
The Six Wordy Dragons

Six people live together under one roof. After losing their job, they are almost driven out of the house. One day their friend who was in danger calls to ask for help. Unexpectedly, they are involved in an event they have never imagined before! POV : Third Person Limited Shifting (Multiple Characters) Names and places are written using Gwoyeu Romatzyh instead of Hanyu Pinyin Since there is no Italic Font, then Double "less than" and "greater than" signs are used to describe the character's inner thoughts. > Author : Lin Musen 【林木森】 Copyright @ 2022 Lin Musen 【林木森】 Author's note : I have already compiled some chapters in this story into a book. You can get it for free if you are interested. Just give me message. I appreciate your support. Thank you very much. I got this message : Your work The Six Wordy Dragons is restricted! As Chinese or Korean appears in the chapter content (or chapter title, book title, abbreviation and synopsis ), your work will not be voted and gifted. After you modify the content, please contact the platform editor for processing as soon as possible. It's weird. The only Chinese Characters I wrote are my name. Am I not allowed to write my own name? What a silly rule. Added Note : 2022 02 15 Since it's already restricted, then I added more Chinese Characters in this description. Major Characters The Six Dragons Club Members : Duanmuh Shannchyuan [ 端木 善泉 ] Shimen Yihshyong [ 西门 义雄 ] Dongfang Jenqyih [ 东方 正义 ] Nangong Iren [ 南宫 依仁 ] Beeihae Shinnshiow [ 北海 信秀 ] Jongharng Chioujen [ 中行 秋真 ] Supporting Characters Liuchiou Yinqyueh [ 闾丘 映月 ] : An orphan girl who saw an abduction in front of Dahfeisy Tower. Mingju Tsaehorng [ 明朱 彩虹 ] : A young painter who they helped six months ago. Gongyang Songfei [ 公羊 嵩飞 ] : A friend who is a detective wannabee. Minor Characters Shantyan Hannrong [ 山田 汉荣 ] : A custodian of the Dahfeisy Tower. This is a very slow pace story. So I am really sorry if this is not your cup of tea. There are things I have to explain about the story background : First It happened in some alternate universe. So the historical things that happened there were not identical to what happened in our universe. Second The characters live on another planet. So, in that universe, some catastrophe happened on their earth, forcing their ancestor to abandon earth. Third It happened thousands of years in the future. The technology is stagnant because they deliberate to choose to be static and reluctant to develop any new technology for some reasons.

LinMusen · Realistic
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197 Chs

Chapter 150 : Shimen Yihshyong

The strange thing he had just heard made Yihshyong glance at Chioujen. Less than two seconds, he turned to look at Jenqyih. The expressions on the faces of the two people who had just put forward the controversial theory looked normal. They didn't look like people who were joking. Yihshyong couldn't tell if they had any good reason to make that assumption.

<<Jenqyih's old friend is a member of the secret society, so Jenqyih might have received some news from him. A piece of news that might have made him suspect Tsaehorng. But, if that is the case, showing suspicion in front of Tsaehorng is an unreasonable thing!>>

Regarding Chioujen, since yesterday Yihshyong had felt something odd. At least, that's the impression Yihshyong got when he saw his friend's behavior. Even though Shannchyuan had tried to convince him that Chioujen had always been like that, Yihshyong still felt that there was something strange about Chioujen.

Yihshyong couldn't rule out the possibility that before arriving at their house, Chioujen had realized some things that even the others had not. Yesterday, he insisted on going down to the dungeon exactly that very night. Yihshyong guessed Chioujen used the opportunity to tell Shannchyuan what he knew. If this is true, then Shannchyuan must also have a good reason to keep it a secret, and not directly share the information with other friends.

<<So many things I don't know about the people who live in this house!>>

"Wow! This is very interesting." Duanmuh Jinqkang opened his mouth. The young man's eyes lit up.

<<Uh? Is he serious?>>

"Right! Uncle Jongharng and Uncle Dongfang's words were indeed quite reasonable. If I don't know myself, there's a chance I'll suspect myself too." Tsaehorng laughed. He looked at the people around him, one after another.

