
The Six Fake Gods And The One To Expose Them

In a world where systems exist the power of a country is nothing something that matters. The whole world has been united underneath one government that rules everything, including the system users. System users are remembered as legends of the past. But with almost everything being available to see online, the current system users have gotten arrogant and live as they please, believing themselves to be Gods. In history only six system users have ever exists at a time, and it has stayed that way. Even if you look back during the most ancient scriptures you'll only find six system users at a time. But although only six have ever existed, it was always possible for there to be seven systems users at a time, but there never was. So what happens if a seventh system user comes along? And what would they do with their powers?

Original_Sin · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Two: Judge, Jury and Executioner.

I heard the guy I was dragging groaning as he started to come back into consciousness. He looked pretty bad, his nose had stopped bleeding as much, but the blood still stained his face and some of shirt.

I heard Joe come back behind me, and when I looked at him I saw he had an axe. I had an idea of why he had it, and although it slightly bothered me, it didn't affect me as much as I thought it would.

I think I know the reason. When my father just up and left one day, I made a promise to myself. Make sure to protect my family, and if anyone hurts them, pay them back by hurting them one hundred times worse.

And this guy was about to be the first person to face the conviction of that promise I told myself.

The guy finally started to gain an understanding of his surroundings and when he saw me he tried to go and run. But he couldn't move.

I had already known he was going to try and run, so I found a bicycle lock and chained his hands to a pipe at the side of the alley.

"Who are you?" He demanded to know in a panicked voice.

"I'll tell you later." I responded to him, surprising Joe a bit, before he realised he might really like where this was going. "But instead, how about you tell me who you are?" I questioned him.

The guy snarled at me before answering anyways. "I'm Hugo King, I think you already know that though." He responded. "I'm part of The Jade Mammoths, don't act like you don't know that."

I looked at him in surprise. That was the gang of one of the system users, and definitely not a good one. He was basically a terrorist trying to take down the government because he had a dislike for them.

But instead of responding with fear like he wanted I instead put a smirk on my face while looking down on, figuratively and physically. "Don't care."

"W-what?" He let out in shock before his eyes finally landed on the person beside me. He didn't know who it was, but he was even more scared, as the axe had a little smudge of blood at the blade of it.

"But I'm glad you are who I was looking for, otherwise this would be super awkward." I said a little embarrassed while scratching the back of my head.

'How is he so calm?' Hugo thought. 'I might be killed today and he's acting like nothings happening?!'

"But relax, I won't kill you." I promised him something I intended to keep. I then took his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it with his face.

Although he tried to not let me, turning his face away, so I had to use one hand to hold him still.

"Now, let's see what we have here." I mumbled while pacing around a bit.

I then went into his photos and after a bit of scrolling, I found what I was looking for.

I wanted this Hugo guy to drop dead right now, but I had to wait.

I then turned around to Hugo with a dark look in my eyes, although I couldn't see it, I was practically all hatred at the moment.

"Like I promised, I'll tell you my name." I said to him, surprising Hugo and Joe, who both thought I wouldn't actually tell him. "My name is Jayden Zephaniel, don't act like you don't know who I am." I said mocking him from early.

But unlike me who didn't believe that he was part of the Jade Mammoths and actually didn't know who the guy was. This fucker definitely knew who I was.

"I see…" he said quietly while looking down. He then looked up at me again while having a wide almost crazy smirk on his face. "So you're that fucker that bitch kept saying would kill us once you found out! Well, you don't look like much to me! Just like her you will bend to my will! Who knows, maybe right now my boys are-."

He didn't get to finish his crazy rant as kicked his kidneys at full force. He let out a sharp breath at that and couldn't catch it for a few seconds before coughing, his face in a constant visage of pain.

"Shut up." I said coldly. Before bending down and hitting him across the face. I looked at fist after I did it and blocked out all other sounds. I really liked the feeling of hurting someone who hurt someone close to me.

I then went back and hit him across the face without mercy.

All the while this was going on Joe just stood back and let Jayden get his anger out. He didn't know what issues these two had, but he knew that Jayden wouldn't let Hugo leave here alive.

But he also knew that he had to stop Jayden from continuing, or else he might actually kill the guy.

Joe went over and with a bit of effort pulled Jayden away from Hugo.

"You can't kill him, yet." Joe says sternly to me, to which I, although reluctantly, move away from Hugo to calm down.

While I was away from them, Joe decided to go over to Hugo, and see if he could get some information out of him. "Wake up." Joe says before slapping Hugo in the face.

Hugo wakes up with a start and starts coughing and breathing heavily. "Now, tell me what my boss wants to know." Joe demanded to hugo.

Hugo shook his head in confusion trying to regain some sense that wasn't completely messed up. "I… don't know… what he… wants…'' Hugo said as he took breaths in between the words.

"I want to know who else is in on it." I said from the back.

Hugo took a few more deep breaths that were actually starting to hurt him, making him hiss in pain. "If I tell you… promise me… you'll let me go…" he begged me.

I thought about it before nodding my head in acceptance. "Yeah, I'll let you go. I promise." I said honestly.

