
The Six Wordy Dragons

Six people live together under one roof. After losing their job, they are almost driven out of the house. One day their friend who was in danger calls to ask for help. Unexpectedly, they are involved in an event they have never imagined before! POV : Third Person Limited Shifting (Multiple Characters) Names and places are written using Gwoyeu Romatzyh instead of Hanyu Pinyin Since there is no Italic Font, then Double "less than" and "greater than" signs are used to describe the character's inner thoughts. > Author : Lin Musen 【林木森】 Copyright @ 2022 Lin Musen 【林木森】 Author's note : I have already compiled some chapters in this story into a book. You can get it for free if you are interested. Just give me message. I appreciate your support. Thank you very much. I got this message : Your work The Six Wordy Dragons is restricted! As Chinese or Korean appears in the chapter content (or chapter title, book title, abbreviation and synopsis ), your work will not be voted and gifted. After you modify the content, please contact the platform editor for processing as soon as possible. It's weird. The only Chinese Characters I wrote are my name. Am I not allowed to write my own name? What a silly rule. Added Note : 2022 02 15 Since it's already restricted, then I added more Chinese Characters in this description. Major Characters The Six Dragons Club Members : Duanmuh Shannchyuan [ 端木 善泉 ] Shimen Yihshyong [ 西门 义雄 ] Dongfang Jenqyih [ 东方 正义 ] Nangong Iren [ 南宫 依仁 ] Beeihae Shinnshiow [ 北海 信秀 ] Jongharng Chioujen [ 中行 秋真 ] Supporting Characters Liuchiou Yinqyueh [ 闾丘 映月 ] : An orphan girl who saw an abduction in front of Dahfeisy Tower. Mingju Tsaehorng [ 明朱 彩虹 ] : A young painter who they helped six months ago. Gongyang Songfei [ 公羊 嵩飞 ] : A friend who is a detective wannabee. Minor Characters Shantyan Hannrong [ 山田 汉荣 ] : A custodian of the Dahfeisy Tower. This is a very slow pace story. So I am really sorry if this is not your cup of tea. There are things I have to explain about the story background : First It happened in some alternate universe. So the historical things that happened there were not identical to what happened in our universe. Second The characters live on another planet. So, in that universe, some catastrophe happened on their earth, forcing their ancestor to abandon earth. Third It happened thousands of years in the future. The technology is stagnant because they deliberate to choose to be static and reluctant to develop any new technology for some reasons.

LinMusen · Realistic
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197 Chs

Chapter 060 : Dongfang Jenqyih

Dongfang Jenqyih sat in the carriage that took her home. On the way, he was pensive, thinking about the things that had happened throughout the day. After a while, he felt sleepy. Maybe because this whole day was filled with activities that were so stressful, it wouldn't be strange if his body became tired. Twenty years ago, he had never tired like that. Working hard for twelve hours a day did not make him tired quickly. He couldn't deny that now he differed from his old self. Increasing age had weakened his body. He tried to hold back the drowsiness that attacked him fiercely. For a few minutes, he could still beat the drowsiness. But the attacks of sleepiness were increasingly hitting him. Finally, Jenqyih gave up too. He fell asleep.

Whether he had been asleep for a while, Jenqyih suddenly woke up. The sound of a child's loud cry had awakened Jenqyih from his sleep. The child sat right to the left of Jenqyih. A woman was sitting pensively to the child's left, who Jenqyih assumed was the mother. She didn't seem to care about her child, who was howling. Several pairs of other passengers' eyes on the train gazed at the mother and child. Jenqyih shifted his seat more to the right, so he wasn't too close to them. He's too lazy to interfere. By then, he was too tired to expend energy. Even just to reprimand, Jenqyih felt reluctant.

<<It's absolutely none of my business!>>

Fortunately, Jenqyih's destination station had not been missed. If you miss it, Jenqyih will be even more troubled because he has to get off and get back on the train in the opposite direction. One more station is the station where Jenqyih has to get off. Jenqyih was grateful that she woke up at the right time. Maybe he should thank the little boy, for crying out loud. As soon as she realized her destination station was so close, Jenqyih stood up and walked towards the door. He wanted to jump out as soon as the door opened. His body was exhausted.

