
The Skill Creator's Journey Through The Multiverse

While working as a beta tester for a newly developed VR game, Rudra was chosen as the successor for the Skill God and sent to different worlds to grow as a potential Skill God candidate. The only thing he can rely on to survive in these worlds is the innate power he received as the inheritor of Skill God: The Skill Creation Ability.

NiksElDrago · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

TSCJTTM CH3 Curses Attack

11.30 PM, Miyagi Sugisawa Municipal High School, Rooftop.

Rudra was currently relaxing on top of the roof of the school while listening to popular EDM mixes as he kept an eye out for any mishaps. Itadori's incident was definitely on either 10 or 11 of June, but before that the school was visited by one of the main characters of the Jujutsu Kaisen world, Megumi Fushiguro. Rudra was here to see the legendary character in person.

Rudra was currently dressed in a gakuran style school uniform with a long leather duster coat over it. He had a few useful tools and self-made weapons in the coat, which would prove useful against curses.

These weapons and tools were not ordinary stuff, rather they were nurtured with Rudra's cursed energy so they could hurt curses unlike ordinary weapons. How did he become able to use cursed energy? Well he created a whole bunch of useful skills using the points he had gathered in the past week, one of which satisfied the requirements to help him create cursed weapons.

[Peak Human Body]

[The user's physical condition is above normal and peak members of their species in that verse, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. This means that the user's strength, speed, endurance, agility, durability, stamina and reflexes are many times greater than peak members of their species.]

[Peak Human Mind]

[The user's mental abilities, capabilities and attributes are above ordinary members of their species in that verse, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. This entails that they are smarter (IQ from 140-200), intuitive, charismatic, instinctive, wiser, have a higher brain capacity and deductive ability than all other members of their species, such as for humans, without being supernatural.]

[Curse Absorption]

[The user can absorb curses, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.]

[Cursed Energy Manipulation]

[Users can create, shape and manipulate curse/cursed energy, energy residing in curses or energy that has been cursed. The user can use this energy form to project energy bolts, blasts, force fields and weaponry. The cursed energy can also be imbued in physical weapons to turn them into cursed weapons once enough cursed energy is imbued.]

These skills automatically put him on the level comparable to Itadori or Fushiguro in the beginning of the series. Of course when talking about Itadori, he didn't include Sukuna helping him out.

Peak Human Body and Peak Human Mind skills made him stronger in a short term to prepare him for fighting against curses and catch the attention of the Jujutsu Sorcerers. Curse Absorption on the other hand was Rudra's hidden trump card that would make him stronger in the long term and take him to the peak of this world if he gave it enough time.

Cursed Energy Manipulation was not a special skill. Any Jujutsu Sorcerer has this skill on some level. Of course there was a difference between them and Rudra's skill though, because Rudra's skill was a perfected version. This gave him complete control over his personal cursed energy and some amount of control over the ambient cursed energy in the surroundings.

Apart from these skills, Rudra accidentally created a skill that was so powerful that he was not able to buy it at present due to its high skill requirement.

[Curse Manipulation]

[Users can create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate curses, any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to one or more persons, a place, or an object. They might also be able to manifest curses or the cursed as energy or a force to achieve various effects. They can effectively curse anything they wish and might be able to exert power over things that have been cursed.]

[Among the most common effects of curses are misfortune/bad luck, various sicknesses, infertility, physical defects/ugliness, etc. when affecting people, breaking or working wrong or causing problems when used on objects and tendency to draw various disasters for places. Traditional magical curses include transforming the victim fully or partially into an animal/monster that fits the offense, blood-lust, insanity, unstoppable rages, unhealing wounds, misshapen/inhuman offspring, and a whole host of other effects.]

[Curses are well known to create and induce supernatural anomalies. Anomalies are capable of warping reality too, such as dimensional rifts appearing on any surface like the ceiling, wall, or floor, and among other things like various objects appearing out of thin air, etc. They can even manifest curses as energy or powers itself.]

[Skill points needed: 300,000]

While this skill was not as heaven defying as Void Mirror, it was still a tremendously powerful skill that could immediately boost him to the Top ranks of the Jujutsu Sorcerers. But he had no choice but to save it for now and drool while imagining himself acquiring it with enough skill points in future.

While he was thinking about these things, Rudra suddenly noticed some movement in the school grounds. He saw a boy, in his late teens with spiky black hair, walking across the back of the school. He was going towards a certain wooden shrine like object in that place. He wore a student uniform consisting of a black long sleeve shirt resembling a gakuran over black pants and black shoes.

He seemed to be deliberating something as he opened the door of the shrine like object, but suddenly he grew frantic and started searching all around it for something in a panicked state. Rudra smiled at that, because the plot had now begun.

After determining that the next night was when the Sukuna incident would take place, Rudra decided to find a place to test out his new skills. Now that he had gained Curse related skills, his perception had opened up and he could see all manner of Curses, Ghosts, and Monsters. He would go and test his limits against them, see what he was capable of at the moment.


Currently Rudra was in an abandoned overgrown park. This was definitely a popular park at some point, proven by the large number of swings and attractions, but right now it was a scary ruin overgrown with weeds and filled with trash.

However, what normal people could not see and Rudra could were the few Grade 4 and Grade 3 curses that seemed to be everywhere on this park, from swings to trees to accumulated trash piles.

"Let the dance begin!!" Rudra exclaimed as he took out two large premium blue steel knives that each had blades of 19 inches. Through long duration of curse energy infusion by Rudra, the blade had gained a sinister dark hue.

Holding the knives in reverse grip on each hand, Rudra rushed towards the curses like an arrow leaving a bow. By the time the first Grade 4 curse knew that it was being attacked, Rudra had already sliced it to pieces through rapid strikes of his knife.

The death of the Grade 4 curse elicited enraged roars from the rest. Two Grade 4 curses that were nearest to him leapt towards him, throwing their disgusting bodies at him in a kind of suicidal attack.

Rudra immediately slashed at them multiple times before putting the knives in his inventory. Then he unleashed Curse Absorption on those two curses, absorbing their half-dead forms and gaining a few extra status points.

The next three curses that came at him had worm like bodies with eyes and mouth randomly placed all over. Rudra didn't even deign to absorb them and instead smashed them to pieces with a cursed metal bat.

Like this, Rudra tried out the effects of his Peak Human Body and Peak Human Mind in combat while using Curse Absorption increase his stats permanently. He even managed to get a low level cursed technique as a skill from one of these curses.

Finally, after half an hour of effort, The park was freed of all these pests. Rudra too was completely satisfied, both on having tested his skill's effects and also for gaining a new cursed technique and a lot of skill points. For this bout of combat, he had gained 2400 skill points. It was clear that fighting did give a whole lot of points.

Taking a breather on one of the rusted swings, Rudra checked his status.


Current World : Jujutsu Kaisen World

Class : Skill Creator

STR : 55

AGI : 54

CON : 57

INT : 59

WIS : 58

CHA : 65

LUK : 51

Skill Points : 2400

'Not bad. A single hunt has increased all my stats by 3-4 on average.' Rudra nodded in a pleased manner. His gaze the turned to the twinkling horizon.

"Well, the night is still young. Lets go hunt some more!!" Rudra said to himself as he went into the silent night to search for more Curses.