
The Six Wordy Dragons

Six people live together under one roof. After losing their job, they are almost driven out of the house. One day their friend who was in danger calls to ask for help. Unexpectedly, they are involved in an event they have never imagined before! POV : Third Person Limited Shifting (Multiple Characters) Names and places are written using Gwoyeu Romatzyh instead of Hanyu Pinyin Since there is no Italic Font, then Double "less than" and "greater than" signs are used to describe the character's inner thoughts. > Author : Lin Musen 【林木森】 Copyright @ 2022 Lin Musen 【林木森】 Author's note : I have already compiled some chapters in this story into a book. You can get it for free if you are interested. Just give me message. I appreciate your support. Thank you very much. I got this message : Your work The Six Wordy Dragons is restricted! As Chinese or Korean appears in the chapter content (or chapter title, book title, abbreviation and synopsis ), your work will not be voted and gifted. After you modify the content, please contact the platform editor for processing as soon as possible. It's weird. The only Chinese Characters I wrote are my name. Am I not allowed to write my own name? What a silly rule. Added Note : 2022 02 15 Since it's already restricted, then I added more Chinese Characters in this description. Major Characters The Six Dragons Club Members : Duanmuh Shannchyuan [ 端木 善泉 ] Shimen Yihshyong [ 西门 义雄 ] Dongfang Jenqyih [ 东方 正义 ] Nangong Iren [ 南宫 依仁 ] Beeihae Shinnshiow [ 北海 信秀 ] Jongharng Chioujen [ 中行 秋真 ] Supporting Characters Liuchiou Yinqyueh [ 闾丘 映月 ] : An orphan girl who saw an abduction in front of Dahfeisy Tower. Mingju Tsaehorng [ 明朱 彩虹 ] : A young painter who they helped six months ago. Gongyang Songfei [ 公羊 嵩飞 ] : A friend who is a detective wannabee. Minor Characters Shantyan Hannrong [ 山田 汉荣 ] : A custodian of the Dahfeisy Tower. This is a very slow pace story. So I am really sorry if this is not your cup of tea. There are things I have to explain about the story background : First It happened in some alternate universe. So the historical things that happened there were not identical to what happened in our universe. Second The characters live on another planet. So, in that universe, some catastrophe happened on their earth, forcing their ancestor to abandon earth. Third It happened thousands of years in the future. The technology is stagnant because they deliberate to choose to be static and reluctant to develop any new technology for some reasons.

LinMusen · Realistic
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197 Chs

Chapter 077 : Jongharng Chioujen

Chioujen's attention was now torn between listening to the conversation of the two people sitting to his left and observing the person sitting on the bench in front of the food stall to his right. Fortunately, the conversation of the two people on Chioujen's left, at that time, only contained things that Chioujen thought were not very important. The person sitting on the bench of the food stall made from tuna was currently wearing a light blue shirt. After ordering food then, the person left the bench. Chioujen heard the food vendor say that it took time to prepare the dish. The dish will be ready in at least twenty minutes. He had already ordered, so it was likely that the person would come back after twenty minutes.

<<Where did he go? Late at night like this, not many places are still open around here!>>

The two people to the left of Chioujen had almost finished their meal. Perhaps as soon as they finished eating, they would get up from the bench and leave the stall. Chioujen hesitated for a moment. Now, he had two options. The first option was to follow the two people. Chioujen suspected that the things that person mentioned were directly related to his friends. Chioujen felt he had to know about how far that person's actions could harm his friends.

The second option was to remain seated at the stall and wait for the person in the dark blue shirt to arrive. The two people on Chioujen's left seemed harmless. At least, less dangerous than the person in the light blue dress. But Chioujen couldn't just trust his own hunch. He was completely inexperienced in these kinds of things, so he knew he might be wrong.

Fifteen minutes had passed. Finally, the two of them stood up. They were ready to leave the stall. Chioujen actually also finished eating ten minutes ago. He even paid for the food and drinks he ate. The two of them then started walking, but there was no sign that the man in the light blue shirt would return soon. Chioujen took out a coin from his trouser pocket. On one side of the coin was an engraving of a phoenix. On the other side was an engraving of a dragon. Chioujen spun the coin. The coin then spun on the table. After twenty seconds, the coin stopped and fell to one side. The side facing up was the side engraved with a phoenix. Chioujen stood up. He walked after the two people who had just left the stall.

<<Maybe it is fate that I have to reveal what their conversation was about!>>

They went up to the floor above the underground mall. It looked like they were heading to the station platform. Carefully, Chioujen walked some distance behind them. At the moment, the atmosphere at the station was so quiet. If Chioujen was too close to them, they could easily notice that Chioujen was following them. It turned out that Chioujen's guess was correct. They headed to the Line 15 platform.

After paying for the train ticket, Chioujen entered the platform and promptly sat on one of the long benches. The two people he observed were standing about fifty meters away from him. They were still talking. Even though he really wanted to hear the contents of their conversation, Chioujen could not act rashly. If Chioujen approached, they would definitely be suspicious. So, Chioujen just sat there waiting to see what the two of them would do next.

In less than five minutes, the train arrived. One of the two of them then got into the car. The one who didn't get on the train was the one wearing the dark green coat. He waved his hand at his friend, who was now in the carriage. The train then started running. The person standing on the platform was still waving his hand. He only stopped waving when the train had actually left the station. The person then turned around and walked off the platform.

Chioujen did not immediately follow him. He was worried that, at that moment, his luck would end. In such a non-crowded situation, it would be odd for him to always be around that person. After the person was out of sight, Chioujen hastily got up from the bench and ran after him. Right in front of the platform, there was a stall selling hats and sunglasses. Without bidding, Chioujen instantly bought the two items and put them on right away.

Chioujen looked around for a while before finally finding the person with the dark green coat. The person seems to be heading towards the escalator. Luckily, he chose to use the escalator. If he took the elevator, Chioujen would definitely have a hard time guessing the person's destination. Several people had already started arriving at the station. They seemed to be construction workers who had to start work early in the morning. Chioujen caught up with the person while half running. Luckily, he was wearing shoes whose soles were not made of wood or other materials that made a loud noise when he stomped his feet on the floor. Chioujen had suspected that the person was going to take the Train Line 21, whose platform was exactly one floor below the Line 15 platform. He was already preparing to buy a ticket to enter the Line 21 platform when he saw the man in the dark green coat standing in front of the vending machine.

<<He just ate and drank! How could he is already thirsty again?>>