
The Slate Of Vale

It was an accident. It shouldn't have happened. But, the deed has been done, they must face their fears or die. Jeff and his friend Matt were playing in Max Peter's laboratory when they accidentally touched an ancient relic, the Slate of Vale, which was the key to the prison of the world deadliest creature. Vortex. Now, the prison of Vortex has vanished, together with the Slate of Vale, and nobody knows where except the two boys. Both boys were forced to swear never to reveal the location of the Slate of Vale to anyone, but that was before they knew that the slate of vale was the only thing keeping the world from crumbling. Will they reveal the sacred secret to the world and die? Or will Vortex escape the prison and hunt them? Either way, their fate has been sealed.

AnthonyGodwin · Sci-fi
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187 Chs



Ema bit down on the foreboding in her stomach as she zipped down her boot and rolled the white linen around her wrist. The linen blended with the color of the black jumpsuit as soon as the clipped reached home somewhere underneath her armpit. She stood over the mirror on the wall and adjusted her leather glove. The electric armor, the breastplate, and the armlet were all out of sight. Everything made her streamline features obey the laws of aerodynamics. Nothing would slow her down this time. She would be invisible for tonight's match. Invincible as long as those pervert wants her to be.