
The Skill Imitator

× Discontinued. If you want to read same theme like this under mythology with a twist, visit my sister's work "Reaping System: The God Slayer." I'll focus on my romance stories. Thank you very much.

Scarfaced · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 25: Levaerûn: Challenging the Boss of The Faction 2 Prt 3

I aimed my hands at him and blasted the Fire and Electricity magic at once, but as expected, he was so fast that he dodged my attacks almost easily.

[Notice: Fuse possibility has been detected]

What is it? Tell me about it. 

[Fusing Conceal Skill and Mana Perception skill will produce a new advanced skill that will let you see through Advance Concealment. You will able to detect and measure one's mana better]

Okay! Proceed!

[Note: This fusing will consume a large amount of mana. Proceed?]

Oh hell! I'm in the middle of a fight, but yes, please do it.


{Fusing Mana Perception Skill and Conceal skill…}

[Note: Consuming mana is in process]

Damn it. I will not be able to use too much mana now but rely on my physical and less consuming mana, common elemental magic.

I blasted my Fire magic point blank, but he dodged it by spinning in the air while launching an effective counterassault and instantly covered my entire body in a white thread, immediately binding me in place.

[Note: Mystic Thread imitated acquired successfully]

[With the ability to create, manipulate, and shape magical threads, the user can alter the toughness and sharpness of the threads.]

The next thing I knew, I was already lying on the ground, covered in webs and completely incapacitated to move due to the thick webs hindering me.

So he planned to confine me inside these webs while at the same time avoiding doing any damage to me to prevent me from powering up.

"Good strategy, if I must say," I said while shaking my body inside the gigantic cocoon containing me.

Leal looked at me with discontent visible in his eyes and clicked his tongue.

I exhaled while continuously moving inside the cocoon. "This technique would be very effective against Leo."

I activated my Fire magic and burned the webs, but man! They were tougher than I thought.

So, I activated my Ice magic, turned all the webs into ice, and destroyed them using my empowered physical strength and Fire magic.

Leal's eyes instantly narrowed as he watched me stand up. Afterward, he waved his hand as if he was grabbing something.

Before I realized it, multiple threads already punctured my skin and tried to restrain me. As I looked at the end of the web, they were not connected to anything, just floating in the air while attached to me.

Leal moved his hand, and I felt the painful sensation as he tried to control my body.

He had already given up on the idea of beating me without causing pain to me and went on his forte.

However, the pain strengthened me, and he knew it, thanks to Warrior Rage.

"I see, so this is why they're calling you the Puppet master," I said. 

I wanted to try something, so I activated my newly acquired skill, but no, I can't use more mana than Cherubim in fusing two skills. 

Leal stared at me with disbelief as his skill easily got brushed off, rendering his attempt useless.

"I had a hunch, but I didn't expect it to be this overwhelming." He said as he assumed a battle stance. "But to surrender is a privilege I don't have, I will never go down without a fight."

"Then, let's end this here."

I activated my Ice magic and covered the entire arena in ice while activating my Electricity, Fire, and Wind magic and simultaneously covering my arms with them.

For a few seconds, we remained silent while staring at each other and at once rushed towards each other for our inevitable beatdown.

By heating my foot, I easily ran through the ice field I created and rushed towards him while using both the Warrior's rage.

Multiple ice spikes assaulted him, but he easily sliced them off using his sharp webs, which he used like flexible knives.

I launched a punch packed with Electricity, Fire, and Wind magic, but he managed to deflect it by covering my arms in webs and throwing it away from his direction.

However, I followed it up with my other arms, but he was still skilled and fast enough to deflect my attack and launched a devastating punch towards my face while at the same time jumping and slicing off my ice spikes and attacking him at the same time.

The difference in skill is pretty apparent, and he can fight back even in an extremely disadvantageous situation.

I shouldn't have forgotten that I fought against a veteran who remained undefeated for several years.

I aimed my hand in his direction, blasted the most powerful fire attack I could release, and engulfed the entire arena in flame.

He jumped towards me while aiming for my head with his fist. I tried to parry his attack with a punch, but a web immediately pulled him to the ground before he landed and launched an uppercut.

He's trying to weaken me little by little, just like what happened when I fought Leo.

However, his physical attacks were less powerful than Leo's house-destroying punches.

I grabbed Leal's hand that delivered the uppercut, and the next thing I saw was his despair as he realized what had just happened.

It's over. He's strong, but it's a completely bad matchup.

I hurled my fist toward his face and slammed it with him toward the ground as the powerful crushing sound resonated throughout the area.

The ground cracked with Leal lying in the middle. It's the first attack he received, but it's boosted enough that I was certain it had devastating damage enough to take him down in one strike.

The audience remained silent. Their eyes were widening while staring at the possible conclusion of our battle. However, the silence shifted to roars and claps after a few seconds.

The entire coliseum was engulfed in their excited voices while jumping.

I raised my hand to respond to their applause.

However, before I knew it, Leal was already standing up with evident resentment visible in his eyes.

"Why?" He asked, using such a hateful voice. "What gave you the need to go to this place? Did you forget? Do you forget what kind of anomaly you are? There's no such place as a safe place for you, Summon, because you are a disaster yourself. I don't know where your people have been hiding all this time, but you should have stayed there for everyone's sake!"

He groaned as he walked towards me while his body was shivering due to the damage he had done.

He stared at me with his eyes full of desperation in them.

"You are a threat, Summon. Do you realize?" He put both hands on his knees without removing his eyes from me. "You are a danger, not just for me, but for everyone in this place. You are bound to bring ruination wherever you go because that's what the people of your tribe are, the very embodiment of destruction itself!"

[Notice: Fusing Mana Reception and Conceal skill was successful]

[Confirmed. Active Skill: Divine Eyes acquisition successful!]

[Confirmed. Active skill: Absolute Concealment Acquisition successful!]

[Note: Merging is automatically in process]

{Divine eyes Skill merging with Psyche ability…}


[Attempting to merge…]


[Attempting to merge]

[Failed due to insufficient mana. Converting physical stamina into mana…]

[Note: Mana has increased. Acquiring mana has been successful. 

Proceeding to merge…]

[Confirmed: Active Ability: Theia successfully obtained.]

(Note: With enhanced eyesight through Theia, you will now see through high-level concealment skill and the ability to see one mana level)

Woah! When Cherubim reported it, the barrier-like wall disappeared when I looked at Leal. I can see his status and his blue colored immense mana. 

Name: Leal Bertrand

Age: 300

Race: hybrid Elf (High Elf and Dark Elf)

Magic skills: Creation skills, necromancy, sympathetic skills. 

Physical attribute: ultra-speed

Mana level: maxed out (medium)

Major Skill: Dragon Tamer Skill

[Confirmed: Imitated Skill: Teleportation acquired successfully!

[Note: the ability to use the portal to transport in between places]

[Confirmed: Imitates Skill: Creation (weaponry) acquired successfully!

(Note: the ability to create weaponry)

[Confirmed: Imitated Skill: Necromancy acquired successfully!)

(Note: the ability to summon and manipulate the dead)

[Confirmed: Imitated Skill (special): Dragon Tamer Acquisition Successful!]

(Note: the Ability to communicate mythical dragons)

Woah! Is this for real!?

"I see by your eyes; I assumed you already imitate my skills, Imitator."