
16. Chapter 16

June 13, 2104 - This chapter is much shorter than the previous two, but I think you will enjoy the ending. Thanks again for the added birthday wishes. I saved my birthday pie until yesterday (too full the night before) and enjoyed it thinking about how great a day I had the day before. Plus yesterday I got to see several pictures of my son. He's on the road all summer with The Cavaliers Drum & Bugle Corps. They are coming soon to hopefully a field near you! Check them out at

Chapter 16

The next morning, Georgiana met Elizabeth as she was going down the stairs for breakfast.

"Oh good, now I do not have to ask directions to the breakfast room. I had considered just following my nose though!"

"And good morning to you too, Elizabeth! Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning, Georgiana," Elizabeth grinned, "How could I not sleep well in such a bed. I really mean it when I say that I will be spoiled when I return to Longbourn."

Mrs. Annesley was already in the breakfast room when they arrived.

"Has my brother been down to breakfast yet, Mrs. Annesley?"

"Yes, he was just leaving when I came in. He said he had an early appointment today."

"When will you be leaving?" Georgiana asked

"Mr. Darcy ordered the carriage to be ready to take me at 10:00. It should not take too long to get there."

"I shall miss your company, Mrs. Annesley."

"And I shall miss yours, Miss Darcy."

"Georgiana," Elizabeth started, "What do you have planned for us today?"

"Well, it is such a fine day and I hate to waste such a day indoors this time of year. I was thinking we could go for a walk after Mrs. Annesley leaves. After lunch I thought we could go shopping. There are several things I am in need of and I would like your opinion. Is this agreeable with you?"

"It sounds lovely. And speaking of shopping, we went shopping the day you arrived and ordered two new gowns for Jane. They will be ready for a fitting tomorrow at 11:00. My Aunt has asked if we would meet Jane and her there."

"That would be most agreeable, Elizabeth. I greatly enjoy the company of your aunt and sister. Please send a message informing them we will be there and also ask them to join us for lunch as well."

"That is very generous of you, Georgiana. I am sure they would be pleased to join us for lunch."

At 10 o'clock Georgiana saw Mrs. Annesley off and she prepared for her walk with Elizabeth.

"I hope you dressed warmly, Elizabeth!" Georgiana warned as they left the house.

"Do not worry, I came prepared. I had a feeling you and I would be doing a fair amount of walking on my visit."

"Do tell me of news from Hertfordshire."

"Well, the most important news is the betrothal of my friend Charlotte Lucas to my cousin Mr. Collins."


"Georgiana", Elizabeth laughed, "that is most un-lady like. Mrs. Annesley is not even to her daughter's house and already you are misbehaving!"

"Tell me my reaction was any different than yours when you heard the news."

"I was able to keep my opinions to myself!"

"But your opinion is roughly the same as mine. Come now, admit it, Elizabeth!"

"Georgiana, I am in total agreement."

"You could never marry a man like that, Elizabeth."

"That is why I refused when he asked," Elisabeth said playfully.

Georgiana stopped walking and turned to face Elizabeth. "That toad of a man had the gall to ask for your hand in marriage? The pompous fool thought you would accept?"

"Yes," Elizabeth sighed, "I was hoping to avoid it, though I saw it coming. My father obviously supported my decision but my mother did not. That is one of the reasons I was so eager to accept your invitation. But indeed, I also wanted to spend time with you."

Georgiana started walking again. "I am happy you came and I am glad I could provide some relief. I still cannot believe my Aunt's clergyman thought you would want to marry him. When is their wedding planned?"

"The ides of March!"

"You are joking! How could anyone willingly choose that for a wedding day? An ill omen for any marriage."

"I totally agree but I do not think my cousin has read much Shakespeare, Georgiana."

"But what about Miss Lucas?"

"I think she knows but has decided not to press the point. However, I do need to be back in Herefordshire for the wedding."

"So I will not be able to persuade you into staying more than a month past your original stay?"

"You may want to wait to extend such an invitation until after I have been here more than a few days Georgiana!"

"We shall see. It is about time we started heading back. What else do you have to tell me?"

Elizabeth and Georgiana enjoyed a companionable walk back to Darcy House. When they arrived, Georgiana was informed that her brother had returned and would be joining them for lunch.

While they were eating, Darcy asked them about their plans for the rest of the day.

"Elizabeth and I are going to do some shopping."

"Yes, Georgiana has told me she needs to pick up some items and I need to do some looking myself. My father provided me with some extra funds to buy some new gowns and accessories, without the supervision of my mother."

