
The Skill Creator's Journey Through The Multiverse

While working as a beta tester for a newly developed VR game, Rudra was chosen as the successor for the Skill God and sent to different worlds to grow as a potential Skill God candidate. The only thing he can rely on to survive in these worlds is the innate power he received as the inheritor of Skill God: The Skill Creation Ability.

NiksElDrago · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

TSCJTTM CH14 Optimizing Techniques and Cleaning Up Future Problems

Devouring Hanami left Rudra with a feeling of great fullness. It was as if for the first time in his life he had a buffet of 'all you can eat' and he had abused it to the maximum. Rudra felt that he had reached his current limit and that he would not be able to eat any more cursed spirits until he fully digests and assimilates the current power he has acquired.

As they say, surprises rarely come alone. Along with this fullness Rudra experienced, Rudra felt an explosive increase in the maximum cursed energy limit of his body and a new cursed technique. Upon reading the details of the technique, Rudra found that it was a variation of Hanami's technique that had been modified for his use.

[Cursed Technique: Nature's Aura]

[Using a large amount of cursed energy as a sacrifice, generates a powerful aura of energy that can provide the user dominion over Botanical Lifeforms. Using this aura as a fuel, users can create various phenomena related to plants.]

This was similar to the power of Hanami's Right and Left in a merged state. Like Hanami, he could transform Cursed Energy into unique energy that plants can use. Unlike Hanami, he can't simply create plant projections out of cursed energy.

But even with that disadvantage, this was a top-grade Cursed Technique. Rudra had even inherited alternative versions of various extension techniques Hanami created with his cursed technique, all suited for Rudra and his Nature's Aura Cursed Technique.

[Cursed Technique - Nature's Aura - Extension: Botanical Communication]

[The user can communicate with all forms of plant life, including flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables, pollen, etc. either telepathically, by speaking verbally, or by touching it physically. Plants can tell the user what happened or what is happening, like helping them track someone from a long distance away, etc. Some of the stronger users can even utilize such a talent to bond with & influence the actions of certain horticultural elements.]

[Cursed Technique - Nature's Aura - Extension: Plant Attacks and Defense]

[The user can release/use plant-matter to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc. The user also possesses defensive skills that are enhanced by plant-based powers, allowing them to block, parry, dodge, reflect, etc. with the power of plant life.]

[Cursed Technique - Nature's Aura - Extension: Chlorokinetic Constructs]

[User can change plants, flowers, trees, vines, etc., into different shapes, objects, materials, and substances of varying complexity, permanence, and solidity, ranging from items such as tools and weapons to other forms such as images, entities, and structures. Users who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.]

[Cursed Technique - Nature's Aura - Extension: Plant Generation and Enhancement]

[The user can generate plants, including vines, moss, fungi, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits, and flowers, whether by drawing them from already existing plants or by manifesting them anywhere they want. Users can increase the amount and health of plants, flowers, and other produce, heal and otherwise nourish them and influence the environment to reach and stay within the ideal range to help plant life flourish. They can communicate with plants, accelerate their growth and even create them from nothing if needed.]

Once Rudra had examined all the new techniques he had gained from Hanami, he turned towards the direction where he could sense a clash between a few unknown auras and other auras from the people of Kyoto Jujutsu High with his Curse Manipulation and Cursed Energy Manipulation.

'That must be the others who invaded Tokyo Jujutsu High. Part of them keeps us distracted here while the other part goes into Master Tengen's unique barrier. Their goal as I remember must be to find Sukuna's remaining fingers that Jujutsu High has kept stored and sealed.' Rudra thought.

It was unlikely that he could do anything about the theft of the fingers. However, he would do enough to damage these perpetrators where it hurts and cause a ripple effect in the future events, probably saving a few lives from their future deaths.

Rudra then rushed in the direction of the fighting he sensed while examining his status.

'I am strong enough by just considering my physical factors and not my cursed techniques, comparable to a special grade cursed spirit. I think after the chaos of this attack subsides a bit, I will be considered for a Grade 1 promotion, elevating me directly to Pseudo-Grade 1 Rank. At that point, my quest will be done and I will be able to leave this world.'

'According to the laws of the world, skills that depend on energies unique to this world will be suppressed or outright prevented from activation in other worlds that are not compatible with the said energy. Or the skills could become even more enhanced in the worlds where the energy used is even more compatible than the current world.'

