
Infinite's Disgust ... The Massacre ... Wapol' s Trauma ...and Trauma again .

As all the crew were looking at the man who had just appeared on their ship mast and looking down on them , they suddenly saw his sword vanish into thin air ( Infinite stored it in his inventory ) . The crew got their whole body becoming wet due to the sweat , and it was flowing like tap from their bodies , this was their first time they were intimidated by an opponent , even they had no confidence in numbers .

" So , your Wapol huh , a King you say , and I would say you are very arrogant , you should know that people in Grandline are always mysterious , some have the powers of devil fruits , some have honed their fighting style to a level where they can cut boats as if it was a paper " Infinite spoke first and to show that the arrogant fatty pig Infront of him was nothing , " So I will give you questions , you give me a proper answer and I will think of what to do , alright ".

Wapol was quite and just stared at the man with wide eyes , a number of emotions were fighting eachother , for which to be shown out . A normal peasant , who doesn't have a noble blood , was looking down on one who has it . They were roaming Grandline for a long time , when he thought they can go back to their kingdom when they saw man running on water with a logpose , they got excited about it and wanted bully him but now , this is where they are .

" I will take your silence as yes , so why is a king in middle of nowhere in the Grandline with out a logpose " Infinite continued .

" Huh , what do you think , we ran for our lives from pirates when they attacked us " . Wapol still had his arrogance , how can something he has raised from his birth, be taken away by someone who just met him . " Not only that I escaped when they attacked us , I let my people be as bait so that I and my army can escape , ain't I the best , the noblest and wisest king you have ever seen . Who uses his brain and saves his life . Whahaha WahaHAHA "

' Tch , this guy thinks just because he is royalty everyone is useless except him . What kind of foolish king is HE !!! '

" Well , I didn't like your answer " Infinite spoke with disgust , he radiated killing intent at high level and it's purity is something very few can poses , even the seakings which were bellow them got chills and swam away . Wapol's crew shivered as the temperature around them droped .

What infinite didn't know was that he was using ice release without him even realising about it , he mixed the perfect amount of water and wind (45:55 , this ratio can be taken as a reference or similar ratios near it ) Chakra unconsciously and his killing intent amplified with the chakra .

The next word was like banging a huge bell in middle of a small library

" Let's dance " Infinite spoke so he could look cool , but this was terrifying for the whole Wapol's crew and even before they realised infinite has already passed through few with his Chidori and killed them , almost 15 people were killed and their bodies had one thing in common they had a hole in their hearts . Everyone were feeling the pressure of a experienced predator , but they don't know that Infinite has been a hunter ever since he entered this new world and on top of that with his

' Sharingan ' he has learnt a lot from the opposite party ( animals / monsters and such ) , how to move , how to react and how they try to defend and how they try to use their disadvantages to their advantages .

These things made him the dangerous person a rookie can face on a grand line , even one of

' Shichibukai ' would feel the death is at their door step if not for their Haki .

Infinite didn't back down he went close to one person punched him in the face , the person got lifted due to the pressure , Infinite caught the legs of the said man and threw him with unstable

' Chidori Nagisaki ' which didn't have effects at first until he flew into his crew mates and after 2 seconds like an explosive the whole crew who caught him where chared and their heart stoped in place and just like that 6 more died . Just like that most of the crew who aren't innocent died .

Infinite figured them with his ' Sharingan ' . How you ask well with their heartbeat , breathing and using their facial expressions. Just like that

1/3 rd of the crew were killed others were electrocuted and got knocked out , some innocents according to him were killed by him accidentally as well . They were scared , and didn't know what to do , they knew their king was foolish and cruel , but due to his power he got from his devil fruit none stepped forward and offended him . Many had bloodshot eyes and tears when they heard his king say

' I let my people be as bait ' . This was also why Infinite got more fired up .

And just like that every single one on the crew were either killed or knocked out . Wapol had never felt afraid the way he felt now . He felt fear like he never felt before . Wapol even forgot that he had devil fruit powers , Infinite came near him and just stared in his eyes and just like that he fell in a Genjutsu , Infinite used more than 3/4 th of his chakra reserve to use this Genjutsu ,

' Demonic Illusions : Shackle Stakes ' , and this time since he mastered this to the absolute , it was more powerful . If Wapol was just left like that , he could wake up after 3 weeks or so and without water a human can't survive , thus he sped up the process , the 3/4 th of the chakra was used in such a way to torture him in a heavy way . He was chained and hit with nails again and again , though it can't manipulate time like ' Tsukuyomi ' , this Genjutsu can attack every single nerve just like it does .

After an hour the nails will changed to him gouging out his heart right in front of him , next a random marine does the same , so does peasants and just like that cycle rotates for every hour , every single person knocked out in the crew wont be waking up for a day at most , And before leaving he didn't forget to use his new Talent : Devil Fruit Extractor , which can take away others devil fruit if the person is under the curse of the sea . Infinite justed lifted massive Wapol and threw him into the sea and jumped right after him . When Wapol hit the sea he just started to sink down until Infinite caught him and used his talent and just like that he got a devil fruit from Wapol . It was white pear kinda devil fruit and Infinite has no idea what it does since he hasn't seen Wapol use his powers . ( April informed him of the devil fruit )

Just like that in middle of nowhere in Grand Line Paradise , a crew saw a massacre though it can't be said as such cause many were still alive , but they got beaten up pretty badly and that to with no resistance , and before leaving Infinite got out of the ship and used his replica ' Dragon Sword Reid '

and cut the ship in half , which he tried but only 1/2 way was possible , and he knew he still had a long way to fight against Mihawk Hawkeye . The ship was slowly sinking , it would be sunk by 30 hours if not repaired and their King was in a comatose state , the remaining people who Infinite has let them live , took the valuables , took their any relatives if anyone was alive and got onto lifeboats and started to row away .

Infinite summoned his boat back and started to sail towards the next destination , Alabasta but it seems , like there was another island near by which had weak magnetic field thus not attracting Log Pose , thus had to make a unique Log Pose called Eternal Log Pose like the ones he got from Dorry , since he knew there was an island and that to in the way of Alabasta , he decided to take rest over there for a day and leave .

Infinite currently has about 20 million Berry , which was given by Dorry and Brogy before he left and also a Devil fruit , which was like a pomegranate with dark colour and sparkles here and there and some pinkish and purple shades here and there . it had many straight lines but all of them are in vertical . And Wapol's was different , he just stored the devil fruits away in his inventory and sailed towards Alabasta . And thought of checking his rewards as well , as he already heard a notification that , means a new mission or a mission is completed .

' April , show me the notifications '

While Infinite was sailing , some where in the Grandline Wapol and few of his dead crew members and some knocked out members were floating , and due to a tide they were quickly moved by the seas in a direction and they just floated and moved on .

While few remaining members were saved by a Maine ship with a Rear - Admiral on it . Fortunately they said the whole story , instead of having revenge against him they were thankful to him and thus they spoke out everything . How their king was , how he killed and kicked out all the doctors except 20 best , how they attacked a man floating running on the water having his own business , and how they enraged him and got beaten so bad , and many were killed . Many had received a severe trauma , and the marine doctors said they can't do anything . Due to this trauma they only spoke , truth , never looked down on others , they feared darkness and the colours red , black , silver and gold . This was due to Infinite's body flicker technique , the dress he wore was really highlighted for some odd reason and they saw his dress which covered in kinda like a silver and gold energy on black , plus the red hair and red eyes which looked like devil and that he would never let them remove this memory .