
The Skill Creator's Journey Through The Multiverse

While working as a beta tester for a newly developed VR game, Rudra was chosen as the successor for the Skill God and sent to different worlds to grow as a potential Skill God candidate. The only thing he can rely on to survive in these worlds is the innate power he received as the inheritor of Skill God: The Skill Creation Ability.

NiksElDrago · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

TSCJTTM CH19 Mastering Occlumency

Two Weeks before September 1, 1993

Rudra was trying to meditate in his room with a book opened and placed before him. He had a frown on his face and his eyes twitched again and again. After another half hour of this, Rudra's eyes opened with a snarl on his face.

"Why the hell is Occlumency so difficult?!! All other spells barely took me a few minutes to master due to my stats. But I seem to be failing at this no matter how much I try." Rudra frowned and muttered.

From the day after his interview with McGonagall, he had thrown himself into studies about magic. For the first time since acquiring his powers as a skill god's inheritor, he had gained two skills without creating them with skill points or acquiring them by devouring a cursed spirit. Those skills were Magical Energy Generation and Spell Casting.

[Spell Casting]

[The power to cast spells. The user can cast spells, which are formulae for producing specific magic effects. Such formulae are often a series of magic words and incantations, but they can also take the form of specific thoughts, gestures, rituals, etc. If the user is powerful or skilled enough they can cast their spells as nonverbal spells which don't require them to say the incantations to perform the spell. Spells take form in a variety of ways; such as offensive spells take the form of abilities like energy rays or pyrokinesis, defensive spells take the form of abilities like a shield or intangibility, and supportive spells take the form of abilities like superhuman strength or Teleportation.]

[Magical Energy Generation]

[The ability to generate magical energy. The user can generate Magical Energies, the very power that fuels spell-casting and mystical rituals, through the conversion of their Mental, Soul, and Biological energies. There are possibly many different forms of magical energy depending on the kind of magic used, such as Magical Chi, Psychic Mana, Universal Energies, and Extra-Dimensional Magical Energies.]

These skills had abruptly appeared after a few days of him reading through books and practicing various spells without a break. Magical Energy Generation allowed him to constantly generate magical energy to use for spells by converting his mental energy and stamina.

Spell Casting's effects were not obvious immediately, but he found that he was able to memorize spells and their casting process more easily, along with being able to manipulate their effects to a certain extent.

He had noticed this when he turned the result of a simple fire-making charm into a spinning fireball. He was also able to flash the wand-lighting charm in various shades of the rainbow, even making balls of light that stick onto various surfaces.

He had tried making skills for certain spells like Patronus but was unsuccessful. He later realized that these spells were just crutches to activate the actual magical phenomenon. The skills were made for the magical phenomenon, which was why his skill didn't get created when he pictured the spell casting process.

Also, since he already had Spell Casting skills, he didn't need to make an individual skill for the spells themselves. Therefore he stopped trying to waste his skill points creating skills for individual spells and instead studied with complete focus.

He had bought a few rare books of Occlumency from Knockturn Alley a few days back and had been practicing it ever since. However, this was the first magical ability he was not able to master since acquiring Spell Casting skill.

'This is hard and I don't have much time. I want decent Occlumency shields by the time I go into Hogwarts. I have too much I need to hide. Should I just create some kind of Mind Shield Skill? It could cost a very hefty chunk of skill points, and I have not had time to earn that much.'

After thinking for a while, Rudra finally got the idea for a certain skill that would be very powerful if used properly, yet not cost as much due to its nature. The more he thought about the idea, the more he liked it. He focused on it and refined the idea more, making the skill as perfect as he could while not making it beyond what he could afford at the moment.

Finally, after he had cemented the idea, he created the skill. It cost him 120,000 points, which was barely under his budget, leaving him with 40,000 points for emergencies.

[Intuitive Aptitude]

[The power to easily understand the workings of anything no matter how simple or complex. The user can comprehend the complexity and exactness of events, organisms, objects, subjects, fields, powers, etc. without the need for long-term or special education, or explanation.]

Rudra was happy on reading this skill's description. This skill won't instantly gives godly powers. However, given enough time and knowledge, his path to godhood would no longer have any obstruction. He just needed to keep learning constantly without having a worry about not being able to understand anything.

This skill paired nicely with All-Speak, which allows him to understand any language once he encounters it. They were both development-type skills and by using them together, he would be able to comprehend the content of these magic books in more depth, allowing him to learn even techniques like Occlumency more easily.

With Intuitive Aptitude skill helping him out, the secrets of Occlumency were laid bare before him. As he started understanding Occlumency, he discovered something and frowned at the book he was reading.

