
Chapter 17


"Issei, may I introduce my mother, the Lady Isabella Phenex. And Mother… this is Issei Hyoudou, the Red Dragon Emperor… and my lover."

Huh, so she's just going to come out and say it, is she? Issei supposes he shouldn't really be surprised. He'd allowed Ravel to say yes to her mother's request to visit. As such, he was now sitting across from the woman within the main room of the ORC building. While he hadn't actually joined Rias' peerage, he had effectively added the Gremory Heiress to his hoard. What was hers… was technically his.

She certainly hadn't objected to him ordering her to prepare the Occult Research Club's main building for a meeting between himself and Lady Phenex. She'd been a little bit more upset when he'd told her she wouldn't be allowed to attend, but in the end she hadn't fought him on it. Ultimately, this meant it was just Issei, Ravel, and her mother.

As Ravel provides introductions and serves them both tea, Lady Phenex looks to her daughter and sharply inhales upon hearing the word lover, as if she'd somehow hoped that Issei hadn't already bedded Ravel and claimed her as his own, despite the fact that he'd outright rejected their offer to trade her for Yubelluna. Did they seriously not think he would have his way with her?

Regardless, the moment of distraction gives Issei a few seconds more to really look at and observe the Lady Phenex. Isabella Phenex was… absolutely gorgeous. There was no denying that. The female devil had to be fairly old, given that Riser and Ravel were the youngest of four children, if Issei's understanding of the matter was correct. And their older brother, Ruval, had been around for a lot longer then the both of them.

Which meant that Lady Isabella had to be at least a couple of centuries old, right? Or perhaps she was younger. It wasn't like Issei could come out and ask, that would be the height of rudeness. Still, this is all to say that even as old as Issei logically believes Lady Phenex to be… she certainly doesn't look it. Rather, the Lady Phenex looks more like she would be Ravel's older sister then her mother, appearing as young as her early twenties.

Though her Victorian style dress and her gentle, quiet demeanor give her a certain… maturity, he supposes. As does her slightly more mature body, her bust much larger than Ravel's, and her hair style being done up in a high top ponytail with very elaborate and ornate decorations, rather than the twin drill-like pigtails that Ravel has. Even still, she's a carbon copy for an older version of Ravel… or more accurately, Ravel is a carbon copy of her mother, Issei supposes.

Finally recovering from Ravel's claim, the Lady Phenex hides her lips behind her cup of tea for a moment, taking a sip and calming herself before she turns her attention back towards him, setting the cup back on its saucer on the table between them. Issei gives her a simple smile, not quite showing the respect that would normally be due a Pureblood Devil of Lady Phenex's station.

But then, to be fair, he's not a devil. His dealings with the Underworld and devilkind have so far all taken place because they came to him. First with Rias and Sona and their Queens, and then later on when he had to defend his claim on Rias against the likes of Lady Phenex's son. In the end, he owed none of them nothing… and had already taken what he was owed in turn.

"… I see that you work fast, Red Dragon Emperor. I had hoped… but no, I realize that was in vain now."

Isabelle Phenex speaks somewhat quietly, her tone gentle and demure as she looks at him with big, soulful blue eyes. Issei just lifts an eyebrow in response, gesturing impatiently with a hand for her to continue. Seeing that she's not exactly dealing with one of her kind here, but a dragon with all that entails, Lady Phenex lets out a soft sigh and gets right to the point.

"I requested this chance to visit my daughter and meet you today because I wished to make sure Ravel was alright and in good spirits…"

She pauses, and Ravel uses the chance to pipe up from where she's sat in a chair at the end of the table, directly between them, having finished with her duties as host when she poured them both tea.

"I hope you're not disappointed, mama. I'm quite happy where I'm at."

Lady Phenex glances over at Ravel for a moment before looking back to Issei.

"I'm sure that my daughter thinks she's happy with you… but the life of a maiden held within a dragon hoard is not always a kind one. My daughter deserves better than this, and it is my hope that you will allow me to negotiate with you in order to secure her safe return to our family."

Ravel makes to speak up, growing red-faced and pouty at her mother's lack of faith, but Issei cuts her off with a raised hand, still looking Isabella right in the eye. Smiling lightly… he shakes his head.


