
The Skill Creator's Journey Through The Multiverse

While working as a beta tester for a newly developed VR game, Rudra was chosen as the successor for the Skill God and sent to different worlds to grow as a potential Skill God candidate. The only thing he can rely on to survive in these worlds is the innate power he received as the inheritor of Skill God: The Skill Creation Ability.

NiksElDrago · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

TSCJTTM CH4 Saving Occult Club Members

The next evening, Rudra came to the rooftop before hand and waited for the night to fall. Once it was dark, the Curses should start emerging. With Itadori and Fushiguro coming late, he would have quite a few curses he could fight with and absorb.

He waited patiently as the night fell, using Cursed Energy Manipulation to sense for any rise in Cursed Energy in the surroundings. All of a sudden, the quiet night was disturbed by an enormous rise in the cursed energy content of the surroundings.

'The time is here!!' Rudra thought as he rushed down the stairs. He took out a Cursed Metal Bat from the inventory this time instead of knives. Knives would make him seem like some kind of murderer.

While rushing downstairs, Curses started appearing like ghosts from walls, floor, and ceiling. Rudra's bat didn't stop swinging for a second, waving through the air like a Orchestra Conductor's Baton. He was defeating the Curses in two stages, First hitting them with the bat to damage them, then absorbing them with Curse Absorption.

The reason for that was Curse Absorption worked slower on target's that resist. By attacking them with the bat first, he destroys the resistance before absorbing them easily with the Curse Absorption skill.

Soon he reached the floor where the concentration of the Curses was at its highest. He saw the Occult club's female president and the other male member being surrounded by curses who were trampling each other in order to get to Sukuna's Finger, which was still held by the female president.

Judging by the amount of Curses, Rudra determined that there was no way he could massacre the curses and reach them before either one gets hurt. If he remembered correctly, the male member will get hurt soon by curses to the point that he would go into coma. That was only due to him being luckily saved by Itadori and Fushiguro, who were on their way.

'Well, I guess it is time for me to test my new Cursed Technique which I inherited last night.' Rudra thought as he kept the bat in the inventory. Extending both his palms forward while facing the horde of Curses, Rudra mobilized his cursed energy.

"Cursed Technique: Fear Aura!!" Rudra exclaimed as Cursed Energy burst out of him and formed a vague enormous demonic shadow right behind him. A terrifying aura spread out from Rudra, targeting all the curses while sparing the two humans.

As the aura spread, all the Curses froze like statues. Rudra didn't dare to waste time and rushed towards the two occult club members. After all, the potency of the Cursed Technique had diluted after being spread among so many Curses. Even if Rudra was stronger than these Curses individually, he didn't dare to face the collective might of them while trying to protect other humans.

Rudra grabbed the two of them, one under each arm, and ran at the fastest speed he could manage at the moment. Just a few moments later, the Curses broke through the effect of the Fear Aura and rushed after the escaping humans like rabid dogs.

Rudra scolded himself inwardly for not making some kind of long distance attack skill or some kind of crowd control skill. Escaping the Curses while carrying the two people who held the source of all the trouble was not easy. Right at the moment, the female club president seemed to recover from her shock and questioned Rudra.

"Hey, Who are you? How did you make all those monsters stop? What is going on? Is all of this really happening? Are we awake or is this all just a nightmare?" the occult club's female president, Sasaki, fired off a barrage of questions while panicking.

"Who am I? I am just another student, who also wanders the nights as a sort of monster slayer. How did I make the monsters stop? I didn't actually stop them, just scared them temporarily. Consider it a sort of superpower of mine."

"As for the rest of the questions, all of this is real and if we stop moving for even a minute then there is a high chance of us dying. So please don't distract me while I am trying to save your lives." Rudra said as he sharply turned around a corner to jump down the stairs three steps at a time.

"You are going down the stairs too fast!!! Slow Down!! Slow Down!!" the female president screamed, "We could slip, break our heads, and die!!"