"You were the one who led us to suspect you," said Iren.

"I think we've had enough joking," Jenqyih said. He laughed bitterly. "Now let's see what happens at four o'clock this afternoon."

<<Luckily, they were just kidding!>>

Yihshyong looked away at the wall in the room. Various things quickly went on and on in his mind.

<<But is it true that they are not suspicious of Tsaehorng at all? Even though they say it's a joke, it's possible that they don't really trust Tsaehorng!>>

"Shyongge! Never mind! Don't think about it too much. We'll see how this goes on. The police must also be prepared to deal with various possibilities," said Iren.

Yihshyong woke up from his daydream. "I'm not thinking about that. A lot of other rights are bothering me right now."

<<This is not right! Tsaehorng has helped us a lot. We shouldn't have bad thoughts about this kid.>>

"It's best if Shyongge doesn't make all of that a burden, either. You don't need to think about it," said Jenqyih. "Let's just do the best we can do."

Yihshyong just smiled bitterly at Jenqyih's words. He said nothing more. The situation was silent for a while.

"Sorry Uncle. I want to see Juger. I want to know how he is." Tsaehorng's voice broke the silence. "Since arriving here, I haven't had the chance to say hello to him."

Earlier, Tsaehorng had asked about Juger's condition. However, as they later became engrossed in a conversation about other matters, Juger's matter was forgotten. Yihshyong could see the guilt on Tsaehorng's face.

"Go ahead," Yihshyong replied. "But I think he's still sleeping."

"It's okay, Uncle. I'll have to see for myself how he's doing. If it's true that he's not getting better, then he should receive a proper medical treatment."

Iren rose from his seat to lead Tsaehorng to the bedroom where Juger rested. The two of them were in the room for about ten minutes. Iren left the room first. Five minutes later, Tsaehorng followed out of the room. His face looked sluggish.

"I think I should take him to the doctor," said Tsaehorng.

"Do you want to go now?" Jenqyih asked.

"But things like this...." It was obvious that Tsaehorng was hesitating.

"You don't have to think about us. There are already police on standby. You just take Juger to the hospital as soon as possible," Yihshyong said.

Tsaehorng still looked doubtful.

"I'll be on guard here, Sir! Don't worry," said Jinqkang.

"Of course you have to be on guard here. If you're not around, what if the kidnappers want to talk to Uncle Duanmuh again?" said Tsaehorng.

"What if I accompany them to the hospital?" Chioujen volunteered to help.

<<Perhaps Chioujen wants to make sure that Tsaehorng will actually take Juger to the hospital. Maybe he is still filled with suspicion for the boy.>>

If Yihshyong's guess was correct, he could understand what was going on in Chioujen's mind regarding the matter. Unlike the other occupants of their house, Chioujen had never met Tsaehorng before. So he really had no reason to just trust Tsaehorng.

Iren shook his head. "Out of all of us here, your analytical skills are the best. You'd better be here observing everything from here. So I think you'll be more useful if you're in this house. At least for now." He looked at Yihshyong, as if seeking Yihshyong's approval.

Yihshyong nodded.

<<Chioujen is really smart. But I'm afraid he couldn't hide well what he's thinking.>>

"Jenqyih, I think you should accompany them to the hospital." Yihshyong drew closer to Jenqyih. He tapped his friend's shoulder.

"Okay!" Jenqyih said. "I think it's because I'm the biggest. Isn't that right?"

Iren smiled. "Of course not. I guess that's because there's no point in you being here. If you're the one who's going, you can at least help Tsaehorng carry Juger."

Jenqyih glared at Iren. Iren just laughed.

Yihshyong turned to look at Tsaehorng. The boy looked confused for a moment. There was a possibility that he was reluctant to trouble Jenqyih. But Jenqyih immediately patted him on the shoulder, laughing.

Yihshyong smiled. Then he turned his gaze to Chioujen. From the look on Chioujen's face, it seemed he was a bit disappointed.