Stiffening at that, the Lady Phenex's lips press together in a thin line. And then, she reaches up and begins to play with her neckline and the gorgeous gold neckless that draws the eye to her expansive cleavage.

"Not even if I were to offer you something better in trade, Dragon Emperor? Not even if you could… have the better model, as it were?"

Ravel gasps in shock and offense, even as Issei curls his lips into a smile. It's funny, because this is exactly the sort of thing he expected from Ravel's mother… however, it's obvious from the way she's looking at him, that it's not the sort of thing she expected from herself. She seems reluctant and perhaps even a little confused… but also quite certain of herself, a strange juxtaposition to be sure.

She's willing to give herself up for Ravel, certainly… but she didn't come here today with it in mind. Intriguing, but in the end, Issei has already decided ahead of time how he's going to deal with this sort of interference. Even as Ravel is jumping to her feet and scowling at her mother mightily, Issei… lets go.

"Mother, I-!"

As the Red Dragon Emperor's presence fills the room, as Issei lets loose his power… he learns something almost immediately. There's Ravel's reaction of course, which is to sit her ass back down, visibly floored by his aura, his musk, whatever you want to call it. The younger of the two Phenex women shudders in visible arousal and whimpers as her hands begin to twitch towards her body in a very meaningful and lewd way.

And then there's Lady Phenex's reaction… where Ravel is left whimpering and mewling, her MILF of a mother experiences a full body shudder, as she goes from demure and quiet and gentle to flushed with need… and positively ravenous in moments. To Issei's surprise, Lady Isabella Phenex doesn't wait for him. She all but leaps across the table, abandoning all decorum to try and take him, right then and there.

Of course, for all that he's dealing with a ravenous she-devil all of the sudden, Issei is still more than capable, and fully prepared for a fight, even one centered around sex. He grabs Lady Phenex by the throat and spins around, choke-slamming Ravel's mother into the couch where he'd been sat moments before, pinning her in place as she'd tried to pin him in place.

Then he reaches up with his free hand and gives Isabella's sizable bust a good grope, squeezing and kneading her fat tits through her gorgeous dress. The older woman groans and then hisses at him, scrabbling at him, trying to get at his cock as her hands frantically work at his pants. Issei lets her pull his cock out… and then picks her up again, this time slamming her into the nearest wall, his hands now around her wrists as he holds her there.

Ravel's mother responds by darting her head forward and kissing him on the lips, while at the same time lifting up her leg and rubbing her knee against his exposed cock, doing everything she can to arouse him, to attend to him. She's very, VERY eager… but Issei is in charge here, and she needs to know that. So, he turns her kiss around on her, sending her head crashing back into the wall as he thrusts his tongue into her mouth, smashing his lips against hers and holding her in place.

Behind them both, Issei can hear Ravel fingering herself to the sight of the two of them going at it… but right now is between him and Isabella. Honestly, he'd thought he had her measure. He thought he'd had the gorgeous MILF figured out, and that she was seemingly of a kind and gentle disposition. But it seemed that had left the room the moment he'd gone ahead and escalated things to where they were now.

If he didn't maintain control, it would seem that Lady Phenex had every intention of taking it from him. She wanted to put him in his place… but his place was so high above hers that such a concept was laughable. Still, there was always the need to breathe… and Issei wanted a moment to catch his breath, as it were.

Pulling away from Isabella, he tosses her aside and wipes his hand across the back of his mouth. There's no blood… but that doesn't change the fact that she'd been gnawing at his lips trying to bite in and produce it anyways. Ravel's mother… was a beast of a woman, it seemed. Lady Phenex goes on to further prove this with her next action, as she reaches down with a perverse smile on her lips and simply tears her dress off of her body.

Underneath the Victorian garment is something Issei recognizes, just a tad. The last time he saw a dominatrix's outfit however, it was on Akeno… and it wasn't nearly as detailed or well-made as the ensemble Lady Phenex had on under her dress. Even still… it puts things a bit more into perspective for Issei.

He'd come into this thinking that he was going to be dominating some demure pureblood lady… but now he understood what Isabella was really about. And as she gives him a challenging, defiant smile, pulling gloves out of nowhere and carefully putting them on, one after the other, Issei knows what he has to do. Especially when she pulls a whip out of nowhere as well and gives it a good crack, making her intentions for him quite clear.