The train arrived at the station Jenqyih was going to. He got off and forthwith walked out onto the surface. Wasting no time, Jenqyih walked quick, even half running. The tiredness that hit him as much as possible he endured for a while. When he got home, he would straight away take a shower and rest. Jenqyih realized that there was a possibility that he was being watched. But he didn't care. At that time, the most important thing for him was to be able to get home as soon as possible.

<<I guess the people watching over me must be just as tired as I am.>>

The distance from the station to the house was not too far. And it felt even closer because Jenqyih didn't observe his surroundings at all. The people who were currently watching him, had it been confirmed that he was being watched, would have done nothing that night. As fast as the wind, Jenqyih used his pair of legs that were actually tired to walk. In no time, he was in front of the house. After opening the gate, he bent to the right. There was a small pot there. Jenqyih lifted the small pot and took a lock on it. They did put a fence padlock under the little pot. After that, he locked the gate with the padlock.

Jenqyih walked briskly to the front door of the house. As usual, the door was locked. Each of them had a key to the front door and the fence. Jenqyih took the key to the front door out of his trouser pocket. Immediately, he unlocked the door and grabbed the doorknob. With a strong jerk, he opened the door.

Behind the door was their living room. The four friends had not slept yet. They all sat on the sofa in the living room. Their four pairs of eyes stared at Jenqyih with eyes that Jenqyih had difficulty describing. Jenqyih walked to the couch. He intended to throw himself right away on the couch, which, at that time, looked so comfortable.

<<I rest for a minute or two. After that, I will tell the story.>>

Shannchyuan rose from his seat. A fatherly smile graced his face. Gently, he patted Jenqyih's shoulder. The middle-aged man restrained Jenqyih from sitting down. "I think you should take a shower first. After resting for a while, then you can tell us what happened."

Shannchyuan's words made sense. Jenqyih nodded. He agreed to take their dahge's advice. Quickly, Jenqyih walked to his room and changed his clothes. He came out of the room in shorts and shirtless. Then he at once went to the bathroom to clean himself.

The flow of warm water that splashed all over his body really felt comfortable. Jenqyih even almost fell asleep while enjoying the warm water. Jenqyih realized he couldn't stay in the bathroom for long. Many people were waiting for him out there. A few minutes later, he finished his shower and was ready to tell his friends.

But, when Jenqyih arrived in the living room, Shannchyuan instead got up from the couch. He prepared to leave the room. "Have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, you should eat first."

Jenqyih had already eaten. But now he was hungry again. He followed Shannchyuan into the kitchen to get the food there without much thought. After leaving the kitchen, Jenqyih saw the other three friends sitting neatly in the dining room. Apparently, they had caught up with Jenqyih and Shannchyuan. They moved in silence so that Jenqyih didn't hear their voices. Even then, when Jenqyih caught up with them sitting in the dining room, all his friends didn't say a word. They were all patiently waiting for Jenqyih to finish eating.

After everything was settled, Jenqyih looked at his friends one by one. "You want me to talk here or we go back to the living room?"

Yihshyong raised his right hand. "We'd better go back to the living room. Miss Liuchiou is asleep. This place is too close to the room she is sleeping in. I'm afraid our voices will wake her up."

<<If so, why did you guys even move to sit in the dining room?>>

Jenqyih looked at Shannchyuan. The man nodded. They all then moved back into the living room. Before starting his story, Jenqyih looked back at the surrounding faces. This time, he told them the whole story.

Jenqyih told the things he had experienced since he left the house this afternoon. Before arriving at the part where Jenqyih will tell his meeting with his old friend, Jenqyih stopped his narration. He asked Shinnshiow to tell him what happened to him after they got separated. Shinnshiow said that he had already told everything to the other friends. Jenqyih insisted on asking Shinnshiow to tell them one more time. He said it was crucial. As the others simultaneously stared at Shinnshiow, the youngest of the five sitting in the living room finally agreed to repeat the story.