
The Skill Creator's Journey Through The Multiverse

While working as a beta tester for a newly developed VR game, Rudra was chosen as the successor for the Skill God and sent to different worlds to grow as a potential Skill God candidate. The only thing he can rely on to survive in these worlds is the innate power he received as the inheritor of Skill God: The Skill Creation Ability.

NiksElDrago · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

TSCJTTM CH16 Class Upgrade and New Privileges

After a lot of deliberation, Rudra finally made his choice about the Cursed technique he was going to select for his Custom Skill. It was the Cursed Technique owned by Mai Zenin, Construction. The main reason for choosing this cursed technique had always baffled him due to its anomalies.

First of all, it was one of the only cursed techniques that left no connection to cursed energy in its aftermath. Every almost every cursed technique in the world left cursed energy residues after their use. However, Construction created real world objects that can't be differentiated at all from its real world counterparts.

Second of all, this should not be a a technique that curse energy could emulate. This technique peeked at the hidden secrets of creation by using Cursed Energy, which should be at its essence a type of energy that should cause destruction. Maybe that was one of the reason why the cost for this Cursed Technique was so ridiculous.

His decision was also influenced by the fact that Custom Skills were something different from a Cursed Energy Technique. Cursed Technique were limited to his current world, Jujutsu Kaisen. In other worlds its efficiency could increase or plummer depending on those World Laws.

However, the custom skills would be free from this restriction. He could use any energy to power Custom Skills without a change in their effect. He could use Biological Stamina, Mental Energy, Cursed Energy, or any other energy he becomes compatible to in other worlds.

With his decision finalized, Rudra chose Construction as the template for his Custom Skill. Immediately, he could feel a new change building inside him, like a seed that was growing into a tree, but seemed that it would take some time to grow completely into the new skill. In the mean time he decided to arrange his matters in this world before he left it.

He had discussed about this issue in the pat with the System that had been helping him acclimate to the powers of Skill God. It seemed that the time flow difference between worlds was very large. He could spend decades in other worlds and if one day he returned to this world, barely a few weeks should have passed at most.

Rudra applied for time off from Jujutsu High with the excuse that he wanted to travel the world and grow as a Jujutsu Sorcerer. He was granted leave pretty easily since he was one of the few students who were in lower grades yet had already become Grade 1 Sorcerers.

After leaving Jujutsu High, he traveled for a few weeks visiting various Jujutsu Communities around the world to ensure that none of those who were keeping an eye on his activities would find anything suspicious upon his disappearance for a few weeks if he returns to this world in future.

Right around this time, his Custom Skill was finally completed.


[The power to create. Users can produce something out of nothing, either as finished objects or simply unfinished elements and substances. Higher level users can create anything they can think of, whether conceptual or sentient. This includes the creation of energy, souls and life of any complexity, dimensions or realities, stars, etc. However, creating something from nothing uses an immense amount of energy. The amount of energy required for Creation depends on Quality, Quantity, and Complexity of the object created.]

[As it is a Custom Skill for User Rudra, certain restrictions have been placed on the scope of Creation ability in return for providing the skill for free. As User Rudra levels up his Class, restrictions of the skill will be removed one by one.]

[Skill Creator - Matter Creation. The user can create any type of artificial, organic and inorganic matter either from nothing or from existing matter/energy. They can shape created matter into any non-complex shape they wish and specify what type of material, or layers of materials (e.g., making layers of matter to form a stack of coins), or quantity and subatomic structure.]

[Skill Master - Object Creation. The power to create inanimate objects. The user can create inanimate objects/items, such as weapons and platforms, either from nothing, by using existing matter or energy, or through other immaterial sources.]

[Skill Grand-Master - Elemental Generation. The power to generate various elements. The user can create/generate various elements, such as electricity, fire, lava, earth, water, air, etc.]

[Skill King - Constructs Creation. The power to create constructs from various kinds of sources. Users can change anything/everything, including matter/energy, elements, essences, properties, forces, powers, concepts, etc., into objects and materials/substances of varying permanence. These constructs can range from items such as tools and weapons, to living or non-living entities, other elements, entire structures and even environments in certain cases. Users who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.]

[Skill Emperor - Organic Generation. The power to generate organic matter. The user can generate organic matter, including plants, disease, bodies or once living matter, such as oil or coal, whether by drawing them from already existing sources, or by manifesting them anywhere they want. They can also create parts of the organisms, such as skin, fat, muscles, blood, nerves, or leaves, flowers, fruit, etc.]

[Skill Deity - Life Creation. The ability to create living beings. The user is able to create living beings or matter using several different ways, these beings can either be completely unique/original, modified/evolved versions of already existing ones or simply normal beings without any major modifications. Note that unless the user has separate powers that allow them to dominate their creations, these beings aren't particularly loyal. User can modify them so they have a tendency to stay devoted to their creator, but this depends on how they are treated.]