Hugo nodded his head gratefully before spilling the names of the people involved.

John, Luka, Axel, and J.J, these were the people involved with it. I didn't know any of them, except for J.J, who I went to school with. I knew he was a bit of a weird person, and hung out with some unsavory people, but I didn't know he would go that far.

But that didn't matter to me, if he was involved in it I wouldn't give him a lighter punishment just because I knew him.

So with that information I asked one final question. "What's the password to your phone?" I asked with innocent curiosity.

"...what?" He said confused before coughing, while processing my question since things were starting to calm down. "It's one, seven, three, two, one, eight." Hugo said before coughing again.

While Joe kept his eyes on Hugo while he sat casually on a bin near him, I on the other hand checked to make sure that the password was correct. And once I confirmed that it was, I nodded my head happily.

"Thank you for your cooperation." I said while putting his phone in my pocket. I then went to Hugo and snapped the bicycle lock, as it was pretty weak from the rust on it.

"I'll let you go." I informed Hugo having a smile on my face. Both Joe and Hugo looked at me shocked, not actually thinking I would keep my promise of me letting Hugo go.

Hugo didn't waste any time and although struggling he staggered to his feet and started to limp out of the alleyway we were in.

"I said I would let you go." Hugo heard and he turned his head to look at Jayden who wasn't looking his way and instead at his the phone he had taken off of him.

"But," he continued. "I never said Joe would have to let you go."

Hugo didn't need to hear any more before he tried to scream for help, but instead all he got was a hand over his mouth muffling his screams.

He then got thrown back by the hand on his head, making everything ring in his mind and his vision turned blurry. It was like all his senses were dialed up to eleven but not in a good way.

"Help… me…" Hugo said quietly as he tried to shout, but the damage to his head was starting to take a toll on him. He probably had a concussion, so it was no surprise to Joe or Jayden that he couldn't speak properly.

I looked at Hugo on the ground, who was staring in my direction with blurry eyes that he couldn't see out of properly.

I took one look at him, before my attention was back on the phone and the promise I made to myself.


And with that Joe didn't try and hide the crazy smile that overcame his face as he lifted the axe above his head.

The axe had a shine on it from a beam of sun getting in the alley and when Hugo saw it barely, it was like it was mocking him.

It was the thing that would decide his fate. An axe. Not even something that was supposed to be used for killing and he was being killed by one.

So, with Jayden acting as the judge and jury, he sealed Hugo's fate by starting to walk out of the alley, not really bothered by the mumblings starting to come out of Hugo.

And then with Joe acting as executioner, and for the time being, the one to act out Jaydens will. He did the deed.

He brought the shining axe down and sliced off Hugo's head, the axe itself going through the neck like clean butter while a splash of blood followed it. Some of it got on Joe's shoes while most of it just spilled out onto the ground where the decapitated body of Hugo lay dead.

Joe bent down and cleaned the axe onto parts of Hugo's clean non bloody clothes before deciding that it was clean enough and followed Jayden out of the alley who was just looking at the dead body of Hugo with no clear emotion in his eyes.

They both got back to the Main Street in silence before Joe started to talk. "You really had me on edge, I thought you were really going to let him live. You know, you're a convincing liar."

I scoffed at that. "Of course I wasn't going to let him go." I said immediately. "He hurt someone close to me, and that's unforgivable. Him and the others probably put more mental torture on her than I did to him, I just wanted him to understand a fraction of that." I said while I could feel a cold anger build inside of me, I wasn't normally an angry person. But I had every reason to be angry today.

"Really?" Joe said, confused. "I would have thought that what you did was worse than what they did to this person that they're hurting." Joe honestly voiced his opinion.

"Some might see it that way." I started to explain my point of view. "But, unlike the victims of what was happening and what just happened now, a part of them knows that they aren't going to live, whether that be actual death or spending the majority of their life in prison. But the victims of what I was talking about, are powerless. They can't say anything, in case what the person has on them is leaked, and they can't end it with that person as they have something against them. And then when they do speak up, sometimes it's mostly ignored or takes too long in court for it to be relevant any more. It's an endless trap, and the only way to end it is just like we did. By taking out the source."

Joe looked at Jayden a little shocked before he thought about it and nodded his head. "I guess so, they are wise words in some viewpoints. Although some will see it as flawed. I mean, it's not like everyone can go around killing people just because someone did something wrong."

I looked at Joe a little weird. "True, but what do you kill for then? You didn't have any hesitation there. In fact you jumped at the opportunity."

Joe shook his head in denial. "You're right. I don't kill because it's the right thing to do." Then that smile he had when the axe was above his head came back as he spoke. "I kill just because it's fun."

I looked a little shocked at Joe that he would just admit that straight out, but everyone was different and I would learn eventually. So, he wasn't famous, he was probably infamous.

That's another hint towards who he is.

I honestly thought I would have the first chapter of the fan fic version done in two chapters, but I guess not. And yes, Joe is a real person in real life, but I changed the name of them, even though the person who Joe is based on was never confirmed to be him.

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