
The Six Guns: The Library

Part two of The Six Guns series: After The Six Guns crew disbanded, many people all over the world began to point their fingers in blame at The Six Guns, blaming them for the start and results of the war. After the country Omnia fell into chaos, and people all over the country struggled to keep their daily lives in order. It's now harder than ever for The Six Guns to hide their identities from anyone, especially now that the whole world has their eyes on them. Now, Siran takes on the job of collecting and preserving the records of what happened during The Naris Catastrophe. A job The Ly'Lum used to handle. However, many Hunters all around the world want The Six Guns crew dead. With the leading military super powers unsure about what their next move should be, and Omnia taken down, who's pulling the strings now?

LeoFraust · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
85 Chs


 A couple more months passed, and it was now Saturday, September 9th, 2215. Athena and Thor finally found Siran and Zia in Japan after looking all over for the rest of the crew. They had already checked up on the ones in Omnia and saw they were happy. To be satisfied though, Thor argued until Athena agreed to help him find Siran and Zia. When they found their house in Japan, they waited outside to not disturb them. Zia and Siran were in a group call with many of the other members who are now the Mages. In the room with Siran and Zia was Mikoto, Satomi, Ali, Benjie, Haruki and Daiki. It seemed they were having an important talk, so Athena made sure Thor didn't misbehave and interrupt them. "See?" Athena asks. "Happy now?"

 "I suppose that is good to know we didn't ruin their lives." Thor says. "I'm happy for them. Though our time was short, I'm glad we worked together."

 "Yeah, fantastic speech." Athena says as she opens a small and discreet portal. "Now get in."

 "Do you suppose everything will really be okay?" Thor asks as he walks towards the portal and prepares to get in.

 "There's no more entities on this earth that requires being removed." Athena says. "I'm sure Silas won't be a troublemaker, as he's good at staying out of trouble. Siran and Zia should pose an issue for my mission... but I'm sure I won't be asked to handle them." Athena laughs and jokingly says as Thor starts getting into the portal "You know, unless they go and have more kids and cause some sort of stir or something."

 Thor fully walks through the portal and Athena follows behind him. Though, just before she put her head through the portal, she accidentally overheard their conversation. "Well, I think we're all here." Holly says from the other side of the call. "What is the new you wanted to tell us so badly?"

 Zia gets excited and announces, "I'm pregnant!" Many of the crew begin to celebrate as Athena looks over in horror through the window. 

 The end of The Six Guns.