
Chapter 2

Well, talk about luck.

[System is currently undergoing installation, please wait. Estimated time of completion is 10 minutes.]

Well, that should be fast considering the last time I did choose this skill it took me an hour just to install it.

[System found an error in the software, please fix.]

This is why I always want to have this system, it gives me permission to overwrite it data.

"System, overwrite... "

Doing some tinkering to the system, I managed to upgrade it to latest version I could with some bug fixes as well.

[Thank you for the upgrade.]

'Welcome' with that said and done.

"Bro, how many more free time till arrival?"

[It would take... 10 seconds.]

Well that was quick.

[Message from Admin : There was some error in the proccess so you may not be able to be reborn but will only be transferred. As compensation, we can only put you to an orphanage with you being a 1 year old baby. Please confirm?]

Well, luck seems to be not on my side today... confirm.

[Very well, the fantasy you are supposedly transferred was "Against the Gods" but with the error and everything you were launch into somewhere. Please be careful.]

Ayyyt, thanks for the warning. Well then... as he was saying, I'll be transferred so it seems-


[Successful teleportation made by the Admin, you are currently in the orphange known as "Songs of the Angel"]

*creak* "Ara-ara, someone left a child again. How many time has it been this year? The third? Hayssss, come little one I'll introduce you to the others."

- 12 years later -

Ever since then, my life was full of ups and downs.

"Hey, uhmmmmm, Jah was it? " A voice called me over. It was a male voice but still was good to hear.

"Sup?? Need anything?"

"Yeah, the sisters asked me to give this to you. They said don't open it but I was curious but didn't open it yet. Wanted to ask you yourself what's in." Curious as this boy was, he didn't open the letter so I was kind of relieved.

"Shall we open it then?" I asked him seeing that he was really curious about the content of the letter.

As I was untying the ribbon that bound it, I saw something in the sky.

"Hey, do you see that?" I look at it and told him if he sees it.

"What is?" He asks and looks up. Looking at me again he asked while pointing at it, "What's that?"

"I don't know, but I think its getting cliser by the minute." I replied while looking at the thing coming closer to us.

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." He says while looking at it and thinking of something.

"Hey man. Run to the orphanage and warn them about this. I'll stay here and look at it. Once you hear a whistle, tell everyone to run as far as they could. Remember that!" I sais that to him to wake him up from his train of thought.

"Aight, stay safe Jah. Oh yeah, and the name is Ray, nice meeting ya!" and he ran to the orphange to warn them about the thing.

Me looking at the coming thing was surprised...

[Host, that thing could kill everyone on the orphanage so please evacuate as well!

Mission Triggered : Run for your life!

Rewards : Inventory Access]

With the system looking like this, I whistled with the best of abilities and there came the sudden flood of children running away from the thing.

Me being closest to that thing, I used blink and in just a wink I was already gone from the place. I was already beside Ray running as well.

"Yo." I said that to him and he was shocked.

"Uhmmmm, run?"

"Yes run!" with that shout, everyone topped up their speed.

[Host! Brace for impact!]



As that sound reverbrated, I never thought that I would be sent flying from where I stood just a second ago.

"*cough* *cough* That hurts!" As I shout, I saw the figure of the thing and it was...

"A demon." Yes you heard it right. A demon.

It was black all over, red eyes as well as horns. It even has wings and a tail. And there is miasma around their body, a sign that it was a demon.

[Host is currently under the effects of fear. Removal of Fear : Completed]

*sigh* As expected, the system reacts fast.

[Be ready for combat, bud.]

"Well thank you for stating the obvious." Saying that, I took a combat stance and took a deep breath and then look at my sorroundings, looking for a great weapon substitute.

[No weapons in the surroundings, even alternatives.]

'Well I am fucked. I didn't even started cultivating yet, I was only training my body... '

[That should be enough to stall time though?]

'Who would be coming anyway? '

[You can view the map and see how many people are chasing this guy.]

Looking at the map, I saw a damn lot of green dots going to this red dot.

"I guess I could stall for time after all... "

[Well, combat mode or not?]

'I'll just use blink since I'm most use to my skill.'

[Well, suit yourself.]

After which, I came to a combat stance where my right foot is behind while the other is at the front. My right hand at the center of my chest and the other around my waist level. Like a taekwondo practitioner.

Taking a deep breath and sigh I used the incantaion, "The world rotates! The water flows! The clouds move! With just one breath! Seal this in place! BLINK! "

As soon as the incantation ended, everything stopped and everything was colored in gray. All except Jah who still retains his color.

"Man, using the incantation will really make you catch your breath huh. *pant* *pant* Well then..."

Looking at the demon, I gave it a once over and know how to end this fast. Well that would be, "The dantian, followed by his eggs."

After smiling so sinister the devils in hell will probably bs scared shitless once they saw it. Walking to the demon, he punched its stomach or so to say the acupoint for the dantian countless time before stopping.

[2 more minutes till the end of blink.]

That would be enough time and I started going at it again, and after a minute I changed my target at its egg and damn that would really hurt... I suppose. HAHAHAHAHA

[End of Blink. Cooldown : 3 Minutes]


I was looking at it behind the tree and asked the system, "Does it really hurt that much?"

[Obviously! Imagine you cannot give birth to a son or daughter because your junior is broken or sliced off.]

"I got no problems for him since he might do something to us so its just self-defense."

[Hey! He didn't even get a single blow to you and you call that self-defense?!]

"I was sent flying remember?"

[That's only because the impact gave to the wind blowing you off.]

"And who's fault is that?"

After thinking for a while, [It was his.]

"Well no mater... rewards?"

[Host gained "Inventory". It can be filled infinitely and the time doesn't flow in there.]

"So food doesn't spoil! Neat!"

Faraway, an old man was watching the scene as he was flying in the air.

"Interesting, I'll make him my disciple for once. I hope you do not disappoint me, child."

Chapter 2 : Demon

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