'But considering the worst circumstances, it would be best to fuse the multiple techniques I have into a single strong technique to prevent myself from being too suppressed as a result of different world laws.'

Rudra then examined the skills he had and the ones he should combine. He excluded the ones he had received from Hanami. While they technically ran on cursed energy, the cursed energy was only used for the initial step when it was converted to Aura of Nature inside Rudra. So theoretically it should be accepted by all the world. The problem was with his other skills.

After a lot of deliberation, Rudra finally made the combinations and executed the fusion.

Peak Human Body and Peak Human Mind fused into Peak Human Condition. However, with his already exceedingly powerful stats, a variation occurred during the fusion. By using up a certain amount of extra skill points, Peak Human Condition turned into Enhanced Condition.

The next in line was Cursed Technique: Demonic Mouth Manifestation, Cursed Technique Extension: Demonic Mouth Infusion, Cursed Technique Extension: Demonic Sealing Chains, Cursed Technique Demonic Mouth Manifestation Maximum: Demonic Hydra, and Cursed Technique: Curse Attraction.

By fusing all of these skills together and using up an enormous amount of skill points, Rudra created a never seen category of Cursed Technique, even stronger than the Cursed Technique Maximum category.

[Cursed Technique Ultimate: Demonized Chimeric Hydra]

[A Cursed Technique that has broken the previously imagined peak of Cursed Technique Maximum category. Cursed Technique Ultimate: Demonized Chimeric Hydra allows users to manifest a Nine-Headed Demonized Chimeric Hydra construct formed by using enormous amounts of Cursed Energy. This Hydra encases the user inside its body for protection and allows the user to control the Hydra just like the user's own limbs.]

[Nine-Headed Demonized Chimeric Hydra construct has immense physical strength, capable of pulverizing huge stone castles with one strike. Demonized Chimeric Hydra can also be partially summoned in the form of just one head and neck made from cursed energy emerging from the user's body as a means to use a limited form of its power and save the user's cursed energy.]

[Demonized Chimeric Hydra heads can spew Demonic Flames, Poison Gas, Corrosive Acid, Weapon Constructs, Energy Beams, Lightning, and Freezing Breath, all formed out of Cursed Energy. The Hydra's physical appearance is that of nine gigantic snakeheads with their necks attached to an enormous draconic body with four limbs, a massive torso, a huge tail, and three pairs of enormous draconic wings.]

[Demonized Chimeric Hydra can perfectly suppress all Cursed Spirits that don't qualify as Special Grade. All Special Grade Cursed Spirits will have their powers suppressed by at least 30% in front of Demonized Chimeric Hydra. Demonized Chimeric Hydra can also devour cursed spirits and convert them into beneficial essence for the user.]

As this Cursed Technique formed, Rudra felt the immense amounts of cursed energy inside him sublimating into an even purer form of cursed energy. He felt that he could have used the previous Demonic Hydra technique at least 10-12 times with the current purer cursed energy. A single droplet of this cursed energy has the potential to instantly kill a regular person or even weak Jujutsu Sorcerers after some time and suffering.

While marveling over his new enhanced prowess, Rudra arrived at the location of the fight he had sensed. He saw a weird bald man with an ax fighting against the old principal from Kyoto. Some distance away from this location, Rudra also sensed a second guy going against, Nobara, Mai, and Utahime Iori.

'I can't kill this bald ax man, Gojo-sensei and that old principal have to use for him. But that guy fighting Utahime is a pest. I will wipe him out for the sake of the future.' Rudra thought as he instantly rushed towards him.

He concealed his curse energy to the minimum with Curse Manipulation and Cursed Energy Manipulation and sneaked towards the 3vs1 face-off. When he arrived at the location, he found the blonde-haired curse-user making weird gestures towards Nobara and others, spouting nonsense about how girls like him now.

Deciding not to waste any time, Rudra used Curse Manipulation to mimic the way Curses can phase through objects and emerged from the ground behind the blonde curse user. Before the curse user could react, Rudra's cursed energy-coated hand pierced through the blonde guy's chest, pulverizing his heart.

"You… how…" the blonde curse user muttered as his weird cursed sword fell to the ground.

"I am not going to tell you," Rudra replied as the blonde guy closed his eyes for the final time. Precisely at this moment, the veil shattered, revealing Gojo who was standing high in the air without any support, with his blindfold pulled down to reveal his glowing blue eyes.

"You are late to the party, Gojo-sensei," Rudra muttered as he looked at Gojo looking at them from high above in the air.