"See, here is how the situation is: we may die if we run and jump down the stairs. However, we will definitely die if those monsters catch up to us. So, for the sake of all things that is precious, just keep quiet and help me save you." Rudra shouted at the female president as he arrived at the second floor.

Right then, he heard a pair of wolf like howls. Smiling in relief, Rudra turned his steps towards the direction of the howls. Soon he found a spiky haired boy in black clothes running in their direction, accompanied by two wolf like dogs, one in white and the other in black.

Right behind Rudra however, the curses that were chasing him, now started to fuse into a huge amalgamated Curse. Rudra gave a low sound of annoyance as he started running towards Fushiguro at even faster speed.

"Hey!! Who are you?" Fushiguro asked as he ran towards them.

Rudra ignored him and placed the two people he was carrying on the floor of the corridor. He used a trace amount of cursed energy to put the two of them into a deep sleep before turning to Fushiguro, who was looking at him with surprise are seeing the ease with which he used Cursed Energy without a designated technique.

"You..? How..?" Fushiguro muttered.

"No time for that now. I can stop that large amalgamation of monsters for a while. Will you be able to kill them in that time?" Rudra asked, making sure to not use any terminology related to Curses or Cursed Energy.

Fushiguro looked at him seriously and nodded, "Yes, if you can really make it stay still for a moment then my Shikigami can destroy them."

Rudra pretended to look at the dogs/wolves with surprise, "Shikigami huh … Anyway, get ready!!"

Rudra then turned towards the huge amalgamated Curse and extended both his palms forward again. "Fear Aura!!", Rudra exclaimed. The demonic shadow formed behind him again, and this time the aura was completely focused on the amalgamated curse instead of being spread around. This raised the power of the cursed technique exponentially and the Curse froze wit ha panicked expression.

Fushiguro immediately grabbed the chance without missing a beat, "Go, Divine Dogs!!"

The two wolf like dogs rushed towards the stunned amalgamation of curses and started to rapidly tear through them with relish. Within moments, the curses were completely ground to dust and faded into cursed energy.

"Well that is done. Now will you tell who are…" Fushiguro started to ask Rudra, but was interrupted by Itadori who came flying through the windows while screaming about not letting anyone die.

"Eh? Fushiguro?? Where are they?" Itadori asked.

"Are you looking for them?" Rudra asked while pointing towards the unconscious duo. Itadori ran to them and hugged the unconscious duo with relief.

"Anyway. For the last time, and please let there be no interruptions, Who are you?" Fushiguro asked.

"Me? I am just another student at this school. I transferred from overseas a short while back and haven't been attending the classes all that much. That is why almost nobody knows me at this school."

"Other than that, I have been able to fight monsters ever since I was a child. That is why I was able to save those two tonight." Rudra said as he concocted the most believable story based on the identity System had made for him.

"Those are not monsters, they are Curses." Fushiguro said with a slightly exasperated tone.

"Hmm? What is the difference?" Rudra pretended to be confused as he inquired about what curses were. But right at that moment, an enormous Grade 1 Curse that looked like a mix between a worm and a tadpole with multiple legs burst out from the Floor to attack Itadori and the two unconscious occult club members.

Itadori managed to jump towards Fushiguro and Rudra while holding the club president and the male occult club member. Fushiguro rushed forward with his Divine Dogs to attack the Grade 1 Curse. However, he underestimated the power and speed of the Grade 1 Curse, which dodged the Divine Dogs before hitting Fushiguro with a tail attack.

That attack sent Fushiguro flying through the windows and and he fell hard on the roof of another building of a lower height. The fall disrupted Fushiguro's concentration while hurting him badly, making the Divine Dogs fade away as a result.

"Take care of them!!" Itadori shouted at Rudra as he pushed the two unconscious students towards him and leapt out the broken window after the Grade 1 Curse and Fushiguro. Rudra sighed as he sat on the floor beside the two unconscious members and relaxed a bit.