[Skill God - Cosmic Creation. The power to create on a cosmic scale. The user can create on a cosmic scale, including creation of planets, stars, comets, asteroids, meteors, moons, galaxies, etc.]

When he first saw the scope of the skill, Rudra was stunned. Even if he created no other skill in future, this one custom skill would put him among the ranks of gods, provided he had enough energy to support its use of course.

As he read the restrictions his excitement calmed down a bit. He understood the reason for putting such restriction. In usual skill creation process, this sort of Divine Category Skill would have cost him an astronomical amount of skill points. He would probably have to kill Tens of Thousands of Cursed Spirits comparable to Hanami if he wanted to gather that much skill points.

Currently, he had access to the first level of this skill, which was Matter Creation. Rudra decided to spend a few more days in Jujutsu World to gain a basic proficiency in this ability of his Custom Skill.

From morning till night, Rudra would just sit in a hotel room and exhaust his cursed energy, stamina, and mental energy to create various small pieces of precious gems and metals. Gold, Silver, Platinum, Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies, Sapphires; He created every 'material' he felt would be useful to him and stored them in his inventory.

In his experiments, he noticed a certain trick to his ability. Rudra noticed that the cost of the skill for making precious objects was much lesser if he used Matter Creation to transform an existing material into one of the precious metals or gems. He found this similar to the process of Transmutation in the ancient myths of Alchemy.

Having gained a basic proficiency in the ability, Rudra decided it was time to leave this world. With just a thought, his figure disintegrated into particles of light and disappeared from this world.


When he opened his eyes, Rudra found himself back in the giant stone disk like place floating in the void. Immediately after that, a bunch of notifications floated in front of his eyes.

[Congratulations for your triumphant return to the Skill God's Domain after completing a Main World Quest in the World you visited.]

[You have satisfied the requirements for Class upgrade. Upgrading the Class of Player Rudra.]

[Player Rudra's class has been upgraded from Skill Creator to Skill Master.]

'Hmm, that is new. System, can you display the requirements for Class Upgrades?'

[To class up, a certain number of Main World Quests need to be completed.]

[Skill Creator to Skill Master : 1 Main World Quest]

[Skill Master to Skill Grand-Master : 2 Main World Quest]

[Skill Grand-Master to Skill King : 3 Main World Quest]

[Skill King to Skill Emperor : 4 Main World Quest]

[Skill Emperor to Skill Deity : 5 Main World Quest]

[Skill Deity to Skill God : 6 Main World Quest]

[With each Class Upgrade, you get a chance to gain New Privileges in exchange for sacrificing all the skill points in stock. The more skill points are sacrificed, the better privileges will be awarded.]

'Hmm, new privileges huh. System, can I obtain these privileges now?'

[Yes, Player Rudra. Do you want to sacrifice you current skill point in stock, 21,056,000 points, in exchange for new privileges? Please remember, this chance wont be given until next class evolution if you ]

Seeing the large amount of skill points he had gathered, Rudra felt his heart breaking to pieces. However, to progress on the path of a Skill God he had no choice but to do it.

Once Rudra agreed to it, the System took all his skill points and provide him with the new privileges he had earned.

[In exchange for the sacrifice of Skill Points, Player Rudra has been provided with the following new privileges.]

[Side World Quests unlocked. Similar to Main World Quests, these quests will be tasks that can be performed in the world you are entering. Unlike Main World Quests, these quests will only be obtained on encountering certain events in the world you are visiting.]

[Similar to Main World Quests, you can leave a world temporarily after performing a Side World Quest and receive an appropriate reward. However, Side World Quests don't count towards progress in Class Promotion. You will be able to return to a particular world at any time if you leave it after doing a Side World Quest.]

[Avatar System Unlocked. Gods are Ageless. Their physical age/appearance, their background, and their role in the world are decided by their own perception when they descend amongst the mortals. With this concept in mind, Avatar System allows you to edit and save different age and background information for yourself for different worlds. When you leave a world, this 'Avatar' will be saved and updated automatically, allowing you to just resume the 'Avatar' once you re-enter a particular world.]

[Currently, one Avatar is saved: Rudra Shankar in Jujutsu Kaisen World with Physical Age of 14 years old. Upon returning to Jujutsu Kaisen World you can simply re-assume the Avatar's identity and your physical appearance and character background in the eyes of other people will be automatically adjusted. It is similar to assuming the role of a character in a Role Playing Game.]

The two new privileges were slightly confusing to understand them entirely, but Rudra understood the gist. With this, he was even more assured of things not turning awkward if he returns to the Jujutsu Kaisen world one day. He would still look and feel like the Rudra they knew, only much more powerful.