
chapter 4

His pov

I suddenly left the door when I heard it creaking to open.

Hummmph, face front whoever you are, I heard and stood still watching him unblinking and I saw his eye got wide and he quickly said

"I am so sorry Alpha tony"

I just stood there watching him before dismissing him to go. Then I saw her from afar, my beautiful princess but has she got near the temperature around me got low because of my anger.

So this is how she looks, she has suffered so much, if only I had been fast enough and didn't waste this years to get to my princess. Will she want to speak to me? Will she be angry I left her alone to go through all those pains?. No I can't face her yet, I have to go.

Her pov

As I was going to the dining room and looking around, I suddenly saw a quick and blur flash, I was confused but decided to keep quiet, maybe I made a mistake and what if I get punished. I certainly don't want that, even if all this won't last, I should at least enjoy it he time I have. We suddenly stoped in front of a light blue colour door with golden designs.

"Woah it's so beautiful" I said

But I quickly kept my mouth shut not to get into trouble. "Hahahahah" I heard her laugh.

"Sofeya" I called out and stared at her, why was she laughing like that?

Oh sorry, she said. I was just laughing because of your reaction, there's no problem with saying what you like or see, you can talk as much as you want here.

But I just stared at her like I didn't hear her,

Oh I forgot: she said. Common let's get you in and have a deserved breakfast. I couldn't stop my eyes and mouth from going wide when I saw the interior of the dinning room. We kept moving and I was lead to the table,

Sit and let's eat she said while using her hands to demonstrate has she can, I couldn't help but want to laugh at the way she was frantically trying to explain with her hands. So I sat down on the floor while expecting my share of food. Suddenly I heard a gasp and she dragged me up while cleaning my attire and she said " why are you sitting on the ground my princess" I was confused, if I didn't seat was I supposed to stand, was I not getting food? I sighed and almost wanted to cry while resigning to my fate.