead of me ,right .'

and I swear I almost begged the ground to open and swallow me.


Author's note : pls comment on the novel as I can improve better on my writing and do well to give me power stones.

love you all 😘😘😘

from rourou