
Chapter - 36

The drums were beating and the gate rising once more. I had my toughening spell in maximum effect but hadn't had any opportunities to try it out and see how much it would reduce the damage I would be taking. I ducked under the gate and went jogging into the arena, my daggers drawn and hanging low, ready for whatever I came up against, or at least that is the image that I was trying to exude.

My opponent was a wood elf, body similarly shaped to my master's, but his skin was less of a golden and more of a wooden brown, likely a camouflage adaptation for the elves that lived in the woodlands. He was wearing a loose cloth shirt that was the color of eggshells and loose cloth pants of grey. He wore light leather boots on his feet and carried a staff casually over his shoulders as he strolled into the arena as if he had not a care in the world.

Rushing towards him while he had his weapon unprepared, I tried to get close and score an early hit, but he was waiting for this. Gripping his staff firmly in one hand he whipped it around so fast that only by utilizing some of the tumbling skills taught to me by Lilly was I able to dodge back. No sooner had I avoided his first blow than his second was coming, this time an overhead swing. It seemed that he did not intend to take this fight seriously or perhaps he just wanted to take advantage of the long reach his staff gave him against an opponent with shorter reach.

I dived to the side and rolled before coming to my feet and starting to run, I had to get more distance between us so I could think up a plan. I couldn't get close to him and neither could I throw my weapons because if I did so I would be a sitting duck. I turned around and planted my feet, he did not seem to have hurried to pursue me, instead walking casually as if he had all the time in the world. The crowds were jeering at me, having watched me fight my way out of so many predicaments now they didn't see how I was going to get out of this one.

As the wood elf got closer, I tucked my daggers back into the sheath at my belt and ran towards him, dipping low and grabbing a handful of loose dirt as I approached. I knew he had seen me do it and so when I approached, and my arm came forward I was not surprised when he both swung his staff at me one handed and raised his other arm to cover his eyes.

I opened my hand containing the dirt and dropped it, instead reaching for my belted dagger and dropping into a slide, managing to slash at his ankle before coming out behind him and opening up some space again. I had not gotten away unscathed however, he had realized my ploy too late and brought the back end of his staff down to strike me, catching my in the back as I passed. It hurt but no more than getting punched hard would have.

Recovering my balance as I moved, I once again turned to look at my opponent. He was standing on one leg, the other resting lightly on the ground, a trickle of blood coming out from where I had sliced his ankle. His boot had stopped most of it, but I had still managed to hurt him. He stood unmoving; staff held in both hands defensively. It seemed he was finally going to take me seriously.

I approached him cautiously, both daggers one again drawn. As I got closer, I began to circle round. I wanted to see what he would do when forced to turn. He had been standing in one spot, favoring his injured leg, if he couldn't move, he was going to be in deep water pretty quick. As I predicted he did not move except to turn his head and follow my movements while I went around behind him.

As soon as his back was to me, I dashed forward trying to stab him from behind with both daggers, the wood elf had other thoughts however, you did not get to two-hundred years of age without picking up a few things. As soon as I was within striking range, he changed his grip on his staff and it shot out straight back from under his arm striking me on the forehead with the end straight on.

I fell backwards, seeing stars and spots, hoping my vision would clear soon I scooted backwards, trying to keep some distance between us. Moments later when my vision cleared, I saw that the wood elf was once again turned to face me, having used his staff as a prop to support himself while I was down. I regained my feet grateful that he could not move much to attack me. It was easy to see how he had defeated so many people, if it had not been for my body hardening spell that blow would have knocked me out or even maybe killed me.

That tactic had failed. Shit! What should I try next? I gazed at him from several feet away, absently rubbing the tender spot on my forehead where he had struck me where a large knot was already forming. I suppose all that was left was to try something stupid. Tucking my daggers back into their sheaths I started running straight for him empty handed. As he moved to strike at the foolish human who was coming at him empty handed, I jumped forward and to the side, grabbing on to his staff with both hands.

My feet skidded against the dirt as I came to a stop, but I had a tight hold on his staff and was not letting go. A vein popped up in his forehead as he realized that the match had devolved into a game of tug-o-war over his weapon and he quickly jerked, trying to get it free. I held tightly and realized something, I was much, much stronger than this wood elf.

"Thank you, Silvan and Beetle," I said aloud to the confusion of my opponent before I raised one leg and stomped hard on the side of his uninjured ankle. His look of confusion turned to anguish as I felt his bones snap under my foot and saw his body begin to sink. He still would not let go of his weapon to his credit and so now was on his knees in front of me, breathing hard from the pain that would normally have left a man screaming.

Having had enough of this fight and being more than ready to end it I once again raised my leg and kneed him hard in the face, jerking on the staff and using the force to pull him into the blow. His face caved in with a sickening crunch and blood gushed from him as he fell back, finally releasing the hold on his staff. Looking down I saw that he was not going to be getting up anytime soon.

I turned to leave the arena. I should probably make sure he is properly dead, but I don't care. Either he will die from his injuries or he will live. Either way whether or not we fight again has nothing to do with our feelings, so it doesn't matter. The crowd has gone silent after the wood elf fell. Now as I move towards the exit, from somewhere a cheering starts that grows and soon floods the arena. Whatever they felt about me before, I had just defeated a crowd favorite and was now someone whom they would be watching closely.