
Chapter 137

"Let him in." I backed away from the door as they did so and crossed the living room to sit on the couch.

"Since when do you care about children?" Jacek asked Luc, closing the door behind him and Cleo.

Luc stopped and stared him down, a sneer curling his mouth. "Since always." He sliced his gaze to Eddie and pointed. "And before you come at me with another seraph knife, you know that's true. I was trying to save your sister, just like I'm trying to save these kids tonight."

Yes, the topic of kids was a touchy one. The devil had put himself in charge of choosing the slayer, and he chose them as young as possible so they'd have a fighting chance to actually survive. He'd chosen Eddie's sister, who hadn't survived. He'd chosen me, and I had, for the most part. Which made me want to help these kids even more.