
Chapter 50

"Did I hurt you with the holy water?" I asked, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"You're worried about us?" Jacek shook his head and looked at me with something resembling awe.

"We healed." Sawyer's golden gaze searched my face and body. "You didn't."

I took a deep breath, suddenly feeling like I might sink to the floor just from emotional exhaustion alone. "My slayer powers have also gone for a stroll, I guess. I'll explain later, but I can't imagine how I must look. Probably about as good as I smell."

Eddie gazed down at the space between us. "When you walked through that door just now, I've never seen such a beautiful sight. When we were ourselves again, we searched everywhere for you before sunrise forced us home. I've never been more worried or horrified in my entire life."

Warmth blossomed inside my heart. That was quite a thing for him to say.

"Will you forgive us?" Jacek asked.

The better question was if he'd forgive me for playing on his enemy's side.