Darcy and Georgiana exchanged a look. When Georgiana nodded her head Darcy began.

"Miss Bennet, I am glad the subject has come up. For what I am about to say please forgive me if I offend you. It is not my purpose but I must speak plainly for you to understand what it is that I am saying. Your father was generous and wise to give you the extra money. I think he realized that your stay here would necessitate an expansion of your current wardrobe."

"Yes, that is what he said. He also said my uncle agreed with him and would be able to provide me with extra funds if it was necessary."

"I do not believe that it will be. Miss Bennet, it seems then that you are aware of the difference in the circles of our family and acquaintances. I do not mean to disparage your family Miss Bennet. Whilst we will not be going to any balls, there will be times when you will be in company of people who will judge you by the clothes that you wear, I am sorry to say. Georgiana and I had planned on helping you with your wardrobe for these occasions. We do not wish to see you uncomfortable. Now before you say no, please hear me out. I am sure that the shops your aunt frequents are fine establishments but they will not be places that will possess the level of quality our circle demands. You must have an idea of how many items you would have been able to purchase at your aunt's shops. We shall take that figure and have you purchase the same number of things, but at the shops Georgiana patronizes. You will contribute the amount of money that your father has set aside and I will cover the rest."

"Mr. Darcy, Georgiana, you must know that this offer is much too generous for me to accept."

"Elizabeth, I knew you would react this way." Georgiana smiled at her brother before continuing. "But Fitzwilliam is right. Please do not worry about the money. I never, ever come close to spending my clothing allowance. Even this added amount will not do it. Trust me."

"But Georgiana, I still do not feel right about this."

"And it does you credit, Elizabeth. I know that you have never sought my friendship for material benefits. Please let me do this for you."

"I do not know, Georgiana." Elizabeth said doubtfully

"You have forced my hand then. If you do not accept then I shall be forced to write to your mother and complain that I am trying to 'put you in the paths of rich young men' but that you will not cooperate and that I need her help in persuading you!"

"Georgiana Darcy! That is Blackmail!" Elizabeth cried.

"Yes it is; I had a good teacher!" Georgiana replied with a smirk. She knew she had won.

"I only taught you impertinence. You moved to blackmail all on your own."

"Then you agree, Miss Bennet?" Darcy asked.

"Unfortunately I see the wisdom and reasonableness in your offer, Mr. Darcy. At least I shall return to Longbourn the best dressed daughter - for once."

"I never have found you lacking, Elizabeth," Georgiana replied heartfelt.

'Neither have I,' Darcy added to himself.

"Then it is settled. You ladies have a good time spending my money. I shall see you at dinner." Darcy said excusing himself.

When he was gone Georgiana could barely contain herself.

"This is going to be so much fun, Elizabeth. I have never gone with someone else on a shopping trip like this. We will both look fabulous when we are done."

"Let us hope so, my pride can only take so much!"

With that the ladies prepared themselves for an afternoon at London's finest modistes.

"Georgiana, whatever you do, do not let me know how much we actually spent today." Elizabeth said as they rode home later that day from shopping.

"My lips are sealed!"

"Good! It will be hard enough explaining this to my father. Unfortunately, Mama will say she expected you to do it all along. I just hope she does not notice until I have been home for a few days at least."

That evening, dinner was an even more intimate affair with the loss of Mrs. Annesley.

"Did you enjoy your shopping today, ladies?" Darcy asked.

"Your sister took great delight in dressing me up, Mr. Darcy. I felt like a doll with all of the fabrics I had draped over me." Elizabeth replied.

"We ordered some beautiful gowns that I am sure will look lovely on Elizabeth. The first ones will be ready for a fitting on Wednesday then ready to be picked up Friday."

"Good, because we have been asked to dine with Uncle and Aunt Matlock on Saturday, Georgiana." Darcy explained further, "My uncle is the Earl of Matlock. Our mother was his sister, Miss Bennet."

"I see."

"Elizabeth, do not worry. My Aunt Matlock is one of the most sensible people I know. She has been the closest relation to a mother I have had since my own passed away. She will love you. I was thinking about calling on her this Wednesday, after we go to the fitting. Would that be amenable to you?"

"Georgiana, I am at your mercy dear. I will go with you wherever you will. Do not worry, I rise to the challenge whenever anyone attempts to intimidate me!" Elizabeth grinned.

"Just remember that if you ever meet my other aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh." Georgiana quipped.

"Mr. Collins' noble patroness?"