After all, he's dealt with this sort of situation before, hasn't he?


"Oooooh~ Oh, oh, OHHHH!!!"

Issei grunts, even as he keeps his fingers hooked in Lady Isabella Phenex's jaw, pulling backwards hard and forcing her spine to arch beautifully as he plunges into her depths from behind. Her whip is currently binding her ankles and wrists together, leaving her hogtied and helpless to escape him as he fucks her hard and fast, not giving her even a single moment to rest.

Much like Akeno, Ravel's mother was just looking for the right man to come along and put her in her place. Or rather, the right dragon as it turned out. Though, judging from Ravel's shock and gobsmacked expression when she'd first seen Isabella in her dominatrix garb, the younger she-devil had had no idea what her mother was truly about when it came to sex.

No matter. In the end, the sex battle if it could be called that, was decidedly one-sided. Perhaps not as one-sided as when Issei had put Akeno in HER place back at Kuoh Academy, but certainly, Isabella Phenex never stood a chance… and he was beginning to get the impression that much like Akeno, deep down she knew it.

Her pussy walls are extraordinarily tight, her cunt gripping and squeezing down HARD around his cock as he fucks her viciously, plunging into her depths with a rough, brutal pace that's wholly to do with her attempt to tame him. He's the Red Dragon Emperor, he'd die before he'd call anyone or anything else Master… or even Mistress, for that regard.

But that won't be a problem, because Lady Phenex isn't going to be the one to succeed in collaring him. Not today, and not any other day. Issei growls as he continues to hook his fingers in the sides of the ahegaoing MILF's mouth, continues to fuck her as her slightly muffled moans emit from her open lips. With a triumphant roar, he finally cums inside of her, filling her cunt with his seed and plastering her womb with his white, hot ejaculate.

Though, as he pulls out it seems Lady Phenex has at least one more trick up her sleeve as she breaks free of her own whip, snapping it with ease, and spins around, dropping into a lurid crouch before him. Issei blinks as the Lady Phenex brings herself eye level with his cock, and a moment later inhales him down her throat.

There's not much left of the poised and composed pureblood lady from before their 'fight' if it could be called that. Her cute little dominatrix suit is destroyed, and her hair is disheveled and loose, though its still naturally curling into those same drill-like shapes as Ravel. Regardless, her blue eyes look up at him as she sucks him into her mouth and goes about cleaning him off in record time.

Once his member is spotless, Lady Phenex pulls back and strokes his member up and down, while giving him a wicked sort of grin.

"I retract my earlier objections, your majesty. I see now that my daughter is in good hands. Though… I know she can be a little rambunctious, and she's certainly inexperienced. Shall I help you train her, just a bit?"

His cock is already growing hard again, and Issei is certainly just about ready for Round Two as he stares down at this woman who… is nothing like he thought she would be. Now that they're no longer tearing at each other for control, now that he's no longer being forced to view her as an enemy to be dominated, now that he HAS dominated her… and apparently earned the she-devil's respect in the process… he's not quite sure what he wants to do next.

Lady Phenex's offer is a real one though. He has no doubt that if she'd been able to dominate him, she would have used that as an excuse to take Ravel home with her. Interesting, to say the least, but as it was, things had turned out differently, hadn't they? All the same, now Isabella was offering to… train Ravel with him?

She was clearly offering a mother-daughter threesome, and Issei was loath to reject such a glorious thing. On the one hand, Isabella clearly had quite a lot of experience being dominant. He'd put her in her place now, so he was fairly sure he could trust her to sub for him while domming her own daughter in the process.

Was that how he wanted things to go next? Did he want to let Isabella help him 'train' Ravel. Or… looking over the crouching MILF's head, he sees Ravel looking at him through heavily lidded eyes. The younger devil has been masturbating this entire time… but she's still got this spark in her gaze, a little ember of defiance.

She'd no doubt submit to her mother and him if it were ordered of her… but what if Issei decided to fan the flames instead, and had daughter dom mother? Now there was a thought…

Alternatively, he could just send Lady Phenex away altogether. He'd put her in her place, he'd had his way with the bitch… and now she wanted to weasel in on more of his activities with her daughter? Hm, perhaps it was time for Lady Phenex to leave, and for Issei to have his way with her baby girl without her, once again.

Decisions, decisions…