
Chapter 126

Maybe that had really happened. Or maybe that had really happened. Either way, my forehead tingled where he'd kissed me. A good tingle, but not the kind that normally drenched my panties when he was purposely shoving my desire levels up. It was a tingle that slopped some of the goop out of my head and then dusted and rearranged my thoughts some. The air seemed a little lighter and didn't press so tightly against my skin. My muscles felt looser, and the static noise had been turned down to where I could hear a twig snap behind me.

And I meant that literally.

I turned, and there stood my nemesis about six feet away next to the open trapdoor. He listed to the side some, the area underneath his Paul nametag blackened and pinching in on itself.

Had that been where I'd stabbed him with the god bone?