
The Slayer Odyssey

Meet Nyx, just your average guy who wakes up one day in a world straight out of a fantasy novel. Surprise! Turns out he's the son of a demon queen, with powers that could make Superman jealous. But Nyx? He's more shocked than anyone. With dragons, demons, and a whole lot of chaos, Nyx's adventure kicks off faster than you can say "plot twist." And hey, who needs a guidebook when you've got a sassy spirit named Sara in your corner? She's got Nyx covered – even if he's still trying to figure out how to use his powers without setting the place on fire. Get ready for a rollercoaster raid, because Nyx Valor Nightshade is here to save the day – whether he's ready for it or not! ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Well, I'm not exactly a pro at writing synopses, so you'll have to dive into the story to learn more about Nyx. And hey, this is my first crack at writing a novel, so bear with me. I hope you will enjoy it!"

LonlySlayer · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Awakening in Eldoria

The room was luxurious and seemed to be designed for royalty. A large golden chandelier hung from the ceiling, filling the space with warm light. The walls were adorned with beautiful paintings depicting peaceful landscapes. Thick velvet curtains covered tall windows, allowing the soft morning light to filter in.

The floor was made of smooth marble, with soft, patterned rugs adding comfort. In the middle of the room stood a grand king-sized bed with a carved wooden frame and shiny stones. The bed had silky sheets and many plush pillows, making it look extremely comfortable.

On this magnificent bed sat a boy, looking shocked and confused. He couldn't remember how he got there. The last thing he remembered was being at a friend's birthday party last night. His friends had pressured him into drinking alcohol, and he had gotten very drunk.

After the party, he decided to walk home since his house was close by. As he was walking, a truck came speeding towards him, the driver shouting that the brakes weren't working. Too drunk to react in time, the truck hit him. Now, he was in this fancy room, with no idea how he got there or what had happened after the accident.

Suddenly he winced, his hand instinctively going to his throbbing head. "Ouch," he muttered, feeling like he'd been hit with a hammer. As the memories surged through his mind like a runaway train, he couldn't help but wonder if there was an off switch for this mental overload.

"Seriously," he groaned, "couldn't these memories have come with a warning label or something?"

After what felt like an eternity, the pain began to ease, allowing him to focus on the chaos inside his brain. He blinked, trying to make sense of the jumble of images and information flooding his thoughts.

"Eldoria? Dragons, demons, witches... Am I in some kind of fantasy role-playing game?" he mused, his eyebrows shooting up in disbelief. "And a demon realm? Great, just what I needed - a family reunion with a side of hellfire."

Despite the absurdity of it all, he couldn't deny the thrill of discovering he was the offspring of a demon queen. 

After sorting through his thoughts, he finally grasped the reality: he had been transmigrated, just like those novels he used to read in his old world. "Who would've thought I'd end up experiencing transmigration myself?" he chuckled, though there was a hint of disbelief in his voice.

As he delved deeper into his new memories, he realized that his body was frail, and he often spent most of his time in bed, with his mother tirelessly caring for him. It struck him hard to learn that his mother had adored the previous occupant of his body, going to great lengths to find treatments for his ailments. Seeing these memories, he felt a profound sense of loss.

In his old world, his parents had been everything to him. They had loved him unconditionally, dedicating their lives to his well-being. But fate had been cruel, taking them away in an accident.

Since then, he had felt utterly alone, as if his world had turned into a living hell. His parents had been his gods, his entire world, despite their modest means. They had never made him feel poor, always providing him with everything he desired. He had grown up with the dream of repaying their love by taking care of them, ensuring their happiness in their old age.

But now, as an adult in this new world, he realized they were nowhere to be found. The memories of the previous occupant's motherly love only served to deepen his sadness. If one looked closely, one might notice his eyes turning red as a single tear escaped, tracing a path down his cheek.

As he settled with his memories, he pondered on something he had read in those novels – the infamous "golden finger".

"Alright, time to call upon my golden finger," he declared, sounding more like a magician than someone in a royal chamber. He called once, twice, thrice... "Golden finger, come on down!" he insisted, half expecting confetti to rain from the ceiling. But alas, no response.

"Maybe it's on a coffee break or something," he muttered, scratching his head in frustration. Giving it one last shot, he called out again, "Golden finger, I summon thee!" Still nothing. With a defeated shrug, he resigned himself to his fate and shuffled back to the bed.