No wonder he was not able to learn Occlumency for so long. As he started comprehending it with help of Intuitive Aptitude, he found that it was essentially a way to restructure the thought process of your brain, turning it from a chaotic mess into a well-oiled machine that can be controlled at will.

Precisely because it involved restructuring his mind's thought process, his mind had been on some level stopping him from practicing it as he had not gained a complete understanding of the art. It normally required an expert to show you how to carefully and correctly do it, otherwise, you had a genuine chance of messing up your mind permanently.

He also realized how messed up Snape's teaching method was when he tried to get Harry to learn Occlumency by simply attacking his mind repeatedly with Leglimency. Even if Harry had somehow managed to learn some Occlumency in those circumstances, under the best possible result he would only be able to create a sort of plain shield around his mind to repel mental attacks to a certain extent.

Under constant attacks on his mind, Harry would never be able to truly master the intricacies of Occlumency and could have instead ended up with a damaged brain. Rudra felt a surge of anger towards Snape's reckless methods and Dumbledore who had allowed it to happen just because Snape felt an obsessive love for Harry's mother.

Clearing his mind of these distracting thoughts, he then started to successfully use the Occlumency method described in the book to organize his mind. Using the method described in the Occlumency book, his mind started turning into a sort of library, with each thought and memory forming a book of varying size and appearance based on its content. Rudra took half a day to complete the process and turn his entire mind into a library.

Upon completing this process successfully, he felt a new level of clarity in his mind that he had never felt before. His mind had always been powerful and quick, and he had a really great memory too. All of that was a result of his Enhanced Condition skill that transformed all his mental and physical aspects to their peak.

However, with the new clarity that he had obtained now, he recognized that he had never been using his full potential. It was as if he had been given a spaceship and he was using it like an airplane. Now that he truly got rid of the problems, his mind was working with a new level of power and efficiency like never before.

Precisely because of this increased thinking power, and some help from Intuitive Aptitude, of course, Rudra noticed that his Occlumency was still incomplete. He had been limiting himself to the experiences of the author when in reality his mind was on a different level from the author's mind.

The method given by the author was good enough for regular humans, but since Rudra was not a normal human, he had to make changes to this method to suit him better. He decided to create the Ultimate Occlumency Technique customized for himself that would both protect his mind and attack the invaders.

For the next two days, Rudra was like a statue, sitting cross-legged on his bed without moving. At the beginning of the third day, as sunlight crept into the room through the open window, Rudra opened his eyes and a ripple of strong magical aura swirled around him like the wind.

He slowly calmed down his aura and smiled. He had been successful and managed to create his own version of an Occlumency Technique.

The inside of Rudra's mind currently looked like a Cursed Spirit's paradise. A gigantic planet floating in the space of his mind, populated only by cursed spirits of various types. There were spirits from lowly Grade-4 to immensely powerful Special Grade spirits like Sukuna and Hanami.

Each of these cursed spirits was a key to a certain part of his memory. The more valuable the memory, the stronger the ability of the cursed spirits. More importantly, he had given each and every one of these cursed spirits a special power of domain that was powered by all these cursed spirits collectively.

Inside the domain of cursed spirits, all manner of Wizarding Abilities were sealed and only cursed techniques were allowed. Even if a wizard tried to break into his mind and attack these cursed spirits, he would find himself trapped in this special domain and attacked by the cursed spirit he targeted. Since no one in this world knew anything about cursed techniques, they would be slaughtered.

Of course, Rudra knew that it was not foolproof. People like Dumbledore and Voldemort had a chance to break through the domain with brute force. But at that point his fail-safe would activate, triggering his mind to go on overdrive.

His mind would activate a secret ability made for such a moment and would unleash all Cursed Spirit projections created inside his mental space to attack the invader's mind directly instead of just defending. He was confident that even Voldemort cant survive attacks from a planet's worth of cursed spirits.

Of course, he kept this as a final trump card, as such a move can potentially harm his mind too and he would need some time to recover. Not to mention, mental abilities like Occlumency needed more mental energy than magical energy. Powering up so many cursed spirit projections to attack would not be an easy feat.

Once his mental energy is drained, he would be at the mercy of his enemies, so he could not relax and leave it all up to his trump card. He decided that he would make further improvements to this technique in the future, but for now, this was an acceptable level. His secrets were well protected and even Dumbledore cant gain access to them without his knowledge.

Like this, Rudra mastered the spells and techniques given in the books. The day for the new session for Hogwarts Students was arriving soon, and Rudra would bring a storm along with him to Hogwarts, changing the lives of many in unimaginable ways.