<<Maybe Chioujen wants me to disapprove of Iren's suggestion.>>

Yihshyong understood that Chioujen really wanted to accompany Juger to the hospital. Even though he suspected Chioujen had suspicions about Tsaehorng, Yihshyong still couldn't guess what was really going on in Chioujen's mind.

<<All suspicions must have a basis. Chioujen is a very rational person. There must be something he's hiding.>>

Yihshyong realized Chioujen was a very smart person. Maybe even a little smarter than Shannchyuan. He could only hope that whatever Chioujen had planned, he would carry it out with great care. Yihshyong wanted Chioujen to consider all possibilities before taking any action. Whatever the action.

Jenqyih, Jinqkang, and Tsaehorng then went into the room where Juger was resting. It wasn't long before they left the room with Juger. Tsaehorng's driver's face looked very pale. But he could still walk without the help of others, although he had to trudge.

"Uncles, we are leaving now," said Tsaehorng. "Don't worry. I will call my assistant to send another car and driver here as soon as possible. As for the person who will draw the sketch of the girl's face, I will also try to call him later. If he can't come this afternoon, maybe tomorrow morning he will show up here."

"No need to rush. Aren't they all busy," said Iren. "Just focus your efforts on the things that are now a priority."

"It's all right, Uncle. It's an emergency. I'll try to get the car here by four o'clock."

"You don't have to push yourself too hard. We all understand. Don't worry. After all, we are very grateful to you," said Iren.

They all escorted Tsaehorng, Jenqyih, and Juger to the car. Juger was still able to smile and thank them all.

"Ah! I almost forgot, Uncle." Tsaehorng opened the trunk of the car. He took several bags from the trunk. Tsaehorng gave Songfei's bag to Yihshyong and handed two small bags to Iren.

"I forgot too," said Iren. "The incident just now really made us forget the things we should have done right away."

They then helped put the Juger into the back seat. Jenqyih sat in the front seat while Tsaehorng started the car. After everything was ready, the vehicle drove away from their house straight away.

"What happened to that person?"

Yihshyong turned towards the voice. He saw Shiuander Janji, their kind neighbor, standing in front of the fence of his house. He was holding a plastic bag that seemed to contain the daily necessities he had just bought.

"Good afternoon, Sir! Did you just come back from shopping?" Iren smiled widely.

"No. I just went to buy soap and toothpaste. Is your friend injured or sick?"

"While visiting here, he suddenly felt unwell. We have given him headache medicine, but to no avail. Since his condition is not improving, we decided to take him to the hospital," Yihshyong replied.

"Ah, I see. I hope your friend will recover soon."

"Thank you, Sir!"

"Are you guys having an event?" Shiuander Janji raised an eyebrow. "Looks like your house is full of people. Was there a party, or something like that?"

"No, Sir! It's just a coincidence that they came here." replied Iren. "We haven't seen them in a long time. No particular purpose."

Shiuander Janji looked at Chioujen and Jinqkang.

"They are Mr. Duanmuh's relatives." Iren explained.

"Oh! So you guys are from Yeuandong too?"

"That's right, Sir! But we also live in this city," said Chioujen.

Jinqkang just smiled. He didn't say anything. Maybe the young man didn't know what to say.

"Nice to meet you," said Mr. Shiuander.

"You are welcome, Sir!" answered Yihshyong and his friends.

"I didn't see Mr. Duanmuh. Where is he?" Mr. Shiuander asked.

"He happened to be away, Sir. He got an interview call to work in a library," Yihshyong answered.

"Ah! That's good news." Shiuander clapped his hands. "I hope he manages to get the job."

"Thank you, Sir! We hope so too," said Yihshyong. "How about your new television? Is there no problem anymore?"

"Oh, the picture is so sharp. The sound that comes out is also very clear. I am very happy."

"Very well then, Sir!" Iren said.

"Okay! I have to put these things inside," said Mr. Shiuander.

"Please, Sir!"