But just as he was about to flop onto the plush mattress, a voice echoed in his brain, "System initializing..." His eyes widened with excitement, a grin spreading across his face like a kid who just found out it was pizza day at school. "Wait, is this for real?" he exclaimed, disbelief dripping from every word.

Before he knew it, a screen materialized before his eyes, glowing with all the colors of neon blue. "Holy moly, I've got a system!" he cheered, pumping his fists in the air. 

[Name: Nyx Valor Nightshade]

[Age: 18 ]

[Cultivation: sealed]

[Physique: sealed]

[Race: Celestial Demon ]

[Bloodline: sealed]

[Talent: sealed]

[Skills: None]

After seeing the screen, Nyx cleared his throat, feeling a little ridiculous talking to thin air. "Hey, system, are you there?" he called out tentatively, unsure if he was talking to himself.

To his surprise, a voice responded, echoing in his mind. "Yes, I'm here," it said, sounding strangely ethereal.

Nyx's eyebrows shot up. "Whoa, you've got a voice!" he exclaimed, feeling like he was in some kind of sci-fi movie. "So, uh, where exactly are you from?"

The voice replied, "I am a spirit wandering around the universe while maintaining its will."

Nyx scratched his head, trying to wrap his mind around that concept. "So, you're like a space ghost or something?" he asked incredulously.

The voice chuckled softly. "You could say that."

"Alright, cool," Nyx said, deciding to roll with it. "So, how did I end up here?"

The voice sounded almost bored as it replied, "I got frustrated with my job and, out of boredom, transmigrated your soul to this world after you died."

Nyx's eyes widened in shock. "Wait, you did what now?" he spat, feeling like he'd just been hit with a cosmic bombshell. "Are you telling me you're some kind of god?"

The voice seemed to find his reaction amusing. "Oh, please. Gods are ants compared to me," it replied, sounding rather smug.

Nyx blinked, trying to process this information. "Okay, then why me?" he demanded, feeling like he was in one of those cheesy superhero movies where the hero gets chosen for no apparent reason.

The voice's response was cryptic. "Well..." it began, trailing off in a frustrating and oddly intriguing way.

Nyx sighed, realizing he wasn't going to get a straight answer anytime soon. 

Nyx scratched his head, a skeptical look crossing his face. "Hold up," he said, squinting at the invisible presence in his mind. "If you're wandering around the universe, who's left in charge of, you know, everything else?"

The voice sounded amused. "Oh, don't you worry about that," it replied casually. "There are plenty of other spirits who can take care of that. I'm just here for the entertainment."

Nyx raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit skeptical. "Wait, so you're saying there are other spirits out there running the universe while you're just chilling here with me?"

The voice chuckled. "Exactly! They've got it covered."

Nyx scratched his head, trying to wrap his mind around the concept. "Well, I guess that's a relief," he said, though he didn't sound entirely convinced.

Nyx, feeling a bit overwhelmed said, "So, my fate is in your hands, huh?" he said, trying to keep the mood light. "Well, talk about pressure! No pressure, right?"

The voice chuckled. "Don't worry, I've got it all under control," it reassured him, though Nyx wasn't entirely convinced.

"Sure hope so," Nyx muttered, rolling his eyes. "Otherwise, I'm gonna need a refund on this whole 'transmigration' thing."

The voice chuckled again, a hint of amusement in its tone. "Oh, come on, where's your sense of adventure?" it teased.

Nyx shrugged, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Hey, as long as this rollercoaster comes with free snacks, I'm in," he quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

The voice laughed, the sound echoing in Nyx's mind. "Snacks are non-negotiable, my friend," it replied, sounding oddly cheerful.

Nyx chuckled, feeling a little more at ease. It was a strange comfort knowing he wasn't entirely alone in this bewildering new world. "Well, at least I've got you," he said to the unseen presence, a hint of gratitude in his voice.

The voice seemed to soften, its tone more gentle. "And I've got you," it replied, the words carrying a reassuring warmth.

Nyx nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Guess we're in this together then," he said, feeling a newfound sense of camaraderie. "Let's make the most of it, shall we?".

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

LonlySlayercreators' thoughts