"Unfortunately, yes!" Georgiana answered.

"What a tangled web we weave! Now I am doubly convinced of my father's good sense." Elizabeth replied.

"Why do you say that, Miss Bennet?" Darcy asked intrigued.

"He was very relieved that Mr. Collins chose Charlotte Lucas to be his bride instead of one of his own daughters. No entailment was worth that." Elizabeth answered. It was close enough to the truth to not be actually lying.

"Fitzwilliam, you will never guess the date of Mr. Collins and Miss Lucas' wedding."

"And when will it be?"

"The Ides of March!" Georgiana and Elizabeth chorused together.

Darcy eyed them in wonder and then the three of them burst out in laughter simultaneously.

"Does this mean he will name his first born Brutus, or will just plain William suffice" Darcy managed to say. That only brought on more fits of laughter.

Finally they were able to regain their composure.

"I wonder what Lady Catherine will say when she hears the date." Elizabeth offered.

"Knowing my Aunt as we do, she will have a great deal to say about it, and anything else pertaining to the wedding, honeymoon, setting up housekeeping, proper transportation and all." Darcy answered.

They all shared a knowing look and proceeded to finish their dinner.

Charles Bingley arrived back in London after a long, hard month in Manchester. He was anxious to be off to Netherfield but he had some business to attend to in London first. Among the many things he needed to do was to meet with his solicitor to prepare his personal accounts so that they would be ready for him to marry. He hoped Miss Bennet had missed him as much as he missed her and would be willing to let him press his suit soon. He believed she returned his affections but any doubts would not subside until he could see her again.

He found Caroline at home by herself that evening.

"Caroline! It is good to see you again. I am surprised Louisa and Hurst are not here."

"I am glad you are back in Town again Charles. Louisa and Mr. Hurst had another engagement this evening. Louisa will be happy to see you too. What news do you have from Manchester?"

Bingley spent the next 20 minutes relating all of his dealings there. Caroline listened politely waiting to set her schemes in motion.

"I have business in Town these next few days but I am planning to return to Netherfield as soon as it is completed. Have you heard from Miss Bennet?"

"Charles," Caroline began in her most soulful voice, "I did not wish to alarm you in my letters to you. I knew you had much on your mind."

"What is it Caroline?" Bingley asked, his mind filling with dread.

"I received a letter from Miss Bennet shortly after I returned to town. She informed me that she was going to visit old friends of the family, a family by the name of Walter I believe, in Devonshire."

"Did she say when she would be returning to Longbourn?"

"Yes, she was to be gone until the end of February."

"Two more months!" Bingley was devastated. How could she leave for so long when she knew he was coming back to call on her as soon as he could.

"That is not all Charles. She wrote of her anticipation of renewing her acquaintance with a Mr. Andrew Walter, the eldest son."

This sent Bingley reeling. His sister saw it and was ready for the kill.

"Charles, if you are to be returning to Netherfield I will send word to the housekeeper there and have the house opened and made ready for you. Will you be leaving before Friday or will your business keep you in town longer?"

"I do not know Caroline. I will tell you in the morning."

"Very good, Charles. I am happy to see you safely in London again. But you must be hungry and exhausted. Why not freshen up and I will have cook prepare you a tray for you in your room."

"Thank you, Caroline. I am afraid I am in no mood for company anymore this evening."

Caroline rose and put her hand on her brother's shoulder. "It will be well, Charles. I am sure that a good night's rest is all you need. You will know how to proceed in the morning."

With that she left to give instructions to the kitchen staff.

'That was easier than I thought! There is no way he will ever return to Netherfield now. As long as he does not accidentally bump into Jane whilst she is in town these next six weeks everything will turn out exactly as I plan. I will have to keep my eye on Charles. They should not meet; we travel in such different circles after all.'

The next morning Bingley decided to pay Darcy a call. He would know what to do. He did not tell Caroline where he was going. He just said he had an appointment. He did not want his sister along to interfere and try and monopolize Darcy's attention.

Bingley arrived at Darcy House and was just being ushered into the hall when Georgiana and Elizabeth came down preparing to leave.

"Miss Bennet! What a surprise! I had no idea you were in town."

"Mr. Bingley, it IS a pleasure to see you again sir. Georgiana invited me to stay with her for six weeks. Jane and I arrived in Town on the 27th. As a matter of fact, Georgiana and I were just on our way to meet her and our Aunt at the modiste's.

"Miss Bennet is in London!" cried Bingley incredulously.


Looks like someone will have some 'splaining to do!