
The Sisters Law

Sisters Marybeth and Sophia find themselves thrust into the wilds of a new world, Luxitas. Alone, afraid and with strange powers, these sisters must find a way to not only survive but thrive amongst the Magic, Monsters and Gods. Will they make it home or be lost forever? Their answer lies within The Laws. NEW EPISODES EVERY DAY MON - FRI

K_JLopez · Fantasy
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15 Chs


"So this Law Keeper can help us get home?" Marybeth asked as she tried to keep up with the long stride of Aer while also pulling Sophie along.

"There is a possibility that they can." Franklin's voice echoed in Marybeth's mind despite him flying forty feet up in the air. "If your coming to our world has anything to do with your Law then the Law Keeper can tell you how it works."

"How it works? Do they have a book or something? Some kind of instructions?" Marybeth asked.

"Sort of," Franklin continued. "They can inform you of the name of your Law, its requirements, and your recompense. Though the answers are not always as clear as they could be. Your requirements could be as vague as an emotional state or extremely specific like consuming a certain food."

"Eating food can be a requirement?" Marybeth asked while shaking her head.

"Yes, it can be," Aer commented. "I knew a fella who, when he ate a certain type of grape, could breathe underwater."

"I have so many questions," Marybeth said. "First. How long did it last? When he ate more than one grape did the effect last longer? What happens if he had a type of wine made from the grape, would that work too? What if the grape was a part of another dish would that also work?"

"Marybeth," Sophie pulled on the sleeve of Marybeth's jacket. "You're asking too many questions again."

"Am I not allowed to ask questions? It's kind of a lot to take in. I…I… I just need a way to cope with all of this." Marybeth wrapped her arms around herself as a cool breeze reminded her that she was still wet and the sun was setting. "We need to get into some new clothes. How much farther till we get to Freebrook?"

"We are already here." Aer motioned with his arms as the group came to the crest of a long grassy hill. Below them, a half of a mile away was the fishing town of Freebrook. The town was nestled on the outcropping of the Greenreed river. It was surrounded by a small wooden wall no more than ten feet tall. The wall curved from a southern point of the river around the town and touch a northern section. All the buildings in Freebrook were no taller than a single story. At the town's center was an old birch tree over sixty feet tall with golden leaves that fell among the grey tiled roofs. Small fishing canoes were drifting in and out of the town's harbor on its eastern front. There were two more gates that the sisters could see. A gate directly ahead of them that followed a dirt path around the southern border wall and a western gate with a cobblestone road leading into a series of long hills.

"When we make it to town I'll show you the best inn west of the Greenreed. We'll get you some new clothes and see about making our way to see a Law Keeper." Aer said as he started making his way down the long hill.

"How far away is the Law Keeper?" Sophie asked running up next to Aer with a skip in her step.

"The closest one I know is beyond the Valley of Keepers at the capital city of Kasteria," Aer said his long chain clinking together as he walked.

"Is it far?" Sophie asked.

"If you're lucky you'll be there in two weeks. Give or take a few days." Aer reached inside a small brown pouch at his hip and pulled out a long piece of dried meat and started chewing.

"Two weeks?" Marybeth fell in step with the two of them. "It's going to take that long?"

"I'm afraid he's right Marybeth," Franklin's voice called into her mind. "If we can find a transporter or a traveling merchant willing to let you tag along then it will be a week before you reach the Crossing Rivers where you can find a boat that will take you to Kasteria."

"Marybeth what about mother?" Sophie turned to look at her sister.

"We need to worry about ourselves right now. Mother will be fine." Marybeth put on a forced smile trying to reassure her sister. Sophie just nodded back and then let out a loud squeal of glee as a deer came walking towards them. It was a foot taller than Aer and its antlers were covered in a variety of blooming flowers. Pink, blue and yellow all tangled together like they had grown there their entire lives.

Sophie stopped in her tracks, eyes wide open and with a massive grin on her face. Deer were Sophie's favorite animal. She always yelled as loud as she could when she spotted one in their backyard eating at their mother's raspberry bush. Marybeth always had to remind her to be quiet or they would run away.

"Marybeth look! It's so beautiful." Sophie held her hands to her mouth and tried not to scream in delight.

"Make way." The deer called out, its head held high. The deer walked right between the three of them never once taking a moment to stop or even acknowledge that it had forced them to move. Sophie looked at Marybeth her eyebrows furled in confusion.

As soon as the deer was out of earshot Marybeth spoke up. "Guess the deer here aren't as friendly as those back in our world."

Aer shrugged and Franklin swooped down nearby and towards the city gate.

Freebrook was full of strange and wonderful things. All of it was entirely exotic and new. They saw two-headed humans, werewolves playing a game that looked like chess, a school of flying fish being ushered forward by a woman with a dragon tattoo on her face that Sophie swore she saw wink at her. There was a band of dwarves playing musical instruments, an elf floating in the air on a stack of brightly glowing bubbles, and even an extremely fat fairy drifting with its feet dragging against the ground in a drunken stupor.

"Stay close to me," Aer said to both sisters. "It may look like fun but the town's guard are non-existent here. It's everyone for themselves in Freebrook"

"You said that the reason for that was because of someone name Malis. Why is that?" Marybeth asked as a dwarf suddenly flew out of a nearby shack kicked by a minotaur with one horn.

"I'm not entirely sure. The rumors I have heard are they have either been bought out, eaten, or disappeared entirely. So the townsfolk here are always looking for help and protection from the Mercenary Guild. That's why I was here. To see if I could help." Aer put his arm out to stop them. "Here we are."

Marybeth and Sophie found themselves standing in front of a clothing stand selling all sorts of ridiculous-looking clothes. Multi-colored cloaks and hoods, long red shirts with coiled snake threading, and green pants with uneven lengths for each leg.

"Pick something. Don't worry. I can pay for it. Go on. Let's get you something dry to wear and then find an inn before night falls." Aer motioned with his arms for the girls to openly check out the stand.

Sophie didn't hesitate and immediately jumped in and started shuffling clothes around. She lifted up bright shirts and metallic belts to see if they fit her. Marybeth was more cautious. Everything was too bright and colorful for her. It all hurt her eyes and looked like a rainbow bled on all the clothes. Aer left the two of them in the store but not before he whispered something to the shopkeeper and dropped a bag into his hands.

Franklin fluttered from behind a hanging drapery and roosted next to Marybeth.

"I wouldn't trust that Aer. I have never known a fighter from the Mercenaries Guild doing all of this out of the kindness of their heart. Be careful Marybeth Anders. You can't trust anyone." Franklin twisted his head in a flurry and flitted off into the sky. "I will meet you later at the inn."

"Marybeth look at this." Sophie twirled around in the stand wearing a long dress with swirls of green, copper, and gold colors. "Can I get it? Please?"

"We aren't paying for this Sophie. We need to be conservative. Can we just get these please?" Marybeth pointed at what were surely the only plain-looking clothes in the stand. Simple brown and green shirts, long dark pants, and grey cloaks. They found shoes that fit the two of them and undergarments to change into. The two swapped their clothes behind a curtain at the back of the stand and now finally had on some dry clothes. Leaving the stall they found Aer waiting for them in his hands were two short swords. "One last gift." The